Shura God Emperor

Chapter 814: City Guard

To be honest, even Xiao Yu himself didn't know the real reason.

After all, his Asura **** pattern, he only knew that it was a **** pattern of his own blood, and he didn't even fully understand his own life experience. How could he explain it?

Therefore, this is also the power that Xiao Yu longs for power and wants to continue to step onto a higher stage.

His current strength is far from enough, and even his biological father and mother don't know his whereabouts. Therefore, Xiao Yu believes that he will know about his life experience one day.

As for the power of Shura that can suppress the power of the corpse, when he helped Zhang Fan's father to get rid of the power of the corpse in his body last time in Xuefeng Mountain, he said that it was straightforward that he had been seeded with the corpse.

Of course, the corpse seed was not planted in Yunying's body. I am afraid that Yunying was injured and then applied the force of the corpse to enter, the purpose is to deal with Xiao Yu!

Hearing this, Zhao Hongli asked in amazement: "Do you know this person with the power of the corpse?"

"Well, one of the guardians of the Ghost Underworld, the strength of the middle of the Void Pill Realm, I escaped from under his hands when I was in Jin Chan Cave."

After all, Xiao Yu also glanced at Zhao Hongli.

Zhao Hongli is also the strength of the middle of the virtual pill realm. What he thinks is that if the two fight, who will win and who will lose.

After all, Zhao Hongli's own talent and strength are extremely good, plus he also has a human-level eighth-rank **** pattern, and Mu Shen himself is a protector, with terrifying background, and the advanced practice of the ghost door. If this is fighting, it will be true. It's hard to say.

But Zhao Hongli's heart trembled again, this guy actually escaped from under the hands of the master in the middle of the virtual pill realm?

But thinking of Xiao Yu's terrifying background, Xuan was relieved.

"Then who was the woman just now?"

Xiao Yu looked at Zhao Hongli again and said, "Remember your slave market? Those indigenous women were taken away by him."

"What?" Bao Zhi was dumbfounded.

Zhao Hongli sighed in his heart, thinking about it, he still underestimated Xiao Yu too much.

Unexpectedly, all the movements in Xisha Region were made by this young man.

"Then if I guess right, Pei Yuan is also in your hands."

Xiao Yu nodded uncontrollably, and immediately his face became solemn, and said, "Now Yunying has fled back. In other words, Mu Chen has led people to find the hiding places of those women, and I am afraid he has also brought back to the indigenous tribe. , I’m afraid things are faster than we thought."

He is most worried about Guna now, but he has to wait for Yunying to wake up.

After all, Xiao Yu said heavily: "Xicheng is up to you here, and the royal family doesn't have to waste their efforts. They will only say it after the difficulties here."

Having said that, Xiao Yu was going to see Yunying. He paused and said, "Slave market, demolish it."

Xiao Yu left the hall, Zhao Hongli's eyes were a little surprised.

"Fifth prince, now the queen has a different heart, but the ghost gate is about to be killed, and this kid, what should we do? Who should we believe?"

Zhao Hongli closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said: "I don't know why, Xiao Yu feels like being beside him, it makes people feel very calm, his calmness, consideration, and boldness. Not even this prince."

It is said that the more you contact one person, the more you can feel whether the other person is a true friend.

To put it another way, sometimes the more people you contact, the more you can feel whether you are two levels of people.

He Zhao Hongli is very talented and is known as a genius of the Chenbei Dynasty, but with Xiao Yu on his face, he can't find any sense of superiority at all.

"But the life of the Seven Prince..."

Zhao Hongli said solemnly: "I'll talk about this later, the most urgent thing now is that I must recover from my injury to resist the killing of the ghost door!"

Bao Zhi was silent. He knew that although Zhao Hongli had not admitted, he had already acquiesced to believe in Xiao Yu in terms of actions.

"The order goes on, the whole city is on guard!"

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