Shura God Emperor

Chapter 850: Aggressive attack

Xiao Yu's face was extremely solemn, this, he had already guessed when Zhao Minghao told him the true identity of the queen just now.

"This woman, who has done so many things behind her back, has always been preparing for her recovery. This time Beijiang was also a ghost created by her. The purpose is to distract us and not let her succeed!"

There are many sub-rudders in the ghost gate, but the sub-rudder is destroyed, the ghost gate does not have to worry at all, as long as their gate master is not dead, they may create countless sub-ruds.

This is also the guardian of those ghost gates that were killed by Xiao Yu. Even if they were dead, they would say things like long live the ghost gates and immortality.

Looking at it this way, this so-called queen, the master of the ghost gate, has no intention of rising with a sub-rudder.

Being scattered in different places can consume the overall strength of the Chenbei Dynasty in different regions. Her real goal is to restore her own strength!

According to legend, the master of the ghost gate is very powerful. At that time, the royal family Zhao family also sent many elite masters, killing and wounding countless talents to drive away the ghost gate.

But in the past ten years, they have appeared again. This time they came to the dark, and took advantage of the civil strife of the dynasty to devour the Chenbei dynasty to reach the point of their rise.

"It's not good, the prince, the queen has begun to retreat..."

At this time, Deacon Zhang hurriedly ran into the yard. When he saw Xiao Yu, his face changed suddenly.

"It's okay, Xiao Yu already knows what happened to me, so let me know if there is any news in Beijing." Zhao Minghao asked quickly.

Deacon Zhang took a deep breath and said, "According to our reports in the capital, the entire palace in the palace is on guard, the three masters of the four masters of Tianfumen, and the grandfather Ming is sitting outside the hall. Those who break into the half-step will be killed!"

"This bunch of running dogs! Don't they know that she is the master of the Guiming Gate? This is simply a shame! No, I will go to Beijing to expose her true face!"

Zhao Minghao gritted his teeth and said quickly.

"No prince!"

Deacon Zhang stopped Zhao Minghao and hurriedly said: "Did the prince forget the wanted order issued by the queen at that time?"

When Zhao Minghao was anxious, he gritted his teeth and hated him even more.

"What is the wanted order?" Xiao Yu asked.

Deacon Zhang said: "At that time, the king... was after the master of the ghost gate abolished the prince, and then after she became the queen, she issued a wanted order saying that the prince had stolen the royal blue product collection, and then defected and disappeared. People, as long as they see the prince, they will kill them! It is absolutely wrong for the prince to go back now!"

Now Zhao Minghao has no strength, and he has no power to bind the chicken. If he wants to go back, he must use his current face.

And because he was a wanted man many years ago, I won’t say if he will be killed when he returns. I’m afraid no one will believe what he said alone?

Furthermore, even if someone believed what he said, if the queen became angry, Zhao Minghao would be dead.

Zhao Minghao is like an ant on a hot pot, while Xiao Yu said: "When I come back to the Southern Territories, apart from asking about the prince, I actually plan to return to Beijing. It's better to leave it to me, me and her. It’s also time for a break."

After all, Xiao Yu's eyes were a little cold.

But Deacon Zhang said: "Never! You pass by yourself now, you can't get through the several masters of Tianfumen, at least each of them has the strength of the late stage of the virtual pill realm! And now the war in northern Xinjiang is tight, Bei Once the Xinjiang is broken, the long drive will be the capital! And I just heard about the Xisha Region, and the Southern Region, and a small number of ghosts and ghosts sneak in."

"This group of guys are really pervasive!! Are they going to attack on a large scale now?" Zhao Minghao became even more angry.

It is said that the ghost gate is like a mouse in the dark night, it is difficult to catch, but they did not expect that the game they set up is so big.

Even Xiao Yu couldn't imagine that there were so many remnants in the ghost gate!

I am afraid that this time they are going to attack the Chenbei Dynasty inside and outside, and have a last stand.

The capital city is the easternmost of the entire Chenbei Dynasty, while northern Xinjiang is located in the northwest. The distance between the southern region and the northern part of the city is closer than the capital city.

Xiao Yu thought for a while, and found it reasonable.

He is now going to the capital alone, and I am afraid he will be besieged, but if he goes to northern Xinjiang, he might be able to draw the four princes to the capital together.

"There are Zhao Hongli in the West City, and Wuchen in the Southern Region. I will go to the Northern Xinjiang first! Guimingmen, this time I will uproot you!"

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