Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1017: Not serious

Pei Junlin turned and began to run away. He didn't want to play anymore. This day's catastrophe came to kill. This is not a serious catastrophe, this is a demonic catastrophe.

No matter how Pei Peijun Lin escaped, this dark cloud always shrouded his head. It is simply impossible to escape. Pei Junlin starts to dig a hole in desperation. Before the second day of thunder falls, he will dig a cave and drill into it.

By digging a hole to avoid the sky-tribulation, Pei Junlin is also a whimsy.

This idea may seem a little funny in other places, but in places like Kunlun Mountain, there are traces to follow. Because Pei Junlin found that all the grass and trees here contain divinity, maybe the soil here can be used to stop the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

"How do you get promoted like this?" King Jin was speechless.

He finally couldn't stand it anymore, and he reminded Pei Junlin. Even Pei Junlin knew that this catastrophe meant that it was not all destruction, and there was also a meaning of rebirth.

Heavenly Tribulation is a rule of this world, a kind of punishment for cultivators. But it is not to say that Sky Tribulation is useless, and it is completely punishment for practitioners, because there are still many benefits if you carry it.

After all, the wonderful reaction brought about by the power of Heaven Smiting in the human body will make the realm of people who have experienced Heaven Smiting more stable and deeper.

"I don't want to be like this. If it's really an ordinary catastrophe, I don't have anything to do with it, but you also saw that catastrophe that day, and it's completely rushing to kill." Pei Junlin said helplessly.

The first two days after the thunder came down, he hacked his skin open, and one arm became a rib. If it had not already broken through the undead body, this time I am in trouble.

Even so, Pei Junlin looked at the skeleton of his right arm with the force of Heaven Smiting on it. It is still very difficult to repair this arm by one's own undead body, and it is impossible without ten days and a half months.

"Perhaps this day's catastrophe is an opportunity for you. If you escape like this, I think this day's catastrophe will always be here to guard you, can you turn your life under this mud?" Jin Ye is like a teacher, who is in earnest Teachings.

Although Pei Junlin had practiced in the universe for more than 300 years, he was still too tender compared to King Jin.

After Pei Junlin drilled into the soil he dug, the power of Thunder could not penetrate that day. The name of Kunlun Mountain is well-deserved, and every grass, every tree, every flower and every grass carries a mysterious mystery.

Pei Junlin squatted in the cave for an hour, but the sky-tribulation outside still didn't recede, still covering the sky, it seemed that Pei Junlin was waiting to come out.

Pei Junlin is completely speechless, what does this day mean? Doesn't he come out here, he just spends with himself?

In three full days, the wounds on Pei Junlin's arm and body have been completely recovered.

He had also thought about these three days. He stretched his head and cut his head. It would be better to go out and suffer.

A hole dug out of mud is equivalent to a safe house. Once you can't carry it, you will hide in here to heal. Pei Junlin will not let the situation expand to the point where it cannot be cleaned up. I am destined to be controlled by God. His destiny must be in his own hands and cannot be handed over to this day.

Facing the Heavenly Tribulation, this is dauntless courage for others, and it is irresponsible silly for Pei Junlin.

From ancient times to the present day, the powerful cultivators who died under the heavenly calamity are unknown, and Pei Junlin doesn't want to be the fool who was killed by thunder.

However, this time the Heaven Tribulation is really too timely. In this Kunlun Mountain, Pei Junlin can use these mysterious mud to resist the power of Heaven Tribulation, and there is a cozy nest to hide in at any time.

After confirming that his injury was completely healed, Pei Junlin walked out of the hole he dug. Just the moment he stepped out, a golden thunderbolt split again.

In a hurry, Pei Junlin evaded the vital parts, but this thunderbolt still cleaved his skin, and a blood hole appeared directly from the shoulder to the rib.

Almost half of his body was hacked and lost consciousness, and a scorched smell came from his muscles. However, Pei Junlin is not passively beaten. He is running the power of Jiu Tianxing Jue to fight against Heavenly Tribulation.

If you remember correctly, this should be the fourth Sky Thunder. How many Sky Thunder are there in Sky Tribulation? Although Pei Junlin doesn't know, he should come one less, and it will definitely not be unlimited.


Another sky thunder cracked down, this time the sky thunder turned into dark gold. A force of destruction enveloped Pei Junlin, making every cell of him under this kind of power of destruction.

As long as it was more serious than last time, Pei Junlin's entire body became black, almost losing consciousness. With the last trace of strong consciousness, Pei Junlin climbed down the cave again.

It was another three days. This time, Pei Junlin was surprised. He suffered such a serious wound and recovered so quickly.

It seems that being destroyed by thunder this day is not useless, at least the body recovers much faster than before. And Pei Junlin can feel that the strength of the body is greatly improved compared to before.

However, repairing the body also consumed a lot of resources of Pei Junlin, and some of the panacea was swallowed by Pei Junlin. In addition, he drank a ton of dragon's blood to restore Pei Junlin to his current state.

Opening his palms, Pei Junlin looked at his hands. Compared with the past, his hands are almost as white and tender as women, and his skin is almost transparent.

What makes Pei Junlin feel even more speechless is that his skin even exudes a faint scent. The impurities in the body seem to be purified a lot under the bombardment of Tianlei, which makes Pei Junlin more confident.

Tian Tian is getting stronger every day, and Pei Junlin doesn't know whether he can hold two Tianlei again this time.

After everything was ready, Pei Junlin walked out of the cave again, and the robbery cloud was still hanging above his head. Without any accident, a sky of thunder bombarded again.

Pei Junlin has been prepared for a long time, but he still feels some surprises and surprises when he feels that this thunder is more powerful than before.

There was a loud explosion, and then Pei Junlin became a bone. The flesh and blood around him completely exploded under the sky.

But Pei Junlin did not immediately hide into the cave, he felt that he might be able to carry another one. The flesh and blood of the whole body were almost completely eliminated in this day of thunder, but Pei Junlin was not fatally injured, and his internal organs were still wrapped in a layer of strength.

From the cracks of the ribs, the dazzling starlight reveals, Pei Junlin looks almost like a diamond. The nine-day starlight shines down again and is absorbed by Pei Junlin crazy.

Pei Junlin Yang Tian looked at the robbery cloud covering his head and suddenly showed a **** gesture.

The second Sky Lei finally came. What was different from the previous one was that this Sky Lei even carried a hint of red, and a hint of light red in the dark gold, which made Pei Junlin wonder.


This time, the power of Tianlei was much stronger than before. After a bang, Pei Junlin completely shattered the bones of his body, leaving only one head.

"Golden Master, help me quickly, I can't crawl now." I don't know how long it has passed, Pei Junlin regained consciousness. This time he was so miserable that only one head was left.

Even in this miserable situation, Pei Junlin is still not dead, which makes him feel a little surprised, maybe the undead body will evolve, because its vitality is much stronger than before.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but I will definitely carry the thunder for you after I go out. Now I have lowered six heavenly mines. I speculate that this seventh heavenly mine is very likely to have destructive power." Jin Ye was surprised. Rejected your request, which made Pei Junlin speechless.

Now there is only one head left, how to crawl back into the cave? Could it be that until the next sky thunder comes down and completely splits the head and completely dies into dust?

Of course Pei Junlin was not willing to die like this, so he opened his mouth, biting the grass on the ground with his teeth and moving it little by little.

The cave entrance was a slope, and after Pei Junlin spent a full half hour, he finally came to the entrance of the cave.

After consuming the last energy, Pei Junlin's skull rolled into the cave, and finally it was temporarily safe.

This time Pei Junlin also consumed a lot of resources, but after only one day, his body was completely recovered.

All the cells, organs and organs were remodeled, which in my opinion before Pei Junlin was unthinkable.

Six days of thunder have already been lowered. The cloud outside has not completely dispersed. Pei Junlin is worried. The previous six days of thunder have caused him misery.

Although it is of great benefit to the physical tempering of Pei Junlin, the pain suffered is also very great. Only one head was left after being struck by lightning, which was unprecedented in Pei Junlin's eyes. He had never suffered such a strong injury in his life.

"Golden Master, you said that if my head was also broken, would I die?" Pei Junlin joked towards King Jin.

"The so-called undead body ~ ~ does not mean that you are not dead, but the body's activity is still very strong. With your current body strength, I think it is impossible to regenerate blood, but leave a piece Finger rebirth should be okay. "Jinye told Pei Junlin seriously.

Only one finger can be reborn?

King Jin's words added a lot of confidence to Pei Junlin. He walked out of the hole with his head struggling, and just walked out before he stood firm. A pale red thunder fell from the sky and burst into Pei Jun's body.

Almost in an instant, Pei Junlin's body completely turned into blood mist, leaving only one hand, and flew towards the cave.

Coincidentally, this hand missed the hole and fell directly to the other side.

"Are you dead?"

"not yet."

There is only one arm left, but Pei Junlin feels that his consciousness has not been damaged, and he can still communicate through ideas and experiences.

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