Shura God Emperor

Chapter 846: War in Northern Serbia

"What news, tell me!" Bao Zhi shouted immediately.

Now everyone is thinking about how to go and how to deal with the queen, and now this time there is news of the capital, is it possible that it is bad news?

The guard hurriedly said: "According to the battle report from Northern Xinjiang, Guimingmen has already begun to attack Northern Xinjiang a few days ago! The royal family has sent elite and masters to rescue!"

Everyone was shocked, did the sub-rudder of the ghost gate begin to preemptively?

What's going on? Doesn't this matter have nothing to do with the queen?

"Then how is the result now?" Bao Zhi asked again.

"The two sides are in a stalemate. Our dynasty has lost a large number of masters. Tens of thousands of soldiers have died, while Guimingmen only killed a few people. Marshal Tang was also injured. The situation is not optimistic."

"How is it possible? How many people died in the ghost gate?"

Everyone's pupils shrank, how could this ghost gate be so powerful?

Tens of thousands of soldiers, how many people?

Even Xiao Yu felt incredible. Is it really because Beijiang is the largest sub-rudder in the ghost gate?

"But I heard that the queen has called someone to inform the fourth prince that she can rush to Northern Xinjiang to help the dynasty tide over the difficulties." The guard continued.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Hongli, and even Xiao Yu was surprised.

This fourth prince is the heir of the royal family who is bigger than Zhao Hongli. According to legend, this fourth prince is so talented that he was taken to the sect at the age of eighteen!

Moreover, the fourth prince is also the inner disciple cultivated by the sect!

Xiao Yu asked, "What is the origin of this fourth prince?

Zhao Hongli frowned and said, "The fourth brother was taken away by the sect a few years ago. He hasn't returned to the dynasty for many years. He doesn't even know about his father's retreat. This time he came back. Maybe he saw that the dynasty was in trouble. "

Xiao Yu suddenly sneered and said, "I'm afraid it is the queen's conspiracy again. Just imagine, she doesn't even care about you. Other princes, aren't they the same?"

Zhao Hongli said solemnly: "I also thought of what you said, maybe her purpose is not to deal with the ghost gate, but to hide something."

Bao Zhi followed Zhao Hongli for a long time, and after hearing the analysis of everyone here, he immediately thought of something, and quickly asked the guard, "Is there any news about the queen recently?"

The guard thought for a long time, and said: "I haven't heard anything about the queen, but I heard that since the queen sent someone to call the fourth prince back, she hasn't been up and has been recuperating."

"Retreat?" Everyone was surprised.

"Did you say anything?"

The guard shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

Come to recuperate this time?

The people with the ghost gate in northern Xinjiang attacked. If the four princes were asked to come back to protect the Chenbei Dynasty, then this would be the past, but as a royal authority, shouldn't you be more concerned about the battles on the battlefield?

Does it really confirm their idea, what is the queen really planning?

If this is the case, the Chenbei Dynasty might be in danger.

Everyone thinks from a different perspective. Just like Zhao Hongli. What he thinks is that if the queen is really a member of the ghost door and is behind the scenes, then the Zhao family of their royal family may be in dire straits, or even be affected. The state of extermination.

As for Xiao Yu, there is the general rudder of the ghost gate in the capital. Once their plan succeeds, the first thing that suffers is his relatives and friends in the capital!

For others, the Ghost Gate attacked the North Fortress. If the line of defense was broken, the Ghost Gate would drive straight in. Coupled with the combination of the inside and outside of the capital rudder, it was not for the entire dynasty, even the southern Xisha region. What a good thing, because sooner or later they will meet the ghost door.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and said in a concentrated voice, "I have already decided, I am going to go back."

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