Shura God Emperor

Chapter 859: Thousand Corpse Puppet

Back to the battlefield.

Xiao Yu only heard a loud voice: "Kill!"

I saw Xiao Yu flip between his palms, and the Seven-Star Sword started his hand. After the scabbard fell off, the strange thing was that the rusty blade of the Seven-Star Sword had changed from three-fifths of the original to a half-smooth blade!

This sword has a strange starlight on it, and it shines like a deep into the starry sky, and the entire battlefield is filled with an ancient flavor.

The Seven-Star Ancient Sword, under Xiao Yu's constant insights and use, after achieving a deeper resonance with the Seven-Star Sword, some rust finally faded away again!

I have a sword to cut the evil things!

A coldness instantly enveloped the entire venue, and the silent cold wind pierced the bones, as if piercing the skin of the human body, deep into the bone marrow.

"call out!"

The Seven Star Sword burst out with endless light. Xiao Yu waved his hand, and the starlight burst into the sky.

This sword is like the popularity across the stars, and like the aurora that can swallow people in the dark night.

In the next second, the giant palm had not been culled, it was cut in half by Xiao Yu.

"What!?" The pupils of the young guardian of the ghost gate suddenly shrank.

The rank of this long sword, as well as the swordsmanship that this long sword exudes, is just shocking.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible to be a product here, who is this kid?"

The young guardian finally felt a little frightened in his heart. It was too horrible. That sword directly broke his offensive, it was effortless!

The young guardian of the Guiming Sect stared at Xiao Yu steadily, and said: "Boy, who are you! Are you also from the sect?"

If it is from the sect, then this is definitely not something they can provoke.

If it weren't from the sect, the rank of the weapon just now was above the ninth rank!

What is the treasure that exceeds the 9th rank? It only exists in the sect, which is simply unimaginable!

But immediately, the young guardian's eyes flashed a greedy color again.

"Boy, I have changed my attention now, hand over your treasure, I can spare you not to die!"

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "You think you won't die if you go around me, will I let you go? Take it to death!"

When it was too late, Xiao Yu was the first to attack with his sword. Xiao Yu didn't have any nonsense, and he just raised his sword. With that chic posture, Ling Yu's sword intent, the air seemed to freeze in an instant.

"What kind of sword intent is this!" The young guardian of the ghost gate was finally shocked.

He deeply felt that this kid had been fused with this treasure, this kind of sword intent, this kind of talent, it was impossible to appear in this small place.

But now their Guimingmen's army has attacked the Chenbei Dynasty in three directions, and he has no retreat.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, it turned into a black light and he met Xiao Yu.

"Strike the stone with the pebbles!"

As soon as Xiao Yu's voice fell, a sword cut through the chest of the young law protector, blood flowed and bones were visible in the wound.

What makes people surprised is that the face of this young law protector has suddenly been twenty years old and has become a fifty-year-old man.

"It turns out that there is only a pair of stinky skin. Do you want to use your blood to maintain your life? No matter how you maintain it, you can't hide your ugly face!"

"Boy, I want to eat your meat and drink your blood!"

This protector was flushed by Xiao Yu's face. He roared and waved his hands, exuding an extremely terrifying corpse black mist from his body.

"Thousand Corpse Puppets!"

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