Shura God Emperor

Chapter 898: Changling Town Examination (Part 2)

Rhubarb attacked mercilessly: "How about it, do you feel inferior, do you feel small?"

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, and just about to refute, Da Huang continued: "But don't be so discouraged. You don't think these little guys seem to be very powerful, but many of them are in vain. Although your strength is not The strongest, but your physical strength and foundation consolidation, I dare say that in the small world, almost no one can compare with you."

Xiao Yu was grateful and said, "Rhubarb, you finally say something back..."

"Of course, everything is my credit, if it weren't for me to flog you, help you temper your body, and give you a bully body..."

Xiao Yu immediately changed his words: "You finally said something dogish."

"Look for a fight!"

The rhubarb tail flicked over, Xiao Yu smiled and avoided.

But speaking of it, Xiao Yu put away his joke.

Although many of these young men and women are volatile, he has encountered many of the same level, and he is confident that one hand can suppress them.

But after all, there are too many men and women who come to participate in the assessment. Xiao Yu has seen hundreds of people in such a short time. Some of them are very calm and popular. Some are even younger than Xiao Yu, but their realm is better than Xiao. Feather is taller.

This made Xiao Yu begin to be cautious.

After a while, a group of people also entered the town one after another.

I thought that the outside of the town was already lively enough, but I didn't expect it to be even more inside.

Most of the people who came for the assessment were dressed in Chinese robes and looked like royal nobles.

And some people are riding some third-level monsters.

Those ferocious monster beasts were tamed by them to become monster beasts, which opened Xiao Yu's eyes.

In any case, it was the first time I came out, and I met these talented masters, how could it not be new.

Of course, when Xiao Yu came in, many people cast strange glances at him.

"Does this kid have a problem with his head? Bring a dog to the test?"

"It looks like this big yellow dog is not a monster, this kid is here to walk the dog?"

There was a burst of laughter around, and groups of three or five people cast a mockery at Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu completely ignored him. He urgently needed to find a place to rest, and then to inquire about the assessment of the Seven Sects.

At this moment, a "rumbling" sound came from behind.

"Fuck away those who don't want to die!"

Everyone saw that it was a lion-like monster that was ten meters in size. The strange thing was that the body of this lion was not a lion body, but a crocodile body, a lion head.

This is a fourth-level monster, whose strength is roughly equivalent to the middle stage of the virtual pill realm.

It was the 16-year-old boy on the back of this monster beast who spoke just now.

The young man seemed extremely proud, and the pride and indifference made many people angry.

Because this young man drove this fourth-level monster beast on a rampage, many people on the way were all turned into fleshy flesh.

It is simply a careless life, and it doesn't take people as a thing at all.

Xiao Yu and Da Huang happened to be in the middle of the road. Seeing that Xiao Yu was indifferent to what he said, the boy suddenly gave orders cruelly--

"Stomped him to death!"

The crocodile body, the lion head monster beast, roared, and immediately jumped towards Xiao Yu. The distance of ten meters was almost in the blink of an eye.

The huge body was suppressed like a hill.

Some people around were shocked.

"Boy, just go away!"

Of course, more people are sitting on the sidelines, it seems that human life has nothing to do with them at all.

After all, they are all competitors of their own existence, they are not kind enough to come forward, even if it is to persuade them.

"Dead!" The young man on the back of the demon beast grinned. He didn't know how many people had killed this year.


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