Shura God Emperor

Chapter 842: Sub-rudder position

However, depending on how hard he worked, his secret method of self-destruction just couldn't be activated.

Suddenly, he was panicked.

No matter how hard he tried, his soul was not at all moving, and when he was even more frightened, there were so many people here, and the aura was very strong.

"You don't need to waste your energy. Since I brought you back, of course I will keep a hand. In any case, you can't escape, as long as you obediently cooperate." Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

Mu Chen's face was a little pale, but now he can't move anymore, only a head and a broken soul are left. What can he do?

"Boy, don't try to ask me something out of my mind. We, the ghost door, are the most powerful. You all wait to die! Hahaha!" Mu Chen roared like crazy.

All the people present frowned.

They may not be familiar with such a scene, but Xiao Yu is familiar.

Perhaps the people of the ghost gate, I am afraid that everyone has been so brainwashed, and then they will be so willing to work for the ghost gate even if they die.

But facing this kind of scene, Xiao Yu didn't have any nonsense. When he moved his mind, Mu Shen's entire head burned.

Everyone was surprised, but soon, someone reflected that this is not a real flame, this is a flame transformed by the power of the soul!

Yes, this is the flames of Xiao Yu's four tripod formations in the fire bath. He wants to use this flame to temper Mu Shen's soul.


There was a screaming scream, this kind of torture was a hundred times more painful than a heartbreaking, ten fingers and even a heart.

"If you don't say anything, I will always use this kind of fire to temper your soul and let you taste the feeling that life is better than death." Xiao Yu said coldly.

Now Mu Shen can't blew himself up, either he would cooperate obediently, or he would continue to be tortured like this.

Everyone's eyes are very cold, and the ghost gate itself is not a good thing. In addition, the so-called protection of the law must be very powerful. Of course, they will not have any compassion.

After the soul fire burned by the four tripods of the fire bath for half an hour, Mu Chen finally spoke weakly.

"I said, I said..."

Xiao Yu stopped applying the formation, Mu Chen's lips turned white, and said weakly: "Did I say, you will let me go..."

"Do you think you are still qualified to bargain with me?"

After that, Xiao Yu's eyes dazzled, and the power of the soul was attached to it again. Mu Shen became frightened and said, "Let me go, let me go!"

"I'll just ask once, you still have two sub-rudders, where are they? And where is the main rudder!"

Everyone in the audience stared at Mu Shen nervously. Mu Shen's expression became even more ugly. He said in horror: "I can't say it, if I say it, I will be dead!"

Of course Xiao Yu knew that it was the Blood Shadow Man from Xuefeng Mountain last time, and he blew himself up because of this.

"I said, the secret law in your soul has been wiped out by me, you will not be in danger."

Mu Chen was still cautious and pondered for a long time before he said: "There is another sub-rudder, just in Beisaili."

"What? In North Sai?"

The audience was surprised, of course, the most surprised was Zhao Hongli.

Because the others are from the Southern Territory, but Zhao Hongli is the prince of the royal family.

Zhao Hongli said angrily: "You are talking nonsense! Beisai is heavily guarded and there are a large number of masters, how can you have your sub-rudder there?"

"What I said is true, Beisai is the biggest sub-rudder!"

When these words came out, everyone in the room was shocked, the biggest sub-rudder!

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