Shura God Emperor

Chapter 820: Confession in the illusion

"Boom boom!"

Xiao Yu's formation was really terrifying. The power that he had brewed and had been closed for a long time finally broke out this time.

His killing array, hidden for a long time, can finally come in handy.

And he knows that even if the consumption is huge, he will not hesitate, because the ghost gate is a scourge at all and cannot be forgiven at all.

As the last person from the ghost gate fell, finally, the indigenous tribe restored a kind of silence like a pool of death.

Er Wei and some other elders all stayed where they were.

They did not expect that such a shocking and unforgettable scene would appear on this young man.

With the power of one person, urging such a massive killing array, in a short period of time, almost thousands of people like the ghost gate were killed.

Clean and neat without leaving a trace!

This young man is simply a butcher holding a killing knife!

However, they discovered that among the dead bodies of these people in the Ghost Underworld, there was still one standing.

It's Zonghong!

Zong Hong was shocked at this time. He had brought thousands of people. Even after a night of fighting, he lost only one or two hundred people, but what about just now?

In such a short period of time, half of the entire sub-rudder died like this!

Still killed by this kid!

His strength is even better than the last time he encountered in the temple!

"No! This kid is so terrifying, he must go back and report to the rudder master!"

He only had one thought now, then he was running away.

Erwei Mashan shouted: "Don't let him go!"

After Zong Hong listened, he turned and turned into a black smoke surging out.

But when he was violent for a second, a strange scene appeared. He unexpectedly discovered that the scene around him had changed.

The original indigenous tribe, the entire visual world seemed to be endlessly distorted.

"How could this be?"

Zong Hong stopped for a moment, his face a little pale.

In this muddy world, Xiao Yu slowly walked over from the front, Zong Hong's pupils shrank, his lips were trembling, he understood, this is a phantom formation.


At the same time, there was a kind of fear in his heart. Legend has it that it is difficult for people who come into contact with the phantom to get out.

Unless one's own strength can suppress the opponent and break through this illusion with a strong force, he will be trapped here forever.

"No! I can't be trapped here!"

Zong Hong was unwilling, he roared and mobilized the strongest force, constantly attacking the surroundings.

"Boom boom boom!"

Both the ghosts and the unique fire attributes of their natives were all displayed.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the whole world of fantasy formation remained unchanged at all.

A look of despair began to develop in his heart. He knew that he couldn't break this illusion.

Zong Hong simply gave up the resistance, and sternly said: "Boy, do you know who I am? If I can't go back, our rudder master must also eat your blood with your blood, so that you will never be born again!"

Xiao Yu stared at Zong Hong with sharp knives in his eyes.

In fact, Xiao Yu left Zong Hong's life in a special way because he had very important things to ask him.

Xiao Yu said coldly: "Don't use this to threaten me. Now your life is in my hands. You have no choice at all. I will ask you questions now. If you answer honestly, I will let you go. I'm not honest, and I'm not polite to you."

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