Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1022: Dragon Elephant Fruit

Princess Yutu dreamed of widening her eyes, and she seemed a little unclear, why was Princess Thirteen so resistant to such a beautiful thing.

"Do you want me to take a set of pictures for you too?" Pei Junlin looked at Princess Yutu like a wretched uncle in a strange look.

Princess Yutu nodded almost without thinking: "Of course I am willing."

Naturally, Pei Junlin almost laughed out loud. After agreeing with Princess Yutu, this matter was temporarily put on hold. After all, on this Kunlun Mountain, it was very inconvenient to take pictures.

The road ahead was full of rain and snow, and the time spent on the Kunlun car almost made people feel tormented.

After half a day, Princess Yutu could not hold on. The huge divine **** made her unbearable in the first place, but in desperation Pei Junlin had to let this little girl re-enter the Jindou space.

However, Princess Long Thirteen was very hard. Although he was tired and panting, his face flushed, he still did not make any request to Pei Junlin. When he finally couldn't walk, he immediately passed out.

Pei Junlin is an immortal body in the realm of Yang God, and his physical strength is much better than that of Princess Long Thirteen and Princess Yutu.

The two little maids could no longer support it, but Pei Junlin was still at ease, and he stepped on the footprint of the wild **** until the evening.

It seems that there is a tacit understanding. After Pei Junlin finished the barbecue this time, he deliberately ate half and left half.

As expected, the donkey came again and took away the barbecue and a pot of wine that Pei Junlin deliberately left there.

This is Pei Junlin deliberately to ease the relationship between the two, only to leave a pot of wine.

Of course, in order to avoid the embarrassment of the donkey, Pei Junlin pretended to be practicing, but when he opened his eyes, he found that there was an extra fruit in the place beside him.

This fruit is extremely unusual. Even with Pei Junlin's knowledge, he has never seen such a fruit.

Pei Junlin picked up the fruit, holding a jade pendant in his hand, exuding a crystal-like breath.

"This fruit should be regarded as a return ceremony, and it is not rude to come and go, don't think I don't understand the etiquette." The donkey's voice came, but it was a little vague.

The donkey's mouth contained the barbecue from Pei Junlin, and the fragrance of wine was spewing out, which was a little exciting at this time.

"What fruit is this? It smells pretty good." Pei Junlin hesitated.

Although he and the donkey are now turning into goddesses, they have not completely laid down their guards.

Facing this tempting fruit of Aura, Pei Junlin did not dare to try it easily. Because he was afraid that he would be teased by the donkey again after being stuffed into his mouth.

"After eating this fruit, your strength will double." The donkey's voice came.

Hearing the donkey saying this, Pei Junlin opened his mouth in surprise. It is now very powerful. If it doubles, how terrible should it be?

"You can get to this point, which means that you have at least tens of thousands of powerful horses in your body. That is, the five-headed dragon exerts force at the same time, and you still can't drag you with your wrestling force." Comment on Pei Junlin.

"It turns out that the power can be calculated like this?" Pei Junlin was opened to a new world by the strange thinking of this donkey.

The donkey is right, the strength of the five-headed dragon is indeed that Pei Junlin can now send out the maximum power. Of course, this is just the power that the body can emit. Pei Junlin also has mana, and can cast spells, which are more powerful than this.

"Donkey, where are you going to take me?" Pei Junlin was curious.

There was a tacit understanding between the two before, and the donkey didn't ask Pei Junlin and didn't ask, all the way along the orange footprints.

Now the two have long turned into jade silk, and the atmosphere is unprecedentedly warm. So Pei Junlin wanted to take advantage of this time to ask what this donkey had on Kunlun Mountain.

From Pei Junlin's point of view, Kunlun Mountain was covered with a layer of mist, and it was impossible to check with the naked eye, and the consciousness was completely suppressed beyond the 100-meter range.

"You asked me who I asked, I told you that I was here for the first time, and I was also unfamiliar with everything here." The donkey gave a white eye towards Pei Junlin.

After eating the meat and drinking, the donkey lay there and fell asleep, seemingly not alert to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also relaxed a little of his vigilance about the donkey's bright and upright behavior. He held the aura fruit in his hand and hesitated whether to eat it.

The doubling of the body's strength is still very tempting for Pei Junlin. After all, he is not dead now, and his strength has only reached the strength of the five-headed dragon. If it is doubled, it will be a stone dragon with complete lethality. Not the same.

Although Pei Junlin was once well-informed, he had never seen the fruit in his hand, and even after racking his brain, he could not figure out what this thing was.

Pei Junlin wanted to ask something, but Jin Ye's memory was also lost a lot. He was damaged and he didn't know the fruit.

In desperation, Pei Junlin can only ask Princess Yutu and Princess Longsan for help.

What I didn't expect was that this time, the problem was solved. After seeing the fruit in the hands of Pei Junlin, Princess Long Thirteen showed a very surprised look, and she bite it in one bite. This thing is called Long Xiangguo.

"The legendary Buddha realm, in which this kind of innate spiritual fruit will be produced, can increase people's strength. Unexpectedly, it seems to be true today." Princess Thirteen looked at the fruit in Pei Junlin's hands and was envious.

At this time, Pei Junlin still did not completely put down his doubts, he suspected that the Dragon Thirteen Princess said this on purpose and wanted to harm herself.

In fact, there is only one fruit, it is impossible to find someone to test the drug.

"You are the second most important part of the undead body. What poisons can kill you, I find it very difficult. Poisons are not only poisons but also nutrients for you, you can eat them with confidence." Lord Jin comforted Pei Jun.

Pei Junlin looked at the sleeping donkey again, and the donkey did not look like a sinister look. In the end, he bit his teeth and stuffed the fruit directly into his mouth.

When the tooth knocked open the fruit, there was a roaring roar immediately in Pei Junlin's ear, a dragon, and an elephant as if it were a dragon.

The huge medicine flowed down all the limbs and all the cells in the body. Pei Junlin felt that his body seemed to be baptized by a powerful force.

After a while, Pei Junlin finally determined that it was meaningless and not toxic, but instead it really doubled the power as the donkey said.

However, this huge medicine could not be fully absorbed for a while, and Pei Junlin could only sit on the ground and slowly refine the medicine.

When Zhaoxia hit Pei Junlin's face again, she opened her eyes, and overnight Pei Junlin completely absorbed the power of the dragon acorn.

With the power of the ten giant dragons, Pei Junlin felt that his body was as full of smoke as the sea.

The feeling of being crushed by Kunlun's divine power before disappeared completely. Instead, he lived a dragon and a tiger.

If he compares speed with that donkey again this time, Pei Junlin believes that he will definitely not lose.

With a huge punch, he almost broke the space, and a huge stone a hundred meters away was bombarded by Pei Junlin into powder.

The power is surging, the rage is like a galloping horse.

Pei Junlin is very satisfied with the strength of his body now, and at the same time has some good feelings for the donkey.

The other party was so bold and arrogant that he gave himself a dragon fruit as soon as he shot, and all he paid was some barbecue and wine.

The donkey seems to have already set off. Pei Junlin didn't see the donkey's figure, but on the mountain road he left a string of donkey's footprints.

As usual, Pei Junlin still climbed up the mountain along the donkey's footprints. He had a hunch that today he might be able to unravel the secret of Kunlun Mountain.

The fallen leaves in the sky seemed to arrive in that gloomy autumn.

The towering ancient wood in Kunlun Mountain exudes a huge amount of Yimu Aura.

These uncles are very mysterious, but Pei Junlin can see at a glance that although it is just a huge forest, all the trees seem to originate from the same tree.

In other words, although these trees have become a forest, their roots are connected to each other.

The fragrant smell came from the air, and it turned out that flowers bloomed on the trees.

Pei Junlin looked up and saw the blue petals fall, and there was a petal rain in the air.

All of this happened after he set foot in the woods, and it took less than ten minutes from the bud to bloom.

It seems that this flower bloom is a performance waiting for him, prepared for him alone.

A very mysterious ray of pollen dropped from midair, leaving a little light in the air, and finally covering Pei Junlin's body.

These pollen are very mysterious, and they will soon take root and sprout on the clothes that nurture your clothes, making Pei Junlin's body covered with small plants.

And these plants are not limited to the clothes rooted on Pei Junlin's body surface, their roots are like hair strands, and they are rooted in the pores of Pei Junlin in a rapid creep ~~ It was just a killing opportunity, and Pei Junlin was stunned instantly.

I can feel those roots deep into his pores, and then they start to absorb the power in the body.

as you

The surface of Pei Junlin's body was instantly covered with a layer of flame, which burned these pollen and plants.

After that, Pei Junlin lowered his head and found that the footsteps of the wild donkey suddenly disappeared, and the donkey seemed to disappear as if disappeared in the woods.

Could it be that the wild **** was introduced into a killing game, and the dragon acorns he gave himself before were only bait for himself?

Pei Junlin felt his head buzz, and his head was about to explode. Cautiously along the way, I did not expect that I was still caught in the killing in the end, and this killing Pei Junlin felt a bit desperate. The sky of petal rain and endless pollen, wanted to take root on his body every moment, and Pei Junlin has to constantly use the law to burn flames to fight against these.

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