Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1006: Who said I have no brother

Lei Xuan?

A smile appeared on the corner of Pei Junlin's mouth, and it seemed that the brothers and sisters were finally returning. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

A cloud of black air floated above Lei Xuan's head, condensing. Moreover, there was a thunder falling continuously in the black clouds, which made Pei Junlin feel that Lei Xuan seemed to have made great progress, and even that cloud of black clouds was a powerful treasure.

"Haha, I'm here too, who said my brother has no help?"

Another powerful breath fell from the sky, and the demons around the mouth opened their mouths.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and found that it was Yuan Fei who came.

Sensing Yuan Fei's breath, Pei Junlin couldn't help but show a smile.

Obviously, Yuan Fei also broke through the success and entered the realm of Yin and Shen, and his breath is much stronger than the realm of Yin and God. It seems that Yuan Fei also has a strange encounter this time.

"Boss Pei! The brothers are late, sorry for you." Seeing Pei Junlin's arm bloody, Yuan Fei's eyes were red, and his teeth were clenched.

Then, a pair of cold eyes swept the geniuses of the surrounding demon clan, and the whole body suddenly exploded. A quaint mirror floated above Yuan Fei's head, suspended in it, where the brilliance of ancient writing radiated all directions.

Pei Junlin was surprised again. It seems that this is not only that Yuan Fei's realm has been elevated, but also that Qi Yu has obtained treasures.

But this Yuan family really has a fate with the mirror! Yuan Fei's adventure was also an ancient mirror, but this ancient mirror is much stronger than his family.

There is a faint atmosphere of chaos on the surface, it should be a middle grade spirit treasure, even a top grade spirit treasure.

The powerful breath makes people's hearts tremble, and the faces of all the demon clan around have changed, and they are asking people around them, who is this person?

"Good brother, come down and kill these demon races together."

Pei Junlin's expression was calm, even if he hit him now, he still had clear eyes and no trace of fatigue.

Just standing there reveals a breath of Yuan Zhiyue, such as a mountain and a ridge lying there, making it insurmountable.

"It's just two miscellaneous fishes. What's the matter? We have so many people here today. You don't want to go anymore."

The gold-winged King Xiaopeng was madly clamoring, and he did not take Lei Xuan and Yuan Fei who came to the reinforcements into consideration.

"Really? No one tells you, is our boss Pei more brothers?" Yuan Fei's voice fell, and several powerful figures descended from the sky.

Break through the blockade of the peripheral demon clan, rushed into the sky above Jinling City.

Pei Junlin glanced over and immediately showed surprise and emotion in his eyes, because this time there were five siblings.

Five powerful masters of Yin and Shen realm came together, all of whom were familiar friends of Pei Junlin, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Na Lanhao, Xia Houping.

Among them, the most striking are Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing, especially Li Tianpei, who once received the inheritance of the golden-winged Dapeng Tianjun in the Taixian Xianzun palace.

After breaking through into the realm of Yin God at this time, a golden-winged Dapeng Yuanshen condensed behind him. The golden light shone and the wind was incomparable.

This scene could not help but make the manic gold-winged Xiaopeng Wang Dengmu dumbfounded, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"This is the highest inheritance of my golden-winged Dapeng family, why ... how can it be on you?"

King Jinwing Xiaopeng was completely stunned, his eyes gleaming with envy and anger.

"Haha, so you came to recognize the ancestor? Okay, I will barely accept you as a grandson for you. No no ... you can only be my great grandson or great grandson, call me Grandpa or just call my ancestor. "Li Tianpei laughed.

The golden-winged Xiaopeng Wang's eyes would be angry when he stared, but the golden-winged Dapeng Yuanshen behind Li Tianpei suddenly opened his eyes, two golden lights shot out, and a powerful pressure came to his face.

The wrath of King Jinwing Xiaopeng's body suddenly disappeared invisible, and his eyes also showed a trembling look.

This comes from the suppression of the deep blood, and there is no courage to resist Li Tian to accompany him.

"What a golden-winged king Xiaopeng, I think you are a cumin roast chicken. I recognize my ancestor today, I can spare your life, otherwise I will eat your live roast and cooked."

After Li Tianpei's breakthrough, his speech was also very powerful, and there was no place for the golden-winged King Xiaopeng in his eyes.

"There is even a strange strange **** behind that man. What's going on? That's a beast! Is he also from our demon clan, how can he stand with humans?" There are demon clan looking at Ye Tianxing and talking.

Hearing these comments, Ye Tianxing stopped, and stood up and yelled toward the demon clan: "Your group of beasts with hairy scales and horns, saying who is the demon clan, the Laozi is a genuine human race, and the ancestors are human races . "

The Qiongqi Yuanshen behind him roared, a kind of repression from the race, which made these demon races change their colors and showed a horrified look in their eyes.

In the ancient years, the poor and fierce, the common demon clan, in the face of Qiongqi can only kneel down and beg for mercy, who dares to fight against the group.

Even when the poor people devour the dragon clan, it is as simple as eating spicy strips!

In addition to Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei, the other three people are not bad in momentum, and they all broke through into the realm of Yin God.

Pei Junlin noticed that Zhang Pingping had a hairpin shining brightly between her hair.

This jade hairpin has a simple atmosphere, and there is no extra carving on it, but there is a kind of ancient atmosphere spreading on it, let people know at a glance that this is an ancient treasure that has a long history.

The surface of the hosta hairpin has a very sharp breath, which is a strong sharp breath that can penetrate the world. Pei Junlin can be sure that this hosta is definitely a big killer.

In addition to Zhang Pingping, Na Lanhao undoubtedly has your chance.

He wasn't seen, but Pei Junlin could feel more confidence in Na Lanhao's eyes, and this confidence was even deeper than those of Zhang Pingping and Ye Tianxing beside him.

In the end, Pei Junlin put his eyes on Xia Houping. Xia Houping looked plain and uncommon, but it just broke through the realm of Yin God. However, Pei Junlin could feel that Xia Houping also brewed an extremely dangerous breath.

His eyes exuded strong murderousness, staring at some geniuses in the demon clan.

Those geniuses even surpassed the existence of the golden-winged king Xiaopeng, and Xia Houping even stared at them, indicating that his strength was definitely not lost to these people.

"Well, you have your own chances, and all of you have achieved a breakthrough this time. This is a big happy event. Everyone will gather here today to slay the demon clan, drink blood wine and eat barbecue. Laughing, the sound shocked the whole of Jinling City, and some demon faces changed slightly.

"Several children in the realm of Yin and God, they can't afford any waves, and they don't matter. They will be killed together later."

There was a cold expression on the face of a demon genius, who didn't even look at these people.

"Pei Junlin, are you here? Since you are brothers and sisters, you should die neatly. I support you. After all, the family is neat and went to Huangquan together. This is also a happy event." Yaozu Zhong stood up again as a genius.

The fame of this genius far exceeds that of the golden-winged king Xiaopeng, which is a tiger from the tiger tribe. The man was tall, wearing a golden robe, and his eyes were eagle-looking.

Just standing there gives people a feeling that the stars are holding up the moon, which can't be concealed at all.

Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei and others peered at Pei Junlin, and they all laughed loudly, and the demon clan who laughed were somehow inexplicable.

"Where did a little cat come, and dare to spread wild on the ground of my human race. Didn't I say? The most indispensable thing for our boss Pei is a friend. Wait, there will be more people coming. Do n’t you be afraid. ”

Ye Tianxing was the most ghost horse, his eyes turned gurglingly, staring at the tiger genius.

Hearing that he was called a little cat, the tiger's tiger suddenly became angry. Usually it has a great reputation in the entire star field, its prestige is famous, it is famous for nine days, and stomping a planet will shake.

Unexpectedly, when he came to this humble indigenous planet, he was called a little cat, which was unbearable for him.

When you open your mouth, you will immediately start to work, and your muscles will immediately swell, and some demon geniuses around you will avoid it.

At this time, several powerful breaths descended from the sky, allowing the tiger's genius to temporarily remain unmoved.

A pair of tiger eyes looked around, the expression in his eyes became more and more surprised, because this time the person who fell from the sky was also the friend and brother and sister of Pei Junlin, and their breath was also powerful.

Someone has a different treasure floating above his head ~ ~ Someone's dazzling light is rippling all over. One by one, the atmosphere is very powerful, and it is no less than the geniuses of these demon races around him.

"When was the human race so powerful, how could there be so many geniuses suddenly, and they are all in the realm of Yin God?"

The geniuses of these demon cliques all showed shocked and stunned expressions.

Even outside the Earth Immortal Array, there was an incredible look on the face of a group of strong monsters beside the water curtain wall.

The earth is a depleted planet, the aura depletion Taoism is almost cut off, why suddenly there are so many top-level cultivation geniuses?

Seeing the various treasures floating above the geniuses of the earth, the demon clan showed jealousy and anger, because in their hearts, all the resources of the earth belonged to these extraterrestrial demon clan, as the indigenous people of the earth, themselves But have no right to enjoy these.

"I know, a lot of relics have been revived on the earth recently. These people must have encountered adventures in those relics, hateful, hateful, these things that originally belonged to the demon tribes outside our domain were stolen by these humble bugs "" Some strong people roared.

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