Shura God Emperor

Chapter 812: Yunying died

The man who fell at the gate of the city was surprisingly Yunying.

As soon as Xiao Yu's order was passed, Yun Ying brought it over soon.

At this time, Yunying was extremely tragic, with a lot of scars all over her body, almost in a dying state.

Seeing this, Xiao Yu hurried forward, but just stepped forward, and suddenly, from Yunying's body, a black mist filled with black ink, and then turned into a giant claw towards Xiao Yu. Caught it.

Zhao Hongli and Bao Zhi originally wanted to get together to look at them, but their expressions changed drastically after this discovery, and they pushed away.

And that huge black claw turned towards Xiao Yu.

"The secret method of the ghost gate!" Zhao Hongli looked moved.

This kind of breath is sinister and sinister, who is it if it is not a ghost door?

Xiao Yu was also taken aback and hurriedly backed away. He gritted his teeth, and even though Shura's power exploded, his palm was printed.


A huge burst of anger suddenly sprayed out, the black mist was dispersed, and Xiao Yu was also shaken back three steps.

"So deep skill!" Xiao Yu was slightly surprised.

For him, this kind of breath felt like deja vu.

"Could it be..."

In such a short period of time that Xiao Yu was thinking about it, suddenly, the black fog that had been dispersed had condensed again, and this time it turned into a black shadow beast, directly rushing towards Xiao Yu.

Obviously, the power of this corpse was dropped into Yunying's body in order to come out to kill at this time.

Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and Shura's power spurred again, and the blood-colored power turned into a blood-colored whirlpool posture on the palm of Xiao Yu's palm, and then Xiao Yu drew up with a palm.


Strangely, the beast that the power of the corpse turned into was swallowed by the whirlpool of the power of Shura during the confrontation.


Suddenly, in the whole hall, there was some gloomy wind screaming, and the howling sound was like the creepy sound of the wild forest at night.

After a long while, the black mist was swallowed by Xiao Yu's Shura power whirlpool, and Zhao Hongli and Bao Zhi were shocked when they saw this.

The power of Guimingmen's cultivation technique is even better than that of their royal family's Blue Grade cultivation technique. The power given to Black Mist just now contains at least the strength of the early masters of the Void Pill Realm, but it is actually three. Was he absorbed by this young man's weird **** pattern power in just two strokes?

This is simply unheard of!

It's just that they saw that after a while, Xiao Yu frowned, and a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the blood showed a dark color.

The black blood was spit out, as if there was life, it was creeping as if to escape.


Xiao Yu snorted coldly, and the Tian Beng Shen flash tactic urged him to trample this black blood into powder with one kick.

Zhao Hongli and Bao Zhi who watched this scene were dumbfounded.

Xiao Yu didn't have time to explain, so he immediately went to Yunying's side to check. This time, he cautiously urged a trace of spiritual power into Yunying's body to probe. Fortunately, the power of the corpse had disappeared.

Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately ordered: "Hurry up and ask someone to bring her in to heal her injuries!"

Bao Zhi quickly reacted and called someone to work.

Xiao Yu frowned, not knowing what he was thinking, but Bao Zhi came back after a long while.


"She...nothing, but there are some signs of erosion of her internal organs, at least she won't wake up tomorrow."

Xiao Yu looked at Zhao Hongli, who stared at him with bright eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu told the story about Xuefeng Mountain.

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