Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 103: Jiangbei Pei's ancestors go out

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How spicy Wang Ziqiong's eyesight was, he could see the slight awkward change in Lin Qianmo's face at a glance, and he soon understood all this.

Although Lin Qianmo's discourse was justified and justified, but it was only based on the book, in fact, he had never seen the real alchemy process with his own eyes.

But, how about everything?

Wang Ziqiong's beautiful pair of Fengmu couldn't help falling into the still-closed quiet room door. The anxiety and worry in the eyes were difficult to hide. As Hong Tianlei said before, in case Pei Junlin was disturbed by her intrusion, There are some unexpected changes, she really can't afford it!

Maybe I can only comfort myself with the help of Lin Qianmo. Pei Junlin can really absorb the so-called herbal aura, so as to replenish the body energy ...

In this anxious waiting, the time flickered, and it took another two days to blink. The quiet quiet room, like the high temperature of the stove, continued to burn, and the walls of the quiet room reflected became fiery red.

On the edge of the domineering alchemy furnace, a figure still entered the old monk, sitting quietly with his knees crossed, his left hand kept the attitude of continuously outputting the Nether Industry Fire.

The right hand is skilled in controlling one treasure after another, refining one by one, removing impurities, retaining the essence, and finally turning it into a liquid, which is incorporated into the Dan furnace.

Such a process, Pei Junlin did not know how many times, in his cognition, there is no concept of time at all, the only purpose is to refining herbs, refining, and so on.

Because beside him, there are seven or forty-nine kinds of cherished herbs, each of which requires a different temperature. If you are not careful, errors will occur and the herbs will be wasted, so he must always be there, Observe everything carefully with divine knowledge.

In this high-intensity refining process, Pei Junlin didn't even find that he was thin, his cheek bones were prominent, his arms were clearly blue, and his face was already pale as paper. This is the past few days. Consumption of too much body sperm.

Based on Pei Junlin's current practice, it is really reluctant to refine Ziyun Min Yuedan, but under the circumstances, he has to desperately try it once!

The practice of spiritual practice is a thing that goes against the sky. Sometimes, no slackness is tolerated. You must hold a big determination and be successful if you do not succeed!

As time passed by the white horse, it passed quickly again. In the still room with high temperature roasting, Pei Junlin's treasured herbs around him continued to decrease, all of which were perfectly refined by him and merged into the alchemy furnace.

Finally, two days later, when the last herb was perfectly refined, Pei Junlin's thin body suddenly trembled slightly, holding his chest bent and making a hoarse and deep coughing sound, waiting for him to lift his head, The corners of his mouth do not know when, there is already a trace of scarlet blood seeping out.

Coupled with that pale face, it was shocking!

The difficulty of alchemy can be seen!

"Finally the most difficult first step has been completed!"

However, Pei Junlin didn't seem to notice the fatigue of his body and the huge consumption in his body. Unlike the abnormal shape of the body, the high-strength refining herbs in recent days have made his black eyes become brighter and brighter, like two rounds. Scorching sun, people dare not look straight!

Alchemy is divided into four steps, namely refining, fusion, forming, and enrichment!

This refining refers to refining various required herbs, removing impurities and retaining the essence; the second step of fusion refers to the perfect fusion of the elixir in the alchemy furnace with precise heat.

As for the third part, the molding is very simple. After the perfect fusion of the elixir, it changes into the desired elixir shape. The last step of incubation refers to the accurate preparation of the elixir after the elixir is formed. Time, let the effectiveness of the elixir to the extreme.

The whole process is actually quite similar to cooking and boiling soup. Select materials, clean them, then slice or shred them, and place them in the pot one by one according to the order of cooking. Use high heat when it is high, and warm when it is warm. Fire, and finally cover the pot lid for a while to let the flavor seasonings penetrate into every ingredient ...

At the same time, when Pei Junlin tried his best to refine the Ziyun Yuedan, deep in the garden of Pei family in Jinling City, thousands of kilometers away, there was a crowd of dark and crowded people outside the ancient mottled ancestral hall. .

These are all the children of the Pei family in Jiangbei. There are hundreds of people. The person headed by them is Pei Wantian, the current owner of the Pei family. In addition, all the direct people have arrived!

This is definitely a horrible team. Everyone has an extraordinary network and strength. Once the force is exerted, it is enough to affect the pattern of the whole Jiangbei. The reputation of one of the hegemons of the Jiangbei is not white. The Pei family for decades Management does have such a strong heritage.

But at this moment, it is such a group of men and women who are enough to affect the entire pattern of the Jiangbei, but like a child, standing quietly outside the ancient mottled ancestral hall, everyone has a solemn pilgrimage on his face, full of expectations.

In the quiet atmosphere, everyone only heard the depths of the ancient mottled ancestral temple, and thunder sounds continued to be heard. An omnipresent coercive force spread out, making it difficult for people to approach.

This kind of movement, in the previous one month, appeared for a long time, sometimes during the day and sometimes in the night. The Pei family has long been accustomed to this, but today, the thunder of the ancestral temple, from Starting early in the morning, it sounded like firecrackers and continued, so it alarmed all Pei's family.

When the Pei family's immediate children who heard this news came, one after another, because everyone knew that their ancestors of the Pei family were about to go out of customs!

It is rumored that the ancestor of the Pei family has reached the powerful cultivation of the master of the nine grades decades ago, and it is because of this ancestor that the Pei family can take root in the Jiangbei area, grow and grow, and become Overlord character.

Now, after a few decades, this Pei family ancestor is probably about to win the true innate power!

Congenital Strong!

This simple four-character makes everyone in Pei's eyes full of enthusiasm and faith, because as long as Pei's ancestors break through to the innate, then his Pei family can truly become the supreme figure in the entire Jiangbei region!

What Tang family? What Lin family?

All reduced to the goods only for his Jiangbei Peijia shoes!

Even the country must be treated with care. It is really an innate power. It is too strong. If the master is the backbone of the martial arts world today, then the innate power is the world. The real Top power, one of the bunch of big men standing at the peak of the martial arts pyramid!

"Brother, can he really achieve innateness?"

In this silent wait, a middle-aged man with a valiant face could not help asking Pei Wantian next to him. He is Pei Wantian's second brother Pei Wanhua, and he is also a majestic hero.

Pei Wantian's eyes firmly said: "It must be possible!"

"For today, my ancestors have been preparing for decades, and recently sent a message to me, let me send in eighteen boys who have just turned twelve years old, and eighteen boys who have just turned twelve years old. Blood, I believe that my ancestors can definitely go further with a hundred-foot pole! "

A luxurious lady in a luxurious dress next to her was full of excitement and said, "So, as long as the ancestor breaks through the innate strongman, then that mess in Qingzhou will be dead, right?"

"Crap! That's a must!"

Pei Wanhua raised his chin, with a look of high arrogance on his face: "Just because of the clutter and wanting to fight with my Pei family, it's a self-death! As long as the ancestor comes out, the first person to be killed is the one Miscellaneous in Qingzhou! "

Bang! !!

At this moment, a huge thunderous sound suddenly came out from the depths of the ancestral temple again, and its momentum was louder than that of any previous time. Even standing outside the ancestral temple, you could feel the tremor of the earth. Everyone was taken aback, thinking that an earthquake had come.

At the same time, a mighty coercive force immediately filled the entire courtyard and shrouded a hundred meters of land.

Under this terrifying coercion, all the people in the Pei family who were standing outside showed their horrified eyes one by one. The situation was like a mouse encountering a natural enemy cat, and it was involuntary to produce a great fear from the soul. The masters of the seventh and eighth masters are no exception.

The horrified eyes of the crowd gathered above the ancient mottled ancestral hall ~ ~ because there was no known time when a thick layer of thunderclouds had gathered, among which there was a twist of lightning.

"Oh my God, is this ... is this the legendary scourge?"

Someone exclaimed aloud, the vision in front of them was really amazing!

According to rumors, after breaking through the innate strength, he can steal the power of heaven and earth for his own use, thereby enhancing his body and comprehending the rules of heaven and earth. Therefore, it is intolerable by heaven and earth.

The prestige of the calamity, the boundless terror, is the most terrible power of destruction between heaven and earth. I do n’t know how many heavenly prodigies have been ruined in this calamity.

Everyone in the Pei family did not expect that their ancestors had actually entered the legendary congenital realm, and even Tianjie appeared!

Suddenly, hundreds of Pei family children outside the ancestral hall were excited and couldn't help themselves. I didn't know who was kneeling down and shouted, "The old ancestors Yingwu, the infinite power!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone shouted together, loudly through the courtyard.

And just under this immense momentum, above the ancient mottled ancestral hall, the sudden disappearance of the black clouds and thunderous lightning suddenly disappeared, just as everyone was at a loss below, the gate of the ancestral hall that had been sealed for many years suddenly burst out with a giant Ring, the dust is falling.

Immediately afterwards, a savage robe wearing a large blood-stained robe, a whole savage figure, stepped out of the ancestral hall step by step.

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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