Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1007: The melee begins

Baili Feiyan, Huangfu Phoenix, Baiyulong, Huamuzi, Sun Kai, Pang Yue, Yang Xue.

Pei Junlin's eyes crossed each sibling, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The brothers and sisters are almost here, and everyone has broken into the realm of Yin and God. And each one has its own adventures. These former young eagle birds have now become goshawks flying in the sky.

Everyone becomes stronger and can stand alone.

"Boss Pei!"

Ye Tianxing suddenly took the lead, and the remaining siblings shouted towards Pei Junlin.

At this moment, Pei Junlin is the boss in their hearts, and they are back at the same time.

"Good brother, good sister."

Pei Junlin's heart is also a little excited, even in the face of today's life and death crisis, but there are a group of such brothers and sisters around her, enough to move her.

"Can't wait any longer, there are more and more brothers and sisters of Pei Junlin."

The golden-winged King Xiaopeng of the Dapeng family finally couldn't bear it, and took the lead to anger and turned into a beast form, and began to do it.

The young tiger of the Tiger tribe also roared and rushed towards Pei Junlin.

"Brothers and sisters, you have also seen that the eldest brother suffered a great deal of grievance today, and the sister-in-law was also injured. We have to find this face today anyway." Xia Houping shouted.

A group of people nodded their heads in agreement, a strong momentum broke out around them, and they rushed into the demon group to start killing the Quartet.

"How did I tell you just now? Is there any memory for your bald chicken? Recognize me as an ancestor to live today, how can you save me like this? My elder brother really wants to bake you later When eating, do n’t blame me for not stopping you. ”

Li Tianpei stopped the golden-winged Xiaopeng King instantly, and Xiaopeng Wang, who was oppressed by his powerful momentum, could not open his eyes at all.

Although the Golden Wing King Xiaopeng is extremely powerful, in the face of the Golden Wing Dapeng Tianjun inherited Li Tianpei, there is still a kind of suppression from the blood.

In the face of Li Tianpei, he couldn't use his mana to perform unsuccessfully, even his knees were sore, and he felt like he wanted to kneel and submit.

Even if he was unwilling to have ten thousand and ten thousand in his heart, he couldn't take action against Li Tianpei and could only avoid it in other directions.

But how could Li Tianpei let this happen, he kept changing his figure and stopped in front of the golden-winged king Xiaopeng.

King Xiaopeng was suppressed because of his blood, and he couldn't shoot Li Tianpei at all.

"Li Tianpei, don't be polite to this kid. Before he disrespected your sister-in-law, I must have roasted it and eat it today." Pei Junlin, who is fighting with the tiger genius Tiger, suddenly shouted at Li Tianpei.

Li Tianpei had a playful look on his face, but after hearing Pei Junlin's words, his face suddenly changed.

Suddenly collapsed and became gloomy, a pair of eyes stared at the golden-winged king Xiaopeng, which was covered with blood.

"Little bastard, are you disrespectful to my sister-in-law?" The golden-winged Dapeng Yuanshen behind Li Tianpei burst into a powerful momentum.

The blood pressure from the ancient pure-blooded gold-winged Dapeng, the repressed Xiaopeng King trembling, kneeling on the ground without any resistance, he turned and wanted to escape, but he could not escape Li Tianpei's control.

"Relax, Boss Pei, I will help you pluck the hair today for this kid."

Li Tian accompanied his teeth and stared, staring at each word, said the golden-winged king Xiaopeng in front of him.


Lei Xuan was besieged by seven or eight demon clan geniuses, but his momentum was not weak. The thunder and lightning around him formed a thunderstorm.

These demon races were undoubtedly shrouded by the thundercloud storm. Some of them were screaming flesh and blood under the intense thunder and lightning, but they were too late to escape the thunder and lightning.

"God, what I saw, this is mine robbing, impossible! This turned out to be mine robbing!"

A demon cries out in horror and runs away.

Some demon clan suddenly turned white when they heard the name, as if they had seen a ghost. As the name implies, this so-called thunderstorm actually contains the power of the skyjacket.

It is not just the power of thunder and lightning, which contains the rules of the heavenly realm, and it has a kind of suppression for the practitioners. And for this kind of demon, it has a more powerful ability to destroy.

Lei Xuan's thundercloud storm enveloped more than a dozen demon clan. Nearly half of the demon clan were scorched black by the lightning, revealing Bai Sensen's stubble. smoke.

Although the remainder sacrificed some defensive treasures and temporarily stolen them, they could not persist for too long. Because of the thundercloud storm that contains the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, they can't resist it.

"Ha ha ha ha, happy." Yuan Fei shouted freely.

The ancient mirror suspended above his head suddenly shot a strong light, and instantly penetrated a demon genius.

The demon genius was extremely powerful. Before that, he caused huge damage to Pei Junlin. He even attacked Pei Junlin, leaving a deep bone wound in Pei Junlin's abdomen.

But at this time, Guanghua shot by the ancient mirror above Yuan Fei's head instantly penetrated the body, and a big hole in the abdomen appeared with a fist.

The demon turned to escape, but Pei Junlin turned to catch up, kicked in the back of the head, and instantly fainted.

The chaotic atmosphere of Jindou space flew out, wrapped this person in an instant, and dragged into Jindou space.


The geniuses of the demon clan kept falling from the air, and all of them were penetrated by the ancient mirror above Yuan Fei's head.

The fall of these demon clan into a film, the situation is terrible, even the face of the dragon Qianli standing on the bow of the dragon boat showed a horrified look, he never imagined that there is such a powerful treasure on this indigenous planet.


A turquoise light flew to the sky, it turned out that Zhang Pingping had sacrificed the hairpin on his head. Hairpin exudes a light breath, very sharp. The speed is so fast that it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye, leaving only a residual image.


A demon genius eyebrow was directly pierced, fell from the air, fell to the ground and twitched for a few times before moving.

"Everyone who dares to shoot my boss Pei is going to die." Although Zhang Pingping is a woman, her face is murderous at this time.

Successive shots, that green hairpin, became a nightmare for some demon races.

Because the casting time of the ancient mirror on Yuan Fei's head is too long, many faster demon clan can easily escape. But for the hairpins of Zhang Pingping, many demon races, especially some faster demon races, can't escape.

In a flash, a large number of geniuses of the demon clan fell, falling from the air.

The genius of this demon clan will automatically appear after landing on the ground and dying. Boar, wild leopard, bobcat, viper, rat, centipede, scorpion ...

Various kinds of people, when their bodies fell on the ground, fell into the streets and alleys of Jinling City, Dahe Road, were surprised to find these residents, all of them exclaimed.

The entire Jinling City was completely freed from the crisis of death. Pei Junlin led a group of his brothers to fight back with a Jedi, killing the demon clan to crying father and calling the mother, and even the bodies that fell on the ground became the people of Jinling City Joyous baby.

The corpses of these demon clan are extremely powerful, which contains terrifying energy. Ordinary people swallow, and their bodies can at least transform. After the devourer devours, he can increase the speed of cultivation and absorb the mana.

Even some skin, muscle, and bone parts of the demon clan can be used for refining immortality medicine or refining some magical tools. These fallen demon corpses of Jinling City turned out to be the treasures that residents vie for in a short time.

"Why is this happening?" Outside the Earth Fairy Array outside the domain, a group of strong powers of the demon clan turned pale.

They did not expect that the indigenous people on the earth are now so strong that they can resist the demon clan and their strength is not low.

Watching the demon genius continue to fall, these powerful demon clan standing in the starry sky outside the territory one by one.

These geniuses are all carefully nurtured by their respective families, and each will consume huge financial and material resources.

I don't know how much money and effort it took to cultivate this level, but it was broken in an instant. With the geniuses falling, these demon clan strong men were bleeding, crying and crying.

"Brothers and sisters, I'll talk about it here. Beautiful ones don't kill, those who have money in the family don't kill them. These can catch them and sell them." Pei Junlin shouted towards the surrounding brothers and sisters.

These words are heard in the ears of demon tribes, and make the face of demon tribes ugly.

They had come to Jinling City to hunt Pei Junlin, but they didn't expect to become a hunted person, and a gluttonous feast was turned off.

Pei Junlin counterattacked Jedi, and really let them beat him. The golden-winged king Xiaopeng was pulled out into a bald chicken, and could not resist at all. On the other hand, the young genius of the Tiger tribe, Tiger, was beaten by Pei Junlin, and his face was swollen, and even a tail was cut off. UU reading

The morale of the demon race is slowly weakening, and the so-called defeat is down. If one person escapes, the remaining will follow.

Groups of demon geniuses began to flee towards the outside of Jinling City, and some people even started to rush into the dragon boat, intending to run on the dragon boat.

Pei Junlin chased the tiger genius, so he directly hit the dragon boat. Seeing that Long Qianli was still sitting on the head of the dragon boat, Pei Jun was expressionless.

If Long Qianli can shoot today, then he must have shot already. The reason why he never shot, Pei Junlin speculated that Long Qianli is likely to be seriously injured and can't do it now. The so-called take advantage of your illness to kill you, Pei Junlin chasing Hu Teng is fake, to kill Long Qianli is true.

Everyone is a tiger, and he hasn't got into the eyes of Pei Junlin. Although Tiger is really strong, Long Qianli is the biggest threat.

Long Qianli, like the **** silkworm, entered the earth after sealing the realm of the realm of the realm of the gods. Their strength is very powerful. Even if the realm is sealed, the physical tyranny is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

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