Shura God Emperor

Chapter 810: Think carefully

After hearing this, Bao Zhi's face changed drastically, killing the queen! How could this ordinary person have the courage to say such a thing?

If it spreads like this, it is simply a crime of betraying the dynasty!

Moreover, with this kid's ability, is it possible?

Even if it is possible, how can it be possible to fight the entire royal family with one person's power?

In Bao Zhi's view, in the current Chenbei Dynasty, there were indeed very few people who could suppress Xiao Yu.

Less, but it doesn’t mean there is no one.

For example, the masters of Tianfumen, or some princes experienced outside.

Especially those experienced princes, this kind of potential power, as long as they see the royal family in trouble, they will come back no matter what, even if they don't care about the queen's face, they still have to care about their surname Zhao.

Xiao Yu said faintly: "You may be wrong. I am going to kill the queen, not against your royal family. Regarding this, I don't think your royal family Zhao family will have any objections."

Zhao Hongli was slightly surprised, and on the surface Shanghai calmly said: "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Yu finally stopped going around in circles, saying: "I'm just curious, why the Queen, an ordinary woman from the people, can sit on such a precious throne. And I also heard that the Queen is in charge of an imperial decree. Deadlock, for so many years, there is no news about the king's deadlock. Haven't you sons ever worried?"

Having said that, Zhao Hongli finally changed his face, even Bao Zhi next to him was also moved.

Yes, they actually thought about this issue, especially Zhao Hongli.

At the beginning, Zhao Hongli's father, who was also the monarch of the Chenbei Dynasty, said that he would shut down, and then leave everything to the queen. The entire dynasty was a sensation.

The sensation turned into a sensation, but it was relieved very quickly.

After all, for a cultivator, sometimes it encounters a bottleneck, and retreat from the dead is quite common.

Of course, there is a great danger in retreating to death. Either your cultivation base will increase greatly after you come out, or you will die.

Years have passed, and many people have actually forgotten about this incident, and they even secretly speculate that the king is dead after his retreat.

But the queen did not announce to the outside.

First, even if he died in retreat on the way, this event itself is a major event. The death of the king, must this make the dynasty change its face?

Secondly, maybe the king is not dead yet and is still in retreat, so there is no need to explain to the outside world.

"You mean, the queen did something bad for the father or the dynasty?" Zhao Hongli quickly guessed what Xiao Yu wanted to say, and stared at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "I don't know, so I want to ask you clearly, don't you want to know the reason?"

Zhao Hongli's eyes flickered uncertainly.

Of course he wants to know what kind of situation his father is now, but only the queen knows where his father is in retreat and whether he has died.

As soon as Bao Zhi saw Zhao Hongli hesitated, he hurriedly exclaimed, "Don't provoke us to separate us, kid. Hasn't our dynasty been in peace for these years?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and said nothing.

He had been in contact with the queen, and at first he thought she was just a weak woman with no cultivation base, but later, the queen sent people to kill him, and constantly made trouble for him, Xiao Yu was thinking about a question— —

The queen obviously can send more powerful masters to eradicate Xiao Yu from the beginning, so that there is no worries about why he is still allowed to do whatever he wants in the dynasty now.

Just when the queen didn’t put Xiao Yu in her eyes at first, thinking that she could kill people with the sword, but from the capital, to the southern region, and then to the Xisha region, judging from the progress of his strength and talent, the queen should not be more worried ?

But the result? As a result, there was no news in the past few days, and there was no movement from the queen!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Xiao Yu began to worry about a problem. This time, what the Queen was considering was definitely not that simple.

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