Shura God Emperor

Chapter 860: Silent slaughter

Suddenly, the black fog of this corpse suddenly filled the entire battlefield. In the black fog, there seemed to be a sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, and then, as if there was a kind of energy connected with those ghosts, thousands of ghosts. The pupils of the masters of the door turned blood red.

The faces of the masters of the Ghost Underworld Sect became even more hideous, like wild beasts, all of them were different in that they looked in Xiao Yu's direction.

"Kill him for me!" The guardian of the ghost door grinned grimly and gave the order.

He originally wanted to refine Xiao Yu into his own golden corpse puppet, but in this situation, he could only refine this golden corpse puppet after killing Xiao Yu.

Those thousands of people from the Ghost Underworld, as if they had become a kind of corpse puppets, rushed towards Xiao Yu with a crazy attitude.

These ghosts and ghosts, like walking corpses, stretched out their claws and grabbed them towards Xiao Yu. The whole land shook, and the sound of howling ghosts and howling ghosts and wolves was endless, making people listen. Then I felt the whole body is upright.

Those soldiers from Northern Xinjiang, as well as the generals, all the Ghost Underworld Sect people who had fought against them were all gathered towards Xiao Yu, which was a good or bad thing for them.

Because they no longer need to face these evil and desperate people, it is a good thing.

But the thousands of people from the Ghost Underworld Clan were all killed towards Xiao Yu, which of course was a bad thing, it was simply a devastating siege!

Tang Yiguo's expression suddenly changed. He knew that Xiao Yu was strong, but there were too many people in this ghost gate. So many masters were killed like this, no matter how strong they were, they would be exhausted.

However, Xiao Yu was indeed not afraid, his eyes burst out with a bright light like stars, and an invisible wave filled out.

"Just let my burning fire burn you all!"

The Huoyu Siding Formation was suddenly urged out by Xiao Yu. With Xiao Yu as the center and within a radius of 800 meters, as long as all the Guimingmen masters approaching, they were suddenly in a sea of ​​fire.

Immediately afterwards, what shocked everyone was that successive screams rang from the ghosts of the ghosts.

The people from the Ghost Underworld hadn't pounced on Xiao Yu, but they all screamed in pain, and then they fell to the ground.

No one knows what happened. Everyone looked at this scene in shock, and they didn't understand what happened.

Those generals were the first to react.

"No! This kind of fluctuation is a formation!"

But even with the formation, how could it have such a terrifying lethality?

Looking at the venue, those people who are like moths to the fire at the ghost gate, when they enter a certain area, they all lose their breath and turn into a cold corpse.

Everyone was unknown, but they were shocked by this scene.

In just a few minutes, there were thousands of ghosts and ghosts who all died in pain.

When they couldn't see it, at this time, in Xiao Yu's illusion killing formation, a large sea of ​​fire entangled these ghosts and ghosts, and then in the endless burning, this burning, of course, was their soul.

And the people of these ghosts, those in the Qi Gathering Realm, the Qi Converging Realm, or the Qi Ling Realm, or the Pill Consolidation Realm, simply cannot resist Xiao Yu's terrifying fourth-level formation.

The power of the burning fire was urged in the form of the power of the soul. It was the weak souls in their minds that burned. This fatal injury resulted in the death of these ghostly people as a result of their souls scattered.


The pupils of the guardian of the ghost gate suddenly shrank, and he felt that the gatekeepers he had activated were just like ants being killed and killed.

In less than a few minutes, thousands of people all fell to the ground. This scene not only stunned him, but also Tang Yiguo and others were shocked.

The entire venue must be silent, and even the one hundred thousand army of the Chenbei Dynasty was moved, completely unbelievable.

After a while, the whole venue cheered.

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