Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1019: Bleeding leg

Because in such a long period of imprisonment, the torture of the Eighteen Dragon Prince is enough to compensate for his previous arrogance.

But Pei Junlin did not want to let this kid go, because he slaughtered the city and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. This seems to be unforgivable to Pei Junlin. Although his personal grievances with the 18th Prince Long have been wiped out, the 18th Prince Long owes the blood debt of the earth, but it is still there.

Unless the dragon eighteen prince is dead, if not, the blood debt will never be eliminated. One yard, one yard, although Pei Junlin himself cancelled his grievances with the 18th Prince Long, but so many dozens of millions of humans on Earth who were exterminated by the 18th Prince Long Forgive them instead.

"What the **** are you going to do? If you want to kill you, just say it straight away." The Eighteen Dragon Prince finally panicked because Pei Junlin watched his eyes change constantly, making him feel like a roller coaster.

"Nothing, I was a little bit soft-hearted just now, but thinking about the crimes you once committed, I instantly hated you again." Pei Junlin's tone became cold again.

The eighteen dragon prince is just now deterred by his powerful strength, so he appears to be well-behaved and weak. If this kid is allowed to escape again, it is another devil that will kill and not blink.

So when thinking about it, Pei Junlin felt that his emotions were a bit ridiculous, and even pityed the demon in front of him.

Bleeding and unloading these legs is nothing to the Long Eighteen Prince. Pei Junlin suddenly felt that his revenge on the Long Eighteen Prince was too light.

"Use your strongest flesh to resist my sword. If you can block it, I will let you go." Pei Junlin looked at Long Eighteen Prince.

From the eyes of the eighteenth prince, there was also a glimmer of anticipation and doubt, but the desire for freedom made him directly agree with Pei Junlin without thinking.

"You are still too crazy, do you think you can kill my life with a knife? Don't forget that we two fight before, you spent the power of nine cows and two tigers to suppress me. If you had this chaotic spirit treasure , Do you think you are my opponent? "It seems that the eighteenth prince has recovered some of his old style, and at this time, Pei Junlin's eyes rekindled a fighting spirit.

This is what Pei Junlin needs. He does not need an opponent who will not resist, but an opponent who can desperately fight with himself.

"Don't have any nonsense, I only have a sword. If you can stop me from letting you go, it's as simple as that." Pei Junlin raised his broken domain sword in his hand.

Is surrounded by red lightning bolts, making the sword look like a butcher knife in a purgatory. The breath of the destruction of the heavens above it made people feel a tremor from inside.

The eighteen dragon prince took a deep look at Pei Junlin, then suddenly roared: "Tianlong bodyguard!"

Along with this roar, the eighteenth prince of the dragon surged into the sky, and his body also transformed into a dragon shape. The 100-meter-long dragon instantly occupied the entire mountainside.

Each scale exudes a colorful light, in which a more powerful breath circulates, and Pei Junlin can feel the power of the dragon eighteen prince's body.

The blood-red sword light cut towards the eighteenth prince of the dragon, Pei Junlin did not point to the key point of the eighteenth prince, but pointed to a part of its tail, even if the body of the eighteenth prince was cut, it would not be fatal.

"You have to be careful! The dragon clan has many means. Don't look at the dragon eighteen prince before you surrender and become obedient, but this kid's teeth are still a evil dog." Jinye's voice rang in Pei Junlin's ear .

Pei Junlin nodded, but suddenly his eyes widened, because Prince Long Shiwan really had other thoughts as Jin Ye said.

Didn't know what this kid did suddenly, his body turned pale gold. Then, the eighteenth prince reclaimed the huge dragon body and became humanoid.

However, its tail is still preserved, and its limbs still look like dragons.

The eighteenth prince now looks like a half-human half-dragon. Although this is a humanoid figure, his body is like a dragon.

"Pei Junlin, do you really think you can control my life and death? Ha ha ha ha, you are still too tender." The Eighteen Dragon Prince's momentum soared, and instantly broke through to the realm of Yangshen.

The sudden change surprised Pei Junlin, and the **** sword light was also perfectly avoided by the Long Eighteenth Prince. The eighteenth prince, like a shell, rushed towards Pei Junlin.

"What is this? Are you using some kind of taboo spell?" Pei Junlin's pair of eyes are pale and dark, like the starry sky at night.

In the face of the surge of the Dragon Eighteenth Prince, Pei Junlin was expressionless. Except for a slight surprise at the beginning, Pei Junlin had no more expressions.

"I think you are too weak when you try to use the sword yourself. I didn't expect you to use the dragon's forbidden technique, then come on." Pei Junlin carried the war with the broken domain sword and the dragon eighteen prince.

The eighteen prince did not know what secret was used, and even the strength was instantly raised to the realm of Yangshen, which was terrifying. Although it has not reached the point of tearing space, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

Several times, these eighteen dragon princes directly avoided Pei Junlin's sword light, which made Pei Junlin's expression increasingly impatient.

"Pei Junlin, I think you'll forget it. The broken sword in your hand is useless." Jin Ye's voice came.

Perhaps in the eyes of Jin Ye, all other treasures are used for devouring. He is the only one in heaven and earth, he is a chaotic spirit treasure, and naturally looks down on ordinary treasures, but today Pei Junlin will prove that Jin Ye looks.

The treasures he made by Pei Junlin are also not bad. This is not a grudge between the two, but Pei Junlin really wants to prove himself. Pei Junlin, who is very interested in the dragon's refining technology, is confident that the sword will become stronger and stronger in his hands.


The phantom of the nine-story demon tower floated over the broken domain sword, and suddenly suppressed toward the dragon eighteen prince.

The eighteenth prince didn't seem to put the nine-story demon tower in his eyes at all, and he threw a punch at the ghost image of the nine-story demon tower.

When his hands touched the nine-layer demon tower phantom, his face immediately changed, even if he used the dragon's forbidden technique to become a dragon, but it was still difficult to resist this powerful amount of suppression.

Among the phantoms of the nine-story demon tower, it is no longer the original nine-story demon tower. Among them, there are more engravings of Pei Junlin's feelings about the magic of the Heavenly Master.

Nine-story demon towers now incorporate the heavenly demon drop technique, which naturally has a powerful ability to suppress demon clan.

The eighteenth prince supported the nine-story demon tower with both hands, and his legs were pressed to swear a crunchy voice.


Eighteen Dragon Prince's legs were directly plunged into the soil, and the deeper and deeper the slowly, the soil even drowned him.

Pei Junlin will naturally not miss this good opportunity. Before the Dragon Eighteen Prince evaded too fast, Jianguang could not cut it. But at this time he was like a living target, and the broken domain sword in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly released a blood-red sword light.


An arm of the eighteenth prince of the dragon was easily cut off, but this is not the purpose of Pei Junlin. He wanted to see what the power of the robbery would bring to the opponent in the end?

After the sword light was cut on the shoulder of Prince Long eighteen, the blood-red thunderbolt wound his body instantly. The whole body of Prince Long Eighteen exploded, and in Pei Junlin's eyes, it turned into a blood mist.

Even the screaming did not happen, and Prince Long eighteen completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin was also completely shocked. After breaking the domain sword is so powerful now, after integrating the power of the Heaven Tribulation, it is really terrifying.

"Don't let me meet the wild **** before, let me meet you with a sword." Pei Junlin said, looking at the broken opinion in his hand.

"I didn't expect you to really have two lives. This ordinary sword has become so powerful in your hands." Jin Ye said a bit sourly.

Of course, Pei Junlin knows what kind of mentality Jinye is. These spiritual treasures with spirits are actually the same as the beauty of the harem, and they also have competing mentalities with each other.

Moreover, as Lord Chao ’s Spiritual Treasure, Nature feels that I am the only one in the world, and I do n’t want Pei Junlin to focus his attention on other ordinary treasures ~ ~ But at this time, I see Pei Junlin ’s broken domain sword Becoming so powerful, Jinye could only silently wish Pei Junlin.

"Golden Lord, you are the strongest in my heart, and my position in my heart is always unshakable. You are like the Donggong Niang, and these ordinary treasures belong to the harem beauty 3000." Pei Jun Lin smiled and said towards Jin Ye.

Jinye turned into a handsome boy, kicking towards Pei Junlin. An embarrassed look appeared on his face, and he gave Pei Junlin a fierce look: "You are abnormal, you two masters say this!"

With a smile, Pei Junlin put away the broken domain sword in his hand and said to King Jin: "Of course I am telling the truth. You can take away all the treasures in the world. All the treasures in the world are your disciples, you say your status. Who can shake? "

Hearing Pei Junlin's compliments, Jin Ye's face was much better, and he entered the chaotic golden battle in a flash.

After comforting Jinye, Pei Junlin was planning to continue to climb the Kunlun Mountain, at this time a stone fell from the top of the mountain.

Pei Junlin looked up and saw a huge rock rolling in, dragging long smoke behind.

It is impossible for a rock to roll down from the mountain out of thin air. Now there is no strong wind or heavy rain. If no one moves it, it will never roll down automatically. Pei Junlin suspects that the donkey was retaliating against himself.

Is nothing more than a stone, which can't cause any harm to Pei Junlin, but Pei Junlin suddenly found that this stone was aiming accurately, and rolled down towards the direction where he stood.

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