Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 102: Ziyun Yuedan

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Huh! !!

As soon as the turquoise fire dragon was poured into the alchemy furnace, it began to turn over the river and burst into unimaginably high temperatures.

This is Pei Junlin's most powerful ghost fire in the Ninth Turn Ghost Exercise. When you practice to the extreme, you can burn the sky, refine the planet, and destroy all things in the world.

Even though Pei Junlin's cultivation is very weak, the power of the Nether Karma is still not to be underestimated, and the human body can be turned into oblivion in no time, and the residue will not remain.

In this extreme high temperature, the temperature in the silver-white alchemy furnace gradually rises, and the time elapses every minute and a second. I do n’t know how long it is. Finally, when the air in the tens of square meters of static room is showing a dry and fiery atmosphere. During the breath, Pei Junlin, who had been closing her eyes tightly, suddenly opened her eyes. The original two-handed eruption of the Nether Karma fire was replaced by one hand, which weakened the output of the Nether Karma.

Because the temperature in the Dan furnace has reached the level required for alchemy, it is not so long, and Pei Junlin's face has shown a pale meaning, which is why his strength is too weak.

It even made Pei Junlin feel unfortunate that because of his current lack of strength, he could not perform a method called [Otoki Nagaijutsu], which is one of the top and hegemonic methods in the wood system between heaven and earth. This kind of manipulator can control thousands of trees between heaven and earth to catalyze maturity, then attack the enemy, or use it for defense.

In particular, the use of Otogi Changshengjue in alchemy has an unimaginable effect. It has a unique ability to catalyze maturity and has been mad by countless alchemists. It is known as the holy product-level method.

If Pei Junlin wants to cultivate this Ogi longevity tactics, he must enter the second turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Ghost, so it is bound to be obtained for the refining of Ziyun Mindan Yue!

With a bit of regret, Pei Junlin used his heart and soul. The left hand continued to maintain the output of the Nether Industry Fire, and his right hand slammed his hand. The strong energy erupted, and the top two layers of the alchemy furnace were lifted and dropped directly. On the ground, only the first floor remains.


It seemed like a flash flood erupted. When the alchemy furnace was opened, an extremely hot high temperature rushed towards the surface. The temperature in the entire quiet room increased sharply, and the air became extremely hot, as if on fire.

Looking carefully into the Dan furnace, I saw that the original silver-white Dan furnace was red as fire, like a red iron, Pei Junlin did not dare to delay, the left hand continued to maintain the output of the ghost industry, the right hand grabbed the void with five fingers, and suddenly, On the ground, the demon crystal belonging to the skin-streaked leopard flew up and fell into the Dan furnace.

Zizi! !!

The phoenix phoenix leopard's demon crystal burst out with white noise, this is a process of removing the impurities of this demon crystal, leaving only the most essence.

Although Pei Junlin was sitting on the ground cross-legged, the mind in his mind was firmly observing the slightest change in the fairy crystal inside the Dan furnace, the temperature was weak or strong, the effect of the melting of the fairy crystal, and so on. All were under his control. under.

This is an extremely long process, and there is no room for impatience.

About two hours later, under the watchful eye of Pei Junlin, the demon crystal in the alchemy furnace gradually stopped emitting white smoke, instead it began to melt and turned into a pool of viscous blood.

After reaching this level, Pei Junlin took another five-finger probe into the void, and the elixir of gold and silver on the ground floated up!

However, this time, unlike the demon crystal, which was directly put into the alchemy furnace, under the control of Pei Junlin, it floated in the sky above the alchemy furnace, and then Pei Junlin's right hand once again had a ghost fire erupting. But both the scale and the intensity have greatly weakened.

All he has to do is to perfectly remove impurities from this elixir of honeysuckle, refining it into a liquid and mixing it into the elf crystal liquid in the alchemy furnace.

This process is a test of the skill of an alchemist. The control of the flame must be meticulous and subtle, and no mistakes are allowed to be committed. Otherwise, the precious elixir of honeysuckle will be destroyed. The efficiency is greatly reduced, and the rest is reduced to ashes.

Pei Junlin's forehead faintly shed sweat. This kind of dual-purpose skill is a great test for any alchemist, and it is very mentally exhausting.

Time is like fine sand, passing from finger to finger. Finally, under the control of Pei Junlin's superb flame, the honeysuckle floating in mid-air gradually melted into a drop of transparent liquid, some impurities were removed, and the tick fell into the Dan furnace. In the middle, mixed with the monster crystal liquid inside.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin's tightness has been tense, and finally he was a little slack, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and the beginning was quite perfect!

Next, he needed to treasure the medicinal herbs, such as lightning strike wood, millennium ginseng, Tianshan snow lotus, and so on, one by one.

Alchemy has no sun and moon, and in a flash of time, Pei Junlin has been in the quiet room for three days and nights.

For Pei Junlin, these three days and three nights may just be a snap, because he has no concept of time at all, but outside the quiet room, he is driving everyone crazy!

When Pei Junlin originally decided to make alchemy, everyone was very supportive and looking forward to it. After all, in this world, alchemy has always belonged to the legendary myth. It will never exist in the real world. Of course, those so-called scammers must Except for planing.

Therefore, everyone is very much looking forward to what kind of elixir Pei Junlin can make.

But with the passage of time, day and night passed, except for the occasional rumblings, there was no sound.

Then, two days and two nights passed, and there was still nothing in the still room, which worried everyone. Even if alchemy is so important, you still have to eat. You did n’t eat for two days and two nights. Which Can people stand it?

This is not enough. After the third day and night passed, in addition to the hot high temperature continuously radiating outwards, Pei Junlin still did not have any movement, and everyone couldn't sit still!

"No! I have to go in and see if this guy is crazy!"

Wang Ziqiong's face was somber and radiated with a chill that was scared to look straight at her. She was really anxious and couldn't wait for a minute or a second.

Others were also vocalizing, afraid of what happened to Pei Junlin!

That's three days and three nights. Even a hard-hitting body can't stand the test under this intensity!

"Ma'am, don't you embarrass me, okay?"

However, when Wang Ziqiong was about to step into the quiet room, Hong Tianlei smiled with a bitter smile and blocked the way.

Pei Junlin had ordered him explicitly. When he was practicing alchemy, no one was allowed to enter, but there were trespassers who would kill without pardon!

He naturally did not dare to do anything to Prince Qiong, but he did not dare to obey Pei Junlin's orders. Now he is promoted to be the steward of Pei Junlin. This is the first task that Pei Junlin entrusted to him. of.

"Hong Tianlei, let me go!"

Prince Qiong Qiao's face was cold and frosty. On a clear and peerless face, Feng Yan's eyes were magnificent, exuding an oppressive force that people dare not look straight at.

"Ma'am, don't embarrass me, okay? Sir, he banned it explicitly. When he was alchemy, no one was allowed to break in, or he would be killed without pardon!" Hong Tianlei's expression almost cried, and he explained with a brace .

Wang Ziqiong stared: "What if he has an accident? Tell me, is alchemy important or Pei Junlin's life important?"

Hong Tianlei opened his mouth for a moment, but his response was very quick. After a little thought, he immediately said: "Madam, sir, he is so prestigious. If you don't have full confidence, how dare you start to practice alchemy?"

"I'm worried, in case something breaks in your husband due to your break-in, then ..."

The prince Joan, who was originally angry, heard that his steps were frozen in mid-air immediately.

When Hong Tianlei saw this, he quickly hit the railroad while he was hot: "Madam, you should believe in your husband. You have been in contact with him for the longest time. How can you not understand what kind of man he is?"

"When did your husband do something that you are not sure about! You first drink a cup of tea, put out the fire, and wait! Maybe Mr. will come out soon!"

"Miss Wang, the steward Hong is right, don't worry!"

At this time, Lin Qianmo, who was standing aside, also spoke with consolation. After hearing the news that Pei Junlin started to practice alchemy with Lin Shukang and Lin Xianer, the three came quickly. After all, the three had a gamble with Pei Junlin. About!

Therefore, we must witness with our own eyes the results of Pei Junlin's alchemy.

"Although we don't practice alchemy, we still know something about alchemy!"

Lin Qianmo began to explain: "Alchemy is a very tedious and lengthy job, and we cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy, otherwise, the danger of fryer will appear!"

"I have seen the introduction of alchemy in some ancient books. It said that the time consumed by some alchemists in refining some powerful elixir ranges from half a month to as much as a month. ! "

"So, three days is not really long ..."

what? !!

The words of Lin Qianmo have just fallen ~ ~ The faces of the people gathered around have all changed!

At least half a month, and at most as a unit of month, then people will not starve to death alive?

It seemed very clear what everyone was thinking, and Lin Qianmo began to explain: "I know what you are worried about, but it is because you are afraid that Pei Junlin will not eat for such a long time, and the body cannot stand it!"

"In fact, you can rest assured that alchemists are a very special profession. Since they can understand alchemy, they naturally have their own methods of protecting the body. For example, in the process of alchemy, some treasures are full of reiki!"

"I have seen in the book that some powerful alchemists can absorb some of the aura in the herbs during the alchemy process to supplement the body's consumption!"

The original nervous people heard that the anxiety on their faces had finally eased a lot, and they were no longer as worried as before, and they looked at Lin Qianmo with admiration.

It is indeed a member of the Lin family, so knowledgeable and knowledgeable, even rare knowledge such as alchemy is involved.

The same is true for Wang Ziqiong, but she quickly thought about it. A pair of phoenix eyes stared at Lin Qianmo and said, "The words you just said are all prefixed with 'see in the book'. In fact, you are not Determine if all this is true, right? "

Lin Qianmo, who was still enjoying the worship of everyone, suddenly jumped violently, and his face was a little embarrassed ...

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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