Shura God Emperor

Chapter 843: unexpected

Of course Xiao Yu was also very surprised.

Both Beisai and Xicheng were border cities of the Chenbei Dynasty, but at different times, because there was a sandy area in the Xisha Region, the desert land was basically uninhabited, so there would be no other dynasties around.

But this Northern Fortress is different. The Northern Fortress is a big frontier city set up to guard against attacks by other dynasties.

"No, there are winding deep mountain valleys thousands of meters away from the northern frontier. Generals stationed in general will not enter. There are even many monsters and beasts. But if it is the place where the ghost gate is stationed, then it is not at all. It's not strange." Ruan Yi analyzed.

He was once a member of the City Lord's Mansion, and of course he was familiar with these.

"Could it be that there are people with ghosts, but the royal family can't detect it?" one of them asked.


Zhao Hongli said solemnly: "Even in places like Xisha Region, Tianfu Gate is always on guard. In those places in North Sai, there will only be more eyes and ears."

Xiao Yu glanced at Zhao Hongli, as if he knew what Zhao Hongli was thinking, the thoughtful Ruan Yi's eyes flickered, and said, "You mean, the activities of the Beisai Ghost and Underworld Gate, I'm afraid Tianfu Gate is aware of it, since Tianfu The door is known, so there is no reason why the queen would not know, but in these years, there has been no news about the ghost door in Beisai."

Everyone was startled, Guanshi Tao exclaimed: "Could the fifth prince suspect that the queen deliberately hid this matter?"

After hearing this, everyone felt incredible.

If this is really the case, then the explanation will make sense!

And when they didn't know, the situation on Xicheng's side, in fact, the royal family did not move at all, which made Zhao Hongli feel more serious.

"You don't have to guess, just ask him."

Everyone turned their gazes on Mu Shen's head.

Xiao Yu asked again: "You said that Beisai has the largest sub-rudder of your ghost door, then there is another sub-rudder? Where is the main rudder?"

The Chenbei Dynasty was so big, the Southern Territory was already under Xiao Yu's control, and the sub-rudder of the Xisha Region should not be destroyed. The Xuefeng Mountain's one was still dead.

Now there is one in Beisai, so isn't there another sub-rudder?

And there is a total rudder.

Mu Shen snorted coldly, "Don't you think of it?"

"Stop talking nonsense, speak quickly!" Hu Wu was angry.

Mu Chen looked at Xiao Yu and Zhao Hongli, and said, "Thanks to the geniuses of your own dynasty, you can't see through such simple things. You seem to have forgotten a place."

When Zhao Hongli heard this, his pupils shrank, and Bao Zhi's face changed drastically. The latter said, "Impossible! It is absolutely impossible to be there!"

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. His heart was also cold. Yes, if they were really there, they would feel that things were definitely not that simple and the level of complexity, even he would find it very tricky.


"Since you have already thought about it, why do I need to say it, yes, in fact, the last sub-rudder does not exist. Or, to put it this way, the remaining sub-rudder is the total rudder! And the team is in the capital! "


"how is this possible?"

Everyone's face was moved, and the rudder of the Ghost Gate was actually inside the capital!

This is definitely an unprecedented, even unthinkable thing.

The ghost gate has been lurking for so many years, and the royal family has been suppressing it. In the end, the rudder of the ghost gate is in the capital?

Does this mean that the royal family are actually members of the ghost gate?


Everyone stared at Zhao Hongli vigilantly, and Zhao Hongli's face was also gloomy and terrible at this time.

Yes, he couldn't even figure out this matter.

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