Shura God Emperor

Chapter 897: Changling Town Examination (Part 1)

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yu on Rhubarb's back suddenly felt a cool breath facing him.

He immediately opened his eyes and said in amazement: "The spiritual power here is sufficient! At least three-tenths of that of the Second World!"

In other words, the concentration of heaven and earth spiritual power here is three times that of the Chenbei Dynasty!

And Xiao Yu also found that the air seemed to have become richer.

"Well, this is the category of the sect world. The small places in your dynasty before can only be regarded as the mountain."

Xiao Yu was ashamed, Shan Xiaomao, how big is this sect world?

But for the whole day, even though Xiao Yu was meditating, he paid attention to the movement of the dynasty below. He felt that he had passed dozens of borders, that is, dozens of dynasties.

The flight continued for about an hour, and then after entering the mountain range, Xiao Yu also found many houses.

And Xiao Yu also saw that there were many figures gathering towards that in all directions.

"Here, there should be Changling Town. There are still five days left. This is where the assessment of the Seven Sects begins." said Rhubarb.

Xiao Yu did admire Rhubarb, and in a short period of time, his investigation was so clear.

"Rhubarb, do you know what the seven sects are?"

"I don't know." Rhubarb replied simply.

Xiao Yu almost fell down. He praised the rhubarb one second before, and then returned to its original form in the next second.

The rhubarb said: "I have done my best to help you inquire about the news. You will know the rest if you go to the town and ask."

Xiao Yu smiled and cursed: "Then should I thank you?"

I said you inquire about the news, why not inquire completely!

"That's necessary. I don't help you find the way. It saves you like a headless fly. If you are accidentally killed by those demons, what should you do if you abandon the wilderness."

Xiao Yu:...

"Also I am here to travel, not to be your tour guide, so you can figure it out by yourself."

After all, the rhubarb flew down mercilessly.

Xiao Yu couldn't laugh or cry, but when someone was away from home, it would be good to be accompanied by someone who said that.

This is also a way of communication between him and Rhubarb.

Because Xiaolong helped himself last time, it is estimated that he needs to sleep and evolve for some time. In this way, the rhubarb has become his sustenance.

Rhubarb regained the size of the big yellow dog, and one person and one dog headed towards Changling Town on the country road.

Seeing the aura around him and the appearance of the jungle trail, Xiao Yu had never been so comfortable before. He was like a crane with idle clouds.

"It was too tight before, and I didn't even take a moment to watch it." Xiao Yu said with emotion.

Da Huang said faintly: "Don't even think about you, there will be a lot of things that will require you to tighten in the future! You think it's a good practice for casual cultivation, haven't you heard that guy say that there may be demons lurking everywhere here.

Xiao Yu nodded, began to take heart, and didn't think about it anymore.

One person and one cow continued to walk, and soon headed towards the road, and saw many young men and women.

These young men and women are very young, almost the same as Xiao Yu, and some even headed towards the town surrounded by a pair of military commanders.

However, Xiao Yu was surprised to find that these young men and women were basically in the virtual pill realm, and few of them were in the pill formation stage.

This had to surprise Xiao Yu. Anyone here would be treated like a super genius if they were placed in the dynasty!

You know, it took him a year to reach the middle stage of the virtual pill realm. It was also through many adventures and the second world's cultivation speed that he was promoted so fast. Of course, the most important thing was his talent.

But compared with these people, Xiao Yu seemed too ordinary.

Every young man looks arrogant and strutting. They have horns and high spirits, and no one looks down on anyone.

Needless to say, Xiao Yu knew that they must have come to participate in the assessment.

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