Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1016: Grass can't eat

According to common sense, the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature, but this Kunlun Mountain is different.

The foot of the mountain was covered with snow, but after walking here, Pei Junlin found that the temperature seemed to be warming up, and there were flowers and green leaves everywhere.

Pei Junlin sucked his nose hard, and suddenly felt a sense of relief, because he found that the grass growing here was extraordinary.

These grasses are just ordinary weeds, but they contain some violent medicine. The strength and aura of some rules are even as good as some fairy medicines, which completely shocked Pei Junlin from the heart.

"Turning decay into magic, this Kunlun Mountain is really a show of artificial bell gods, really a show!" Pei Junlin looked at the towering high mountain and couldn't help but sigh.

Such a huge grassland contains more than tens of millions of medicinal powers. At that time, I did not see such a huge amount of elixir in the medicine garden of the main peak of Natong.

With so many spirits called fairy medicines, Pei Junlin feels that he is getting rich this time. He reached out and pulled a handful of grass from the ground, intending to put it in the storage space.

But soon Pei Junlin, you will find that something is not normal, because these grasses will soon wither after being pulled out.

It shouldn't be said that it was quick, it should be said that it withered in the moment of unplugging.

"What's this called? Playing me?" Pei Junlin was furious. He boarded the Kunlun body today, and nothing had happened that made him relaxed and happy.

Countless ways have been tried, but unfortunately there is no way to keep these grasses spiritual. If you leave the ground, these grasses will lose all their aura and regular power in an instant, and become some useless weeds.

"I think that once the grass is unplugged, it will not be fresh." Jin Ye stood on the grass and solemnly told Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin originally felt that Chaos Lingbao's knowledge must exceed his own, but Jin Ye's remarks made Pei Junlin a little speechless. This sentence is equivalent to not being said, is this not nonsense?

When did Jinye learn to play Tai Chi too?

"I mean, you can just try to nibble the grass." Jin Ye looked at Pei Junlin with a smile.

Pei Junlin is speechless, what is this bad idea? Let yourself lie on the ground and eat grass like the donkey?

I tried it. It should be fine. Pei Junlin slowly lay on the ground and opened his mouth.

The fragrance of the grass is refreshing, and Pei Junlin couldn't help biting the tender grass. These grass entrances did not lose their spirituality afterwards, and their spirits surged into Pei Junlin's seven meridians and eight meridians.

There are even more rules to moisturize Pei Junlin's flesh, even letting Pei Junlin's undead body show signs of loosening.

The power of the rules is changing the physical body of Pei Junlin, making them stronger!

And these grasses melt into the mouth, very fresh, the fragrance of the grass, mixed with an unspeakable taste, in short, really fragrant!

"I didn't lie to you, that's it. Since these grasses can't be taken away, you might as well eat here." Jin Ye looked at Pei Junlin seriously.

Pei Junlin is completely speechless. The grass is really fragrant, but it is also really tossing people.

Ca n’t unplug and take away, can only lie on the ground, who ’s idea? Pei Junlin suddenly thought of the donkey, his heart was repulsed.

But with the abundant spiritual energy flowing into the body, Pei Junlin forgot a lot of troubles. He instantly unfolded his undead body, and his body became so huge that he could nibble the turf dozens of meters below.

In just a few minutes, Pei Junlin felt that his body was about to be exploded by Reiki, and he had to sit cross-legged on the ground to consume these abundant spiritual powers.

Pei Junlin's body flashed with the light of an electric arc, and there seemed to be a sign of looseness in the undead body. And what surprised Pei Junlin even more is that these grasses are full of life.

After entering his body, he began to nourish the cells. In particular, it contains the power of some rules, which makes Pei Junlin feel the mystery and unpredictability of this mountain.

Until the night, Pei Junlin sat on the grass. The surging energy in his body was still not fully digested. The energy was too abundant. If it was replaced by any other person, it would have been exploded.

Pei Junlin operates the nine-day star recipe. The starlight in the sky seems to converge on him alone. A thick star light hits Pei Junlin on you and begins to baptize his body.

The immortal body is finally breaking through?

This immortal body is divided into nine layers. Before, Pei Junlin trained in Leihai only the first layer.

Although the name is immortal, it is not immortal, but the strength of the cells is very large, and the general injuries can be repaired.

But if you are beaten up and down, you will still die, not really undead.

According to legend, the ninth weight of the undead body can make people regenerate, that is to say, Pei Junlin was beaten with only minced meat, but as long as one of the cells is not dead, he can be reborn.

But if all the cells are killed and corroded, then he still has to die completely.

No one in this world really has an immortal body. From ancient times to the present, no one has never died. The so-called immortal body is only relatively difficult to die, but it is not that it is immortal.

Some true monarchs and even immortals dare not say that they are immortal because they are also faced with the suppression of the five declines of heaven and man and the rules of the universe.

"Why am I going this way? It's so cold!" Pei Junlin suddenly chilled completely, and his body almost froze.

A moment of frost formed on the eyes of the beard, eyebrows, and even the hair was frozen to freeze. With just one action, Pei Junlin could hear the sound of his skin freezing and clicking.

Pei Junlin was completely stunned, he felt he was fooled. These grasses contain abundant energy and rules, but some of the rules are so cold that they will attack his body and freeze him completely.

If you do n’t pay attention, you ’re fooled. There are traps everywhere. Pei Junlin also has to sigh.

He understood that he was careless this time, and he lost all his carelessness in Jingzhou. He lost all of his moves inadvertently. He was invaded by the hidden rules and he was to be completely frozen to death.

Pei Junlin meditated quickly in his heart, and a red figure flew from the south. It was the Huo Dedi Emperor Yuanshen. At this time, the head of Huo De Emperor Yuanshen, suspended the pure Yang fire bell, immediately came to you beside Pei Jun.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the pure Yang fire bell covered him, and the real fire began to heat up. Pei Junlin wants to use the power of this flame to fight the cold and regular power.

But soon Pei Junlin discovered that everything was in vain. Even if he burned his body with a true ghost fire, he could not feel a trace of temperature.

Even the Nether Real Fire must be completely extinguished by this violent cold power.

This encounter completely stunned him and truly felt the power of death. There were traps everywhere in Kunlun.

Pei Junlin recalled that even after this incident, he would still devour these gods. After all, the magical power and the rule power contained in it were too tempting, and no one could resist it.

But who knows that this is a real trap?

Gradually, Pei Junlin felt that his brain was not working, and the cold breath entered his internal organs and began to freeze the Yuanshen and soul.

At this time, a scorching force in the abdomen suddenly spread around the strange meridians.

Pei Junlin suddenly opened his eyes and ran desperately down the mountain. When he came to face the donkey during the day, without any hesitation, Pei Junlin lay on the ground and began to nibble on the hot tender grass.

The grass entrances were so hot that Pei Junlin suffered a lot during the day, and his lips were turned into sausage mouths.

But Pei Junlin can't care much now, this grass can save lives now, is his real life-saving straw.

Crunching ...

The grass was filled with Pei Junlin's chewing sound, and the teeth crushed the tender green grass juice and even dripped into the snow.

With the force of a violent flame, as Pei Junlin chews, you start to revive him.

This violent devil spicy grass actually brought Pei Junlin back to life, using the heat generated by this violent spicy to fight against the cold and regular power, Pei Junlin succeeded.

The gradual cold power was completely neutralized by this devil spicy grass, and Pei Junlin also completely resolved this crisis.

But the regular force in the cold weather is still in Pei Jun's body, making his immortal body about to be promoted. Pei Junlin sat on the grass and closed his eyes again.

Along with a loud scream from the sky, his body was shrouded in a thick formation of light. Immediately afterwards, Pei Junlin's body actually overcomes the divine power on Kunlun Mountain and slowly suspends in the air.

At the moment, there was a dark cloud in the sky. This dark cloud was just tailor-made for Pei Junlin, only suspended above his head, and the golden lightning continued to fall and hit him.

"I'm going, am I right? The undead body is promoted to the second level ~ ~ even attracted Heavenly Tribulation?" Pei Junlin was completely speechless.

It is not that Pei Junlin has not experienced the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation, but this time the power of Heavenly Tribulation contained in this dark cloud made Pei Junlin a little afraid.

It's too violent, too violent, Pei Junlin can't describe it with more words.

When the first thunder fell, Pei Junlin gritted his teeth, clenched his teeth, and didn't want to make any sound.

He wanted to face his own catastrophe like a man.

Only Pei Junlin's perseverance was soon broken, and when the sky thunder landed on him, Pei Junlin flew directly.

The next day the thunder fell, and Pei Junlin instinctively extended an arm to resist.

But this arm was immediately destroyed, the flesh chopped by lightning was flying horizontally, and only Bai Sensen's skeleton remained in the entire arm.

Where is Heaven Tribulation? It's a fool.

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