Shura God Emperor

Chapter 821: Guna's whereabouts

"Let me ask you, did Mu Shen arrest Gu Na and the others!?" Xiao Yusen asked coldly.

At the same time, because this is his fantasy killing formation, everything is under his control, so when he questioned, the power of the soul was also urged, forming a kind of oppression of space, which made Zonghong feel from the soul Own smallness.

Zong Hong's face was pale, to be honest, the soul of an ordinary cultivator is inherently extremely fragile.

Facing this kind of formation mage, it is either to fight to the death, or to stay away.

But now, Zong Hong has no power to fight back at all. Under such circumstances, does he have a choice?

"If I told the truth, would you definitely let it go...Ah!!!"

A sorrowful scream sounded, and a transparent light passed by, and Zong Hong was just covering his ears and screaming in pain.

On the other side, Er Wei and the others saw that Zong Hong couldn't understand even standing there, and Xiao Yu didn't mean to move.

"Elder, this...what's wrong with this?" one of the indigenous people asked in a low voice.

Because Xiao Yu was only less than a hundred meters away from them, but their breathing was very weak.

Because Xiao Yu is always an outsider, and they don't fully trust it.

In addition, the terrifying strength that Xiao Yu displayed was really slamming their hearts.

Erwei took a deep breath and said, "If I guessed right, Zong Hong, he should have been in the phantom array."

Some elders couldn't deny it, and nodded solemnly. They didn't understand what Xiao Yu was going to do, but what was certain was that Xiao Yu did it for a reason.

Only after a while, the crowd exclaimed.

"Look, second elder's ear..."

Everyone took a closer look and was taken aback.

Zong Hong, who was standing still, didn't know what was wrong, his ears fell off for no reason, and his expression was a bit painful.

"This...No, this is a fantasy killing formation!" an elder exclaimed.

"What a terrible young man, it is not easy to comprehend the illusion itself. Now he is still killing the illusion! It seems that he is forcing a confession to Zong Hong!"

At the same time, a kind of worry and fear began to appear in their hearts.

Both Xiao Yu's talent strength and formation technique were so terrifying, it really made them look up.

"Zong Hong deserves his crime, let's not disturb him first, and see what he has instructed." Er Wei took a deep breath and finally said.

The members of the tribe are all surprised, are they now reduced to a foreigner?

If You Wei would never say these things before, but now, Guna is not around, and this kid is still alone in such a hurry to come back, then it is very likely that Guna has something wrong!

Otherwise, if there is no change, how could the angry killing intent of Xiao Yu just now be so impressive?

Go back to the magic array.

Zong Hong was furious with the pain, he said angrily: "Boy, you..."

Xiao Yu said coldly: "I don't have time to talk so much nonsense with you! I won't ask a third time, where is Gu Na!"

Sen Han's voice, like the ice under Jiuyou, pierced his heart.

When he didn't know, Xiao Yu was extremely anxious at this time.

The connection between Gu Na and Xiao Yu was steadily weakening, and he didn't know what Mu Shen and the others were going to do to Gu Na.

Zong Hong finally learned to behave, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "Guna is now in our sub-rudder!"

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