Shura God Emperor

Chapter 849: The truth

Xiao Yu's heart moved, and he exclaimed, "Queen?"

Zhao Minghao wants to betray the dynasty, but he has no cultivation base, so he can only rely on himself.

The ruler of the royal family is the queen again, so everything is explained.

It is no wonder that Baoxuan Pavilion will spare no effort to support himself in secret, and it is no wonder that Hao Ming will hide his name, because if this is tracked down by the queen, Zhao Minghao will probably be dead.

Zhao Minghao clenched his fist tightly, gritted his teeth and said: "If I tell you that my eldest brother was dead ten years ago, do you believe it? If I say, I did this to help my elder brother regain the dynasty, you believe Huh? If I tell you that that **** is actually the master of the ghost gate, do you believe it?"

Suddenly, with a "boom", Xiao Yu's mind seemed to have heard something terrible, and his whole body was briefly absent.

Zhao Minghao’s words, Xiao Yu had never dared to imagine before sitting down, and knew the unlikely facts——

That is, the king is no longer in this world. The queen is not only connected with the ghost gate, but also the master behind the scenes!

If this word is spread out, it will definitely shake the entire Chenbei Dynasty!

At that time, the entire Chenbei Dynasty will undergo earth-shaking changes.

With such earth-shattering news, even if Xiao Yu's concentration was amazing, he felt a shortness of breath after hearing it.

But he quickly adjusted, he sorted out the clues in his mind, and now, he finally understood the general truth of the matter!

It turns out that the queen is the black hand behind everything, and the queen is anxious about geniuses like Xiao Yu, most likely because she wants Xiao Yu to join their ghosts!

One more thing, he also understood why the queen would always let Xiao Yu make such a fuss in the Southern Region and Xisha Region, and did not come to cut the grass and roots, originally she wanted to see the Chenbei Dynasty forces biting the dog!

In this way, the more the Chenbei Dynasty’s overall strength is lost, the more it will be able to make the Chenbei Dynasty’s internal blemishes, and then destroy itself without attack, and finally annex the Chenbei Dynasty with the least strength.

Sure enough, it is the tail needle of the wasp, the most poisonous woman's heart!

What an evil heart, what an insidious strategy!

Xiao Yu told Hao Ming the sub-rudder of the ghost gate of the Xisha Region, and Xuefeng Mountain, which connected the northern border.

Hao Ming's face was even more ugly, his fists clenched, and immediately hit the stone platform with a punch.


He is now an ordinary person, and his body is of course an ordinary person's level. This punch directly caused his fist to bleed, but obviously, because of the extreme anger at this time, Hao Ming had forgotten the pain.

"She is using the ghost gate to cover up. In fact, her real purpose is to keep recovering! My elder brother's cultivation base was swallowed by her!" Zhao Minghao gritted his teeth.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and asked, "What happened back then?"

Zhao Minghao immediately told his story.

It turned out that the great king of the Chenbei dynasty had picked up a civilian woman, who was deceived because of the ghostly obsession. At that time, Zhao Minghao felt a sense of uncertainty when he saw the queen himself.

Until the king behind became obsessed with female sex, and then his cultivation gradually faded, when Zhao Minghao saw that something was wrong, he wanted to kill the queen.

But later, the queen suddenly counterattacked. At that time, the king was also awakened, but the cultivation base was retreated. The two of them worked together to kill the king, Zhao Minghao was also abolished, and then began a life of escape.

Over the years, Zhao Minghao has used Baoxuan Pavilion as a cover, with the goal of quietly rising up to eradicate the queen.

However, there are many masters around the queen, and there is a Tianfumen who works for her, and once the genius of the capital rises, he will be drawn to the past by the queen, and he will be killed if he does not obey.

In this case, Zhao Minghao's road of revenge has been dormant for so long.

Until I met Xiao Yu.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Minghao grabbed Xiao Yu's hand nervously, and said, "Xiao Yu, you must help me stop this bitch. You just said that she is recuperating. If I guess right, she is likely to be the last one. She's awakened! If she must be awakened, no one in the entire dynasty can kill her!"

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