Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1020: Donkey come again

This is nothing, as long as she flashed her body away, but after Pei Junlin flashed her body, she suddenly found that the stone had also corrected its direction, and rolled down towards itself again.

This time Pei Junlin was a little speechless, how about still carrying an automatic navigation system at this time?

Now Pei Junlin is almost certain that the donkey was a little bit strange before, and he made a strange stone to retaliate himself.

But Pei Junlin did not move this time standing in place, his undead body had just been promoted to the second level. Moreover, after breaking the domain sword, it has been re-refined, and its power has soared.

An ordinary stone didn't scare Pei Junlin. He stood still, still. The broken domain sword in his hand suddenly flashed a **** sword light, slashing towards the giant stone.

But when Jianguang was about to touch this big stone, the stone suddenly jumped and escaped the sword light in Pei Junlin's hand. While Pei Junlin wondered, the stone disintegrated automatically in mid-air, and the donkey hidden in it jumped down directly.

"It's you again, are you looking for death?" Pei Junlin was a little angry.

In the past, he was fooled by this donkey, and his heart was under anger. Unexpectedly, this donkey came to poke himself again. It was unbearable. Pei Junlin took the broken domain sword in his hand and pursued Go up.

However, there was magic suppression on Kunlun Mountain, and Pei Junlin could not fly in the air. Even if his physical strength improved again, it was just barely able to run, and the speed was far behind the donkey.

The donkey's four hooves bounced up and down on the ground and disappeared into Pei Junlin's sight. , And Pei Junlin can only look at the residual image left by the donkey, Wang Yang sighs.

Before encountering a series of adventures, Pei Junlin even believed that there was already a great opportunity waiting for himself on Kunlun Mountain. So instead of stopping, he continued to climb towards Kunlun Mountain.

Pei Junlin did not randomly find a way to walk around, because no one had stepped on this Kunlun Mountain, and there was no so-called road.

Pei Junlin followed the footprints of the donkey along the way. On the one hand, he could trace the trail of the donkey. On the other hand, Pei Junlin also believed that the place where the donkey passed was absolutely safe.

This donkey is very weird. Pei Junlin thinks that maybe he was originally a creature on the Kunlun Mountain.

I have to say that the Kunlun Mountain's magical power is still very powerful. The suppressed Pei Junlin gasped. He was like an ordinary person at this time. He could only climb up the mountain on foot, and he had to stop and rest after a while.

As the altitude rises, Pei Junlin also finds that the pressure of Kunlun's divine power is getting stronger and stronger.

Even if he has an immortal body, immense power, and strong physical strength, but he continues to climb, and his body is too much to eat.

"No, no, this Kunlun Mountain is too weird. This force pressed me to break both legs." Pei Junlin found a flat place and stopped.

It's going to be late, the sun goes down, and the afterglow of the setting sun spreads over the entire holy mountain, making Kunlun Mountain look like a sacred feeling.

Pei Junlin was attracted by this beautiful scenery, standing on the spot and looking away for a long time.

Gave birth to all kinds of feelings in his heart, this feeling is unprecedented.

Pei Junlin closed his eyes and entered the state of cultivation of Xuan Zhixuan. I don't know how long it had passed before Pei Junlin slowly opened his eyes.

Goo Goo Goo ...

Pei Junlin's stomach grunted, and a voice of hunger came.

This Kunlun Mountain is so weird that almost all the practitioners came here and became ordinary people. Pei Junlin feels that his body's mana is limited here. He is really afraid that if he encounters a beast on the mountain, he will be the enemy of the other party.

The scenery is beautiful, but a person is too lonely. When Pei Junlin waved his hand, the Jindou space opened directly.

Princess Thirteen and Na Yutu Princess came out of the Jindou space. The two of them have not seen the day outside for some days. At this time, the eyes of the afterglow of the setting sun suddenly lit up.

"Don't try to escape because you can't survive alone here." Pei Junlin immediately warned the two.

In fact, there is no need to say that Pei Junlin said that the two of them also felt the huge pressure of Kunlun Mountain, and there seemed to be a kind of regular force that bound everyone.

Although he stood there immobile, his body was almost as if he was wearing a layer of hundreds of kilograms of war armor, which made him almost breathless.

Pei Junlin is okay, after all, he is an immortal body. After practicing the nine-day star recipe, his body is extremely powerful, and he is able to withstand the pressure of Kunlun Mountain.

The thirteen princesses are not bad. After all, she is a dragon. The name of the female tyrannosaurus is well-deserved, even under this huge pressure, it can move freely, and it also stretches a lazy waist.

That Princess Yutu felt a little uncomfortable. After walking a few steps, she felt huge pressure. She was out of breath and her face was flushed.

It seems that the Yutu clan also has their own way. I saw a hazy light shining around her. It seems that some kind of treasure in the body played a role, so that Princess Yutu quickly eased over.

"How can we have the conscience to let the two of us come out today, is it because the two of us can't run away?" Just after the thirteenth princess stabilized, she sneered at Pei Jun's wind.

Pei Junlin pointed to a huge dragon claw on the ground and said, "Don't talk nonsense, do you see this dragon claw? This is the arm of your cousin, the eighteen dragon prince."

After seeing the huge dragon claw, Princess Three didn't have a look on her face, but looked at Pei Junlin calmly and said, "You killed him?"

"I didn't intentionally kill him, I didn't hold my hand." Pei Junlin spread his hands and looked innocently.

Thought that the thirteen princess would be angry, but knowing that the other party was very calm, it seemed that the thirteen princess didn't feel any sadness about the death of the eighteen dragon prince.

But Pei Junlin would know by thinking about it, the two are not related by blood. They can't fight with each other. Although they belong to the dragon clan, they usually don't even fight in the face.

Asked Princess Thirteen to show a sad look at that time, which was too difficult for a strong man.

"Don't tell me, you want to eat this dragon claw." The expression of disgust on the face of Princess Thirteen.

"Weak flesh and strong food are the rules in the universe. Is there anything wrong? Besides, human beings are all supernatural, and eating these things is justified." Pei Junlin didn't feel anything.

Princess Yutu laid down the table and chairs beside him, took out the dinner plate and wine, and Pei Junlin began to barbecue. The huge dragon claw was divided into several pieces by him, and it was roasted on the campfire.

Soon, the dragon meat smelt out a fragrance, and the fat in it dripped on the flame, causing a more vigorous flame.

Princess Thirteen Dragons found a boulder sitting on it, holding her knees in both hands, watching the afterglow of the sunset in the distance and lost in thought.

Princess Yutu always followed Pei Junlin's side and helped him very well. He even took the initiative to pick up the spices and began to sprinkle cumin and other spices towards the dragon meat.

"Will you eat barbecue with me later? Are you hungry?" Pei Junlin started to lift her sister.

It seems that no matter what Pei Junlin said, this Princess Yutu's face will always be slightly red, but just heard Pei Junlin's words, Princess Tong jumped back instinctively like a scared rabbit.

"I dare not eat this, you eat it yourself." The princess puffed her tongue out cutely.

She was standing carefully two or three meters away from Pei Junlin. She looked at Pei Junlin with a pair of eyes, seeming to have some inquiring look.

Pei Junlin ate the fragrant dragon meat in a big mouth, and felt that the body's function finally recovered. After walking in the day and fighting with the wild **** for a while, I was really tired and tired.

Eating dragon meat with vigorous energy, Pei Junlin immediately became a dragon and tiger, and the more he ate, the more addictive he became.

"Thirteen Princess! Come and pour me wine." Pei Junlin greeted the thirteen princess sitting on the knee with his knees.

Princess Yutu heard Pei Junlin say this, and quickly came over and picked up the jug to serve Pei Junlin. However, Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grasped his wrist: "Don't move, just sit and watch. I ’m going to pour thirteen princesses for me today. "

Thought that the general character of the thirteenth princess Lima would definitely not be obedient, but this time Pei Junlin was obviously miscalculated. After hearing the words of Pei Junlin, those thirteen princesses had strange expressions on their faces.

After hesitating for a while, he jumped from the boulder and came to Pei Junlin's side. Without thinking, he picked up a jug and poured a glass of wine towards Pei Junlin's glass.

Then her actions didn't stop ~ ~ Instead, she picked up another wine glass and poured a glass for herself, then picked up the glass and sipped it out.

"I'm tired today, and my backache and leg cramps. You two can do it."

After Pei Junlin had eaten and drank enough, no matter what half of the dragon meat remained on the meat shelf, he lay directly on the chair and stretched his arms to kick his legs.

Princess Yutu was very clever, and took the initiative to come to Pei Junlin's side and squatted down, holding out a small hand like Baiyu to help Pei Junlin pinch the muscles on his thigh to help him loosen his bones.

And the thirteen princess hesitated a little, and even walked behind Pei Junlin, put a pair of slender fingers on Pei Jun's shoulder, and began to massage him.

"Lighter, do you want to pinch me to death?" Pei Junlin looked up and looked at Princess Thirteen.

Thirteen Princess was so angry that her nose was crooked, and there were tears in her eyes. As a princess of the dragon clan, why did she suffer such humiliation?

Generally speaking, the character of the thirteen princesses is not too bad, and there is no slaughter of human races like the eighteen dragon princes, regardless of good or bad, demon behavior.

Killed the eighteen dragon prince, Pei Junlin regretted. Not guilty to the 18th Dragon Prince, but felt that after the 18th Dragon Prince was killed by mistake, it would be too difficult to eat dragon meat in the future.

After all, it is very cost-effective to captive a dragon.

"Don't be dissatisfied with your current identity. Do you know how many demon clan outside the domain want to be my maidservant, but I refused it directly?" Pei Junlin's face was not red and heartless when he was lying.

While Pei Junlin was chatting with his two little maids, a black shadow quietly touched his barbecue grill ...

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