Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1021: I have 1 donkey friend

By the time Pei Junlin found out, the shadow had already ran away.

A large piece of dragon meat that was originally placed on the barbecue grill was nowhere to be seen at this time, and only the empty shelf was still squeaking, which seemed to be ironic to Pei Junlin.

"Who is lying down?" Pei Junlin was furious and jumped directly from the chair.

Princess Yutu shook her head innocently. She just intently rubbed her legs for Pei Junlin, and she didn't see anything else at all.

"I seem to see a donkey, how could there be a donkey on this mountain? And it runs so fast." Princess Thirteen looked puzzled and stopped the jade hand that was pressed on Pei Junlin's shoulder.

This time Pei Junlin was not calm, and it was the donkey again, this time he stole his roasted dragon meat.

Uncle can bear, aunt can't bear it.

This matter must have a result, Pei Junlin directly carried the broken domain sword and chased it out.

Broken domain sword is wrapped around the Sky Tribulation Thunderbolt. Although the sky is dark at this time, this sword is brighter than the flashlight and shines everywhere.

Thought that he would definitely not be able to catch up with this donkey, but after a few steps, Pei Junlin found that the donkey was squatting there.

The two hooves in front grabbed the piece of dragon meat, chewing open mouth.

"Are you shameless? Even the food is stolen." Pei Junlin paused and pointed at the wild **** with a broken domain sword in his hand.

The donkey didn't seem to care about Pei Junlin's threat at all, the expression on his face was extremely enjoyable.

"You have eaten a lot of grass before me, how can you eat a piece of meat?" The donkey is very calm, and does not care about the long sword in Pei Junlin's hands.

"The whole mountain is full of your pee smell, how do you say this thing?" Pei Junlin's face was somber, he wanted to hack the donkey to death with a sword.

The donkey laughed and laughed for a long time before continuing to eat dragon meat.

He said to Pei Junlin: "Don't care about these details."

Pei Junlin was thinking of killing him with a sword, but how could he know that the donkey said slowly: "If you are not stepping on my footprints, do you think you can go to this point? And if there is no me in the way, you definitely have to Nothing. "

Hearing what the other person said, Pei Junlin stopped involuntarily. This donkey seems to have something to say, did it take the initiative to bring itself up the mountain?

"I don't have any malice towards you, on the contrary, I appreciate your barbecue skills. It's better to stay on this mountain, cook for me, and cook for me every day." The donkey continued to say sullenly.

Pei Junlin can't stand it anymore, is he a cook for a donkey, isn't this a great insult to him?

Pei Junlin raised his hand and chopped it with a sword, and the blood-red sword light crossed the dirt, leaving a long mark.

But the donkey was so calm that a spout radiated from one mouth. Pei Junlin's Heavenly Tribulation Sword Light was actually offset by this Brightness.

This donkey is so mysterious that Pei Junlin didn't dare to underestimate. He didn't shoot again, and the hostility on his face weakened a lot.

The opponent is a very mysterious animal, which makes Pei Junlin's heart start to calculate. If you blindly die with the other party, in fact, it's just for sighing.

Actually, there is no deep hatred between the two. It is nothing more than a few words of utterance.

"Brother, if you continue to help me lead, I will provide you with this barbecue every day, how do you feel?" Pei Junlin's attitude suddenly eased.

The donkey stopped buying, standing on the boulder and gazing at Pei Junlin with a disdainful expression on his face: "Do you want to stammer me, or do you want to use me?"

The donkey's oil and salt won't enter, which makes Pei Junlin a real headache.

The night has passed. When the sun broke through the darkness early in the morning, Pei Junlin looked up at the boulder and found that the donkey had disappeared.

Left a series of footprints on the dirt, which gave Pei Junlin a little comfort inside.

It was so comfortable to be massaged by two little maids last night. Pei Junlin found that he fell asleep unconsciously.

Opening his eyes at this time not only found that the donkey was gone, but also the thirteenth princess did not know where to go. Only that princess jade rabbit was lying on Pei Junlin's lap, and there was a gleam of saliva at the corner of her mouth.

Pei Junlin shook a little, and Princess Yutu quickly woke up. His face flushed instantly and stood up from Pei Junlin's lap.

"Did you see the thirteen princesses? Did she run away?" Pei Junlin panicked.

I'm so careless, this time I'm afraid the 13 princesses must have escaped.

Thinking of his humiliation for the thirteen princesses during this time, Pei Junlin was a little speechless. If these thirteen princesses really escaped, then they will surely retaliate against themselves, which is a big trouble.

When Pei Jun was about to grow up, he suddenly turned a figure at the foot of the mountain, it was the thirteen princesses. She even had a bunch of flowers in her hand, and there was a faint smile on her face.

Looks like a young girl returning from a spring tour with a carefree look on his face. But when the thirteenth princess saw Pei Junlin, her face suddenly collapsed and became cold.

Pei Jun was a little embarrassed. Was he so indifferent? Seeing herself, the thirteen princesses changed their faces faster than turning over books.

"Who made you run out? Do you have any rules?" Pei Junlin felt his majesty was trampled on, and suddenly turned his face up, wanting to teach the thirteen princesses.

Don't take out a little majesty of master, this girl may not know who is the master and who is the servant now.

Thirteen princess didn't pay attention to Pei Junlin, and knitted the flowers in her hands into a wreath, which was directly put on Princess Yutu's head.

The two girls came to the stone of the wild **** holding hands last night, and they looked at the sunrise, and they were relished.

Especially the thirteen princesses, sitting in the mud with no one beside them, closing their eyes, and breathing in between their little mouths and breathing, they began to practice.

In fact, Pei Junlin also felt that the breath on the Kunlun Mountain was unusual, and practicing here would have done more with less. And there are all kinds of regular forces, which will make some changes to the human body.

"Oh, why didn't you escape last night?" This is where Pei Junlin was very curious.

Last night, he really fell asleep unsuspectingly. If Princess Thirteen really wants to go, Pei Junlin believes that he ca n’t stop him, but even the thirteen princess came back on his own, which made Pei Junlin think about it. Its solution.

Could this girl become addicted to being a maid and feel uncomfortable?

Thirteen princess is practicing, suddenly his face flushed, opened his eyes and stared at Pei Junlin fiercely, it seemed that Pei Junlin almost got angry.

Pei Junlin only thought that he had photographed a set of portraits for the thirteenth princess. I am afraid that the girl did not leave because of the set of portraits.

"You don't care about that set of photos? Haha, you can rest assured, as long as you stay by my side. As for the photo, I won't show it to anyone." Pei Junlin looked at the thirsty princess look, It feels very interesting.

This girl usually has no respect for her master, and now she just found an opportunity to squeeze.

"If you show it to others, I will kill you." The thirteen princess looked at Pei Junlin with her teeth clenched, and her face was flushed with blush.

"Of course not, I will naturally not show it to others. But sometimes I will take it out to appreciate." Pei Junlin continued to pour out 13 kilometers.

When the girl was angry, it was actually quite interesting. Looking back at the scene of the battle with the thirteenth highway, Pei Junlin actually felt very interesting.

After all, the strong opponents who once surrendered to themselves at this time, and still have such a grievance look, it does make people feel extremely psychologically satisfied.

But after hearing Pei Junlin's remarks, the thirteenth princess didn't refute, which made Pei Junlin feel a little surprised. Is it true that these girls can't show the set of photos to others, but can they be the master?

"Thirteen sister, what is a photo? Isn't it pretty?" Princess Yutu raised her innocent and pretty face and looked at Princess Thirteen.

Princess Thirteen's face became more red instantly. She gave Pei Junlin a fierce look, and then whispered to Princess Yutu: "That's not a good thing, sister, don't try it ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Oh! "Princess Yutu narrowed her eyes and said nothing more.

"The weather is good today, I am too bored to climb alone. It is better to accompany me as the two of you. There are two little maids around, and the men and women are not tired of working together." Pei Junlin laughed.

There are few people on Kunlun Mountain, and Pei Junlin is not worried about encountering other people. It is always lonely and boring to climb alone. It is also very interesting to have two little servants with the words and words from time to time.

Pei Junlin's proposal, neither Princess XIII nor Princess Yutu could refuse. Because the two people were kept in the dark space of the golden sky, it was not so comfortable outside.

And the Kunlun Mountain is so immense and so powerful, it is also very beneficial for the two to practice in this space. So for Pei Junlin's proposal, the two did not have any objections, and nodded directly.

When starting from there, the Thirteen Dragon Highway deliberately did not walk with Pei Junlin, relying on his strong body, dragon blood, walking alone in front, far away from Pei Junlin and Princess Yutu.

It was that Princess Yutu was very clever and always followed Pei Junlin.

"What the **** is a photo?" Princess Yutu whispered and looked at Pei Junlin.

Sure enough, the curiosity of a woman has no bottom line, even if the woman is a rabbit.

Hearing how Princess Yutu asked, Pei Junlin's face showed an uncontrollable smirk.

He glanced at the thirteen princess who walked far in front, and then whispered to Princess Yutu next to him: "Actually, the so-called photo is to record the best of you at this moment and turn it into a painting. "

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