Shura God Emperor

Chapter 847: Decided to return to Beijing

If they heard that Xiao Yu went back to face the queen alone before they heard that the war in northern Xinjiang was still a little bit lucky, then this time the ghost gate attacked northern Xinjiang, the queen suddenly said that they wanted to recuperate. I am really worried about Xiao Yu.

Now the ghost gate of the ghost is coming up, and the queen doesn't know what the **** is doing behind her back, how can Xiao Yu's own power be against them?

Xiao Yu exuded the youthful vigor, as well as the kind of faint self-confidence, and said: "Don't worry, the war in Northern Xinjiang is tight. Isn't there a fourth prince? I returned to the capital because I have something to do. Go back to your own territory, if the Ghost Sect is really killed, I will advance and retreat with you."

He has relatives who are being watched by the queen in the capital, and there is also the Baoxuan Pavilion. This trip to the capital, he has to go back anyway.

Of course, on the other hand, these people are all related to Xiao Yu. Since they trust themselves so much, if the Ghost Ming Sect is really killed, Xiao Yu will not stand by.

Especially the queen.

Xiao Yu originally had a desire to kill the queen, but now he is still involved in the ghost gate, so this person must be killed!

Everyone knew that this matter was of great importance, and that it was an urgent matter. They could only go back to their place and stick to it.

Before leaving, Xiao Yu found Master Yu, and then took out King Jin Chan.

Master Yu was taken aback and said, "This is... a century-old Jin Chan? No, this is King Jin Chan! How did you get it?"

Xiao Yu said: "It's too late to explain, I wonder if Master Yu can help me refine clothes and body armor?"

Master Yu likes these weird things the most, his eyes are shining, but he shook his head and said, "King Jin Chan is so precious, and my craftsmanship is not enough to refine the finest personal armor, only Zongmen That's all right."

This was obviously in Xiao Yu's expectation. After all, an ordinary one-hundred-year-old Jin Chan could refine the power that could resist the cultivation base below the Void Pill Realm, let alone King Jin Chan?

Xiao Yu was going to return to the Southern Territory with Master Yu and the others, because before he returned to Beijing, he had to visit someone.

Before leaving, Zhao Hongli stopped Xiao Yu.

Zhao Hongli thought for a long time, his eyes were a little cold, and said: "Xiao Yu, Xicheng needs me. I will leave it to you about the capital. If possible, help me investigate the whereabouts of the father and... kill the queen!"

Zhao Hongli had obviously brewed for a long time before uttering these words. He was a dignified five prince, and he had never asked anyone else.

But in the face of Xiao Yu, in the face of this man who is much stronger than himself, he finally compromised.

He also understood that Xiao Yu didn't need to promise him anything, or even ignored him at all, but the royal family was his family, and he didn't want to see his family continue to fall.

Xiao Yu knew that it was very difficult for a genius to bow his head, especially for a proud man like Zhao Hongli.

"You don't need to say, I will too."

Xiao Yu left a sentence that he first returned to the Southern Territory with Master Yu and the others.

Back in the Southern Territory, Xiao Yu immediately came to Baoxuan Pavilion.

Hao Ming was pacing back and forth at this time, but when he saw Xiao Yu coming back, he was suddenly overjoyed. He quickly grabbed Xiao Yu's hand and said in surprise: "Great Xiao Yu, you finally came back safely!"

For Bao Xuan Pavilion, Xiao Yu should be grateful, of course he also remembered that he had promised Pei Lin.

"Pavilion Master Hao, I have some questions I want to ask you."

Hao Ming's heart moved, looking at Xiao Yu's stern face, he seemed to realize something, and said: "You said, I know, I will tell you."

"Who are you? Why do you want to deal with the royal family?" Xiao Yu thought for a long time, and finally asked.

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