Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1018: Imprisoned

It feels strange that only one hand is left, as if all the spirits are gathered on this arm.

But it is much better than the one head left before, Pei Junlin can use five fingers to crawl on the ground, this time it became very smooth to enter the cave.

Less than half a day, Pei Junlin used a lot of elixir and monster blood to completely restore his body.

Walked out of the cave again to meet his eighth sky thunder. Pei Junlin does not know whether the sky is endless, but he knows that he will certainly be able to persevere this time.

The red sky thunder cracked down, and this time Pei Junlin did not completely disintegrate as before. The moment when Tian Lei hit Pei Junlin, he was absorbed by Pei Junlin's powerful physical strength.

The power of thunder and lightning was transmitted between Pei Junlin's cells. Although it made Pei Junlin's body tremble constantly, it did not appear to have the miserable condition before.

This red sky-tribulation lightning kept circulating in his body, making Pei Junlin's body tremble, but his body did not show any signs of being burned.

Had withstood the bombardment of so many days before, and finally showed up. Pei Junlin's body cells seem to have become accustomed to this kind of thunder and lightning bombardment, and did not disintegrate again as before.

This time, Pei Junlin persevered, she was safe and sound, and began to absorb the power of thunder and heaven.

Suddenly lifted the sword in his hand, and the second Sky Thunder finally fell. This time the Sky Thunder was completely blood red. Tian Lei bombarded the Sword of the Breaking Field, followed the Sword of the Breaking Field into Pei Junlin's body, and then returned to the Sword of the Breaking Field. Almost immediately, Pei Junlin felt that the Sword of the Breaking Field had a tendency to collapse.

The ghost image of a high tower emerged above the Sword of Breaking Domain, and began to suppress the power of the Sky Tribulation. Eventually, the power of the red lightning this time was imprisoned in the Sword of Breaking Domain.

Pei Junlin saw this scene, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. This sword was completely different from before.

Is an idea of ​​his whimsy. Unexpectedly, it finally succeeded. Some runes were continuously engraved on the sword of the breaking domain, completely sealing the power of Heavenly Tribulation among them.

This ninth thunder robbery is also the last one. After this thunder ravages, the robbery clouds above the sky slowly disperse. Pei Junlin survived this day's catastrophe safely, and his body finally broke through the second weight of the undead.

There was no earth-shattering movement, so ordinary Pei Junlin survived this sky-tribulation. But the body has obtained tremendous benefits, and the broken domain sword in his hand seems to have produced some wonderful changes.

The sword caught by Pei Junlin can clearly see a red thunderbolt, which flashes around the sword body and makes a snarling sound.

The phantom of the nine-layer demon tower is wrapped around the sword, making the sword look extremely mysterious and mysterious.

Pei Junlin tried to bombard a huge stone not far away, a thick sword gas turned into blood red, which contained the power of Heaven Tribulation.

Jianguang blasted away, and the boulder with Kunlun's magic power was even split into pieces.

"I'm going, this won't be true. You have sealed the power of the Heavenly Tribulation in this sword. The material of the Sword of the Breaking Domain should not be able to withstand the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. How can it be done?" Jin Ye showed a surprised look.

Lord Jin became a teenager standing next to Pei Junlin, with a startled light in his eyes. It seems that I can't believe it, and I stretched out my hand to touch the broken domain sword, but it was also timid.

The power of Heavenly Tribulation that circulated above made him feel a little afraid. In the end, Jin Ye seemed to have found the courage to reach out and touch this broken domain sword, but a scream was made immediately before his finger touched the broken domain sword.

A hair-thin red lightning flew from the broken domain sword and directly wrapped around Jin Ye's fingers. So that one of his fingers instantly annihilated in the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

"I went, it was really amazing." Jin Ye's damaged finger recovered instantly, but his face was a little dignified.

"The question I asked you just now hasn't told me, what the **** are you doing, how can you confine the power of Heavenly Tribulation, which is absolutely impossible." Jin Ye's face showed a very curious look.

Pei Junlin is now just the realm of Yang Shen, the world of law. According to Jinye's understanding, Pei Junlin does not have control over the rules. Like the power of imprisoning Heavenly Tribulation, even a true monarch may not be able to achieve it. So how did Pei Junlin do it?

Lord Jin believes that there must be something, something he didn't see with his eyes, Pei Junlin hides these mysteries.

"Haha, what secrets do we have? What secrets can I tell you? Tell you the truth, because of the runes of these years." Pei Junlin spread his palms, a Taiji gossip picture His palm appeared.

The dark power and the light power are constantly rotating, just like two Taiji Yin Yang gossip fish.

A breath of vastness evolved in the hands of Pei Junlin, it seems that he spent countless years in an instant, and people's eyes can even feel the erosion of the years on the runes of the years.

"This thing is really too mysterious and too powerful. I use this thing to lock the time of breaking the domain sword at the moment when the Heaven Tribulation exists."

"Can you understand what I mean is that this sword only exists at the moment when Heaven Tribulation appeared. His time is completely locked, and it is no surprise that the sword is wrapped around the sky." Pei Junlin said In fact, he didn't understand it himself, but he only knew a little.

Golden Lord nodded and said: "Using the runes of the years to seal the Heavenly Tribulation on this sword is really a small thing. The power of this Heavenly Tribulation is definitely not comparable to this ordinary sword."

Lord Jin looked at the broken domain sword in Pei Junlin's hand, revealing a trace of disdain.

He is a chaotic spirit treasure. He used to be an immortal tool. He was naturally a bit dismissive of this broken domain sword in Pei Junlin's hands. Although this broken domain sword is relatively strong, it is nothing like the broken one compared with Chaos Golden Fight.

"After the fusion of the Sword of the Breaking Domain and the nine-story demon tower, I found some wonderful reactions in it. This nine-story demon tower may not be simple."

Pei Junlin's eyes flashed with excitement, watching the sword in his hand showing great satisfaction.

After obtaining the dragon training technique from Dragon Tiger Tianjun, Pei Junlin's refining knowledge rapidly increased.

There are even some things that Jinye does not understand today, Pei Junlin can understand, because the dragon clan inherits the mysterious artifacts, there are actually many mysterious and unpredictable places.

This sword Pei Junlin believes in his palm, as long as he keeps evolving, he will eventually be promoted to Chaos Lingbao is no problem.

"Cracking a stone is not a skill, I think you should find someone to try." Jin Ye's face still showed some disdain.

Pei Junlin is quite confident about the power of this domain-breaking sword in his hand. This thing combines the previous domain-breaking sword and the nine-layer demon tower. .

There was a wonderful reaction when these two things were combined, and I couldn't explain it clearly with Jinye in a while.

"Find someone to try, isn't that simple?" Pei Junlin's face suddenly smirked.

Jinye also seemed to understand the meaning of Pei Junlin. The Jindou space opened, and the eighteen dragon princes immediately escaped from the progress space.

Has been raised by Pei Junlin for so long, these 18 dragon princes have already become dragons and tigers. Although Pei Junlin was released several times in the middle of the blood, now the eighteen dragon prince has made a small progress compared to the peak time.

The eighteen dragon princes seemed to have learned wisely in captivity. After getting out of the Jindou space, they only looked at Pei Junlin and immediately started to escape from the desperate method.

Pei Junlin smiled, knowing that the eighteen dragon princes had learned well. But in such a place, the Eighteenth Dragon Prince really needs some patience to escape.

Sure enough, the eighteen dragon princes tried their best, jumped suddenly, and really let him break through the blockade of Kunlun's divine power, and reached a height of more than ten meters, but it was only a brief moment. Soon, Kunming's supernatural power was overwhelmed.

The eighteen dragon prince is like a piece of wood ~ ~ Dropped directly on the ground from a dozen meters high sky. The face fell on the ground with a swollen nose and a swollen face, and there was a long blood flow in both nostrils, and he smiled when watching Pei Junlin.

"Okay, why don't you run away? I let you go and you can't run away. Don't blame me." Pei Junlin walked towards the Eighteen Dragon Prince step by step.

Eighteen Dragon Prince's face changed, and during this time he was imprisoned by Pei Junlin. In fact, he had already thought a lot of questions, and his previous arrogance was almost wiped out.

If it was before, he had already put down the cruel words and rushed over to fight with Pei Junlin desperately. But now he looked at Pei Junlin's eyes, there was a trace of fear.

"Pei Junlin, I suggest you don't deceive people too much. Our dragon race is also a huge race among the stars. If you offend me, then you will surely take your life if you encounter some of the dragon's power. "The Eighteen Dragon Crown Prince can only move out of the dragon family behind him.

Now whether he is powerful or imposing, there are not many places where he can threaten Pei Junlin. Only his family background is outstanding.

"I don't blame me today, I let you go and you can't run away. I tell you to come out and there is nothing else. Don't be afraid first." Pei Junlin made a statement to stabilize the Eighteen Dragon Prince.

Later he will let this kid cooperate with himself and try the power of this broken domain sword. If this kid is scared and paralyzed, who will cooperate with him later?

"What are you going to do? Bleeding blood or cutting meat? Don't do it, it hurts so much." The Eighteen Dragon Prince's face showed a fearful look.

These eighteen dragon princes were really crazy before, and Pei Junlin hated him. It's almost gone.

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