Shura God Emperor

Chapter 813: The truth in the dark

Xiao Yu didn't tell them about the sub-rudder of Xuefeng Mountain's Ghost Underworld Gate. He had only said that the Ghostly Underworld Gate of Sand Region was the sub-rudder.

When Zhao Hongli and the others heard about what Xiao Yu had done in Xuefeng Mountain in the Southern Region, they were all surprised.

They were surprised in two ways.

The first aspect is that Xiao Yu actually used his own power to destroy Xuefengshan's sub-rudder?

At that time, the strength of this young man, it is estimated that he has not reached the pill formation stage, right?

On the other hand, it is the Ghost Gate, in addition to Xuefeng Mountain and Xisha Region, there are actually three sub-rudders!

In other words, even if the sub-rudder of the ghost gate of Xisha Region is destroyed, there are two more?

Isn't the Chenbei Dynasty always in danger?

Xiao Yu said solemnly: "This is the real reason why I want to ask you about the queen. The Southern Territory Mountain is high and the emperor is far away. Although the Queen does not want to have much head-on conflict with the Southern Territory, if the Queen is cruel, the Southern Territory will not I need to act."

Zhao Hongli's expression changed, and he said, "You mean, the queen deliberately let you go to the Southern Territory. On the one hand, she wants you to rule the Southern Territory. If you are killed, then the Queen wants to see it. But This is not the point..."

"Have you finally thought of the key point?" Xiao Yu sneered.

Even Bao Zhi thought of a possibility, and the two took a breath after thinking about this.

Zhao Hongli said solemnly: "The queen wants your dog to bite your dog! This is the case in the Southern Region, and the same is true in the Xisha Region."

"Yes, this is the only conclusion I can think of. Now I still have a question, how much does the queen know about this ghost gate? What is she thinking!"

This is a terrible idea, and it is also something they don't want to think about.

Everything was sorted out, Xiao Yu now understood that the queen actually had the strength to kill Xiao Yu at once, but she didn't.

Why not?

That is to use Xiao Yu's power to deal with the local forces in those areas.

Xiao Yu is capable of gaining a foothold in the Southern Territories and Xisha Territories. Isn't this just surrendering local forces to Xiao Yu's side?

Then the combat effectiveness of Chenbei Dynasty is getting weaker and weaker?

Imagine that in the Southern Territories, Xisha Territory was tamed by Xiao Yu, which is equivalent to cutting off a piece of the royal family's flesh!

On the other hand, if Xiao Yu had a strong foothold in these places and was killed, that would be what the queen wanted to see and eradicate a big worry.

Leaving aside the second possibility, it is only the first possibility. If Xiao Yu did not die, it would not be a good thing for the royal family at all.

Bao Zhi said in a panic: "But what good will this do to the queen? Isn't this self-defeating?"

"That's what I can't figure out." Xiao Yu shook his head.

Zhao Hongli's mind is blank, what is the queen thinking?

The Chenbei dynasty belonged to the Zhao family of the royal family. What is it that this is not a disguised split dynasty?

Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and said, "We can't think of the queen's affairs for the time being. The top priority is to destroy the ghost gate of Xisha Region."

Zhao Hongli took a deep breath. The things involved in this matter were too complicated to make people understand.

And now when I only know, the queen, regardless of the northern dynasty of Gu Chen, secretly must be unfavorable to the dynasty.

But I don't want to, and I feel that the queen is like a black hand in the dark who always controls everything, making people restless.

"You haven't said why your divine mark power can heal these corpses." Zhao Hongli looked at Xiao Yu.

In his opinion, the queen is becoming more and more unpredictable and more and more chilling, but why didn't Xiao Yu make him feel more mysterious?

"Perhaps it is a particularity of attribute power." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said.

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