Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1008: Reversal

Compared with genius like Hu Teng, the talent of Long Qianli is the most terrifying existence. If he does not take advantage of this opportunity to remove Long Qianli, after he recovers, he will be swept invincibly, and I do n’t know how many people will die because of it. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

Pei Junlin's hand was violent, and after boarding the huge dragon boat, Pei Junlin immediately gave up the tiger's genius, and turned to attack Long Qianli.


The Chunyang Fire Bell instantly became huge and enveloped towards Long Qianli. Seeing this scene, Long Qianli also showed a helpless and angry look in his eyes. His injuries are raging in his body, which is difficult to suppress. It's really not a time when Pei Junlin shot against him now.

"Do you want to kill me? Next life."

Long Qianli looked at Pei Junlin indifferently, resisting the raging sword in his body, and punched him with a punch on the pure Yang fire clock. Long Qianli is a master of the real **** realm. Although the realm is sealed, the physical strength is still there. This punch will almost break the pure Yang fire bell.

But this is only one part of Pei Junlin's plan, and then of course Pei Junlin still has a back hand.

At the moment when Long Qianli punched Chunyang's fiery bell, Pei Junlin's broken domain sword was suddenly killed with a gray air, and he covered the past again towards Long Qianli.

Linked one by one, interlocking, the purpose is to consume the strength of Long Qianli as much as possible to prepare for the final kill.

Hu Teng, the young boy next to him, was already helpless by Pei Junlin. When he saw Pei Junlin turn to attack Long Qianli, he would be happy.

The sky above the Jinling City was filled with the screams of the demon clan, and some defected families had fallen. The tiger clan's tiger looked at the surrounding situation, which was not conducive to him.

Dawei Dragon Claw!

Long Qianli roared, his left palm stretched out, and instantly became a huge dragon claw, tearing towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin only felt the sound of the wind coming from his ears. The sharp howling seemed to pierce the eardrum. This dragon's attack was really sharp, and the huge dragon claws seemed to tear the space.

However, Pei Junlin's domain-breaking sword is not vegetarian, and after the fusion of the nine-layer demon tower, the attack power of this domain-breaking sword has become powerful to an unpredictable level. The sword light contains the phantom of the nine-layer demon tower, and the rumbling cracks down from above the nine days.

That thick sword energy collided with the dragon's claws of Long Qianli, sending out a fierce space shock. The dragon boat was shaking in the wind and rain, and the bow was falling, and the bow of the bow was chopped off by Pei Junlin, and fell into the Jinling City.

Long Qianli's eyes showed a look of hatred and anger. If he is usually a character like Pei Junlin, he can shoot to death with a slap, but now it is different. A powerful sword in his body has been injected into his body so far.

His body has mana fluctuations, and that sword energy can follow the mana to wander around the body and meridians and wreak havoc in his body. The pain was terrible. The pain tormented her and upset him.

When the heart is chaotic, the pace is chaotic.

Pei Junlin seized the opportunity and hacked Long Qianli's wrist with a sword.

This sword did not completely cut down the hand of Long Qianli. After all, Long Qianli's body was a dragon body of the real **** realm, and he was extremely powerful.

Even Pei Junlin's present undead body may not be comparable to Long Qianli's body strength.

Although Pei Junlin ’s attack was of little damage to Long Qianli, Pei Junlin could not withstand the constant bombardment, and Long Qianli could not organize an effective counterattack due to the influence of the sword in his body. Can only be passively beaten to avoid, relying on the strength of the body and Pei Junlin circle.

Invincible magical power!

Shura knife! .

Nine-layer mantra of swordsmanship!


Most of the lore were sent out by Pei Junlin, and they all hung on the huge body of Long Qianli.

In desperation, the dragon turned into a beast shape and turned into a giant dragon hundreds of meters long. But such a huge body was still beaten by Pei Junlin.

Under the sharp sword light, a large piece of dragon meat fell into Jinling City, and countless civilians were waiting to **** below.

Dragon blood swayed the whole city and it was like a blood rain, but the people of the whole Jinling City attracted worldwide attention, making almost everyone before the live broadcast envious.

This is dragon blood dragon meat, as long as you pick up a piece, you can be reborn and strengthen your physique.

The placement of Pei Junlin ’s family in Jinling undoubtedly increased the risk here, causing the demon clan to attack Jinling again and again.

This crisis is equivalent to Pei Junlin's involvement in the people of Jinling City, but this time Pei Junlin returned all the gratitude he owed before.

Whether it was the corpse of the demon clan that the demon clan dropped, or the spread of dragon blood and dragon meat throughout the city at this time, the people of Jinling City made a lot of money.

Some people who move more slowly pick up a dragon scale, which is also a fortune, because this is the dragon scale of the real **** realm. A scale can make a shield. If you find some skilled master refiners, you can at least make a magic shield defense shield.

At this time, Wang Qiong and other people who recuperated in the seven deadly deaths also appeared again, and she recovered almost. Prince Qiong flew out of the big battle and fought side by side with Pei Junlin once, the two swords combined to kill Long Qianli.

"Fujun, this dragon is really hard to kill. Even if he doesn't let us both attack him, I'm afraid it's hard to kill it without three days and three nights." Wang Ziqiong's voice revealed a helplessness mood.

indeed! It is really difficult for the true **** realm masters, especially the races with thick skin like dragons, to deal with.

Long Qianli's defense is amazing, and despite the injuries in the body, the destructive power is still very strong. It is really difficult to kill at one and a half times.

"Brother-in-law, why are you so stupid? Doesn't killing a sword mean poisoning, isn't it a dragon?" A silver bell sounded in the ears of Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

Prince Qiong's iceberg-like look finally showed a warm smile, she turned her head to see her sister Wang Ziyu flew from a distance.

Pei Junlin smiled gently at Wang Ziyu, and did not say anything. At least when facing Long Qianli alone, Pei Jun still dared not care.

"Brother-in-law, I said to deal with this dragon. Let me come. You and your sister will take a break. Look at the dirty blood stains on you two, are you injured?"

Seeing that both Wang Ziqiong and Pei Junlin were injured, Wang Ziyu felt a bit distressed.

Pei Junlin was a little hesitant. After all, it was very irresponsible for Wang Ziyu to face a strong man like Long Qianli alone. He had personally seen Long Qianli and Fang Zhengqiu fighting in the chaos of space.

Masters of this level of Long Qianli are really difficult to deal with, although Wang Ziyu must have encountered adventures this time when he went out, and he has raised the state to the realm of Yin God. But for a strong man like Long Qianli, Wang Ziyu may still be close.

"Brother-in-law, I'm the Sun Poison Emperor, don't you really believe me? I said it's okay, you'll get out." Wang Ziyu's face showed a confident light.

Pei Junlin is still a little uneasy, but his little aunt ca n’t afford to lose. In case something really happens, Wang Ziqiong ca n’t spare him.

At this moment, Wang Ziqiong suddenly reached out and squeezed Pei Junlin, whispering, "Just give her a chance, I think she can do it."

Wang Ziqiong had spoken, and Pei Junlin could only helplessly give up, but he also thought of Wang Ziyu's too ridiculous, and he was not so nervous anymore, after all, this was Chaos Lingbao.

Taking a step back 10,000 steps, even if Wang Ziyu is in danger, this ridiculous **** can save him at a critical moment. Xiaoming will not be killed by Long Qianli, and he will be on the sidelines, not so cautious as he is now.

Having said that, Pei Junlin gave up his body and stretched out his hand, and the Chunyang Fire Bell instantly withdrew from the front of Long Qianli.

Before, Pei Junlin used the Chunyang Fire Clock to flee to trap Long Qianli, but this time the Chunyang Fire Clock had been seriously injured.

If it is not repaired, this Lingbao will probably be damaged.

When Pei Junlin just gave up, Wang Ziyu rushed up without hesitation. The little figure seemed extremely nimble, and in the face of the huge dragon Qianli, his momentum was not weak.

Along with Wang Ziyu's whimper, a purple poisonous mist struck Long Qianli.

But it seemed that Long Qianli did not put Wang Ziyu in his eyes at all, his mouth wide, and a gust of wind blew, instantly blowing away the poisonous mist.

At the same time, the body suddenly flicked, and the huge tail rushed towards Wang Ziyu. Pei Junlin shuddered in his heart, but was stopped by Wang Ziqiong beside him.

At this time, Pei Junlin saw Prince Qiongfei stand up, and even competed with that dragon for thousands of miles, so he gradually let go of his mind.

It seems that my sister-in-law must have had adventures this time when she went out ~ ~ Otherwise, her body skills will not be so skillful, and after breaking through to the realm of Yin God, it is much better than some masters of the same level.

He has an intuition that this time he went out to find the biggest winner. I am afraid that it was not Ye Tianxing, Xia Houping, but Wang Ziyu. That was not because Wang Ziyu was the last to come back, but because of an intuition and judgment from Pei Junlin.

Because he saw a hint of teasing in Wang Ziyu's eyes, as if this powerful dragon Qianli could not pose a threat to her at all. This shows that Wang Ziyu must still have the trump card.

Seeing Wang Ziyu temporarily blocking Long Qianli, Pei Junlin was relieved. He once again looked at the chaotic battle group, at this time Ye Tianxing Li Tianpei in the sky they had beaten the demon clan.

However, there are a large number of demon geniuses, and they are still resisting.

Pei Junlin turned his eyes and suddenly looked at the far edge, where he saw three familiar figures.

The three familiar figures are the three of Sirius, the Green Cow and the Fairy of White Feather. The three are the old acquaintances of Pei Junlin and came to the earth very early.

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