Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1023: Mighty Fall

The strong fire soared into the sky, holding Pei Junlin whole in the fire, which cut off those pollen's complementary food to Pei Junlin.

It's too scary to use human body as breeding soil. This pollen is too weird.

Pei Junlin did not have a strong fire power, I am afraid that the pollen will be dried up in an instant, and it becomes humus soil.

Who has devoured an evil mistake? Which peerless powerhouse is it?

Strong resentment condensed in the air, staring at Pei Junlin with cold eyes.

It was actually found by Chunyang's fiery clock, but Pei Jun still felt that his hair was standing upright and chilling, because he had a chilling feeling when he looked at those vicious eyes.

What exactly is that thing? Pei Junlin did not know. It feels that the powerful resentment and murderousness in it breaks through the sky, making the surrounding plants and pollen beautiful with endless viciousness and evil.

"This forest was buried so much that the resentment in it has fermented to the point where it can't be increased." A voice came, and it turned out to be the donkey.

Pei Junlin couldn't see each other, because the rain of petals covered the sky, he could only rely on the feeling that the donkey was not far from himself.

"Come on again, do you think I will be fooled for the second time?" Pei Junlin sneered.

The donkey stopped talking. After a while, a scream came suddenly, and then Pei Junlin heard the sound of hoofs bouncing on the ground.

Pei Junlin walked through the rain of petals and saw that the donkey was covered with flowers. Those flowers were rooted in the skin of the orange and wanted to pierce the tentacles into the body of the donkey.

Pears have no means of nurturing you, so in the face of these pollen invasions, there is simply no effective means of defense. Despite the divine light radiated from the whole body, they still cannot cause any damage to these pollen.

Seeing that the donkey was about to perish, Pei Junlin was born, and his heart was hidden. He can now be sure that this donkey should not have deliberately harmed himself.

Chunyang's blaze grew instantly and enveloped Pei Junlin and the donkey. A flame flew out, and the flowers that shrouded the surface of the ion ion were instantly burned out.

Escaped from the crisis, the donkey was shocked and his eyes were shocked when he looked at the mouth of the huge Chunyang fire bell.

"I didn't expect this thing to be the restraint of this evil pollen, but I don't think it should last long." Donkey asserted that he was not optimistic about the way forward.

Then the two seemed to be carrying shields, illuminated by Chunyang's fire bell, and moved forward step by step. The donkey seemed to be very familiar with this area and continuously directed Pei Junlin to correct the direction.

"Don't you be here for the first time? Why are you so familiar with the road here?" Pei Junlin was suspicious.

The donkey talked inconsistently. No one knew what he said was true. He really ran the train full of words, so Pei Junlin did not dare to believe him completely.

"I'm right here for the first time, but it doesn't mean I don't know anything about it." The donkey didn't care about Pei Junlin's doubts, and Zhangkou refuted Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin suddenly became angry: "If you know something about this place, why would you bring me to this dangerous experience?"

The donkey was suddenly embarrassed, and he was speechless, and the expression on his face was wonderful.

Pei Junlin also knew that after the incident, the donkey would not be able to pass, affecting everyone's unity, so he stopped at this point, and no longer complained.

The important thing is to escape from here, not to blame each other.

"You said that there has been an ancient power here, then what does this have to do with our current dangerous situation?" Pei Junlin was very puzzled.

"After the death of some great powers, their bodies will not be completely corrupted, but will regenerate consciousness and brew some evil things." It has been very subtle to talk all the time, but the eyes are no longer the previous smart, but there are Some fear flashed in it.

"No, is there really a ghost in this world?" Pei Junlin looked at the donkey.

"A ghost is nothing. It is ten thousand times more afraid than a ghost. It should be something called an evil spirit. This thing is very powerful. You have to be careful." So she spoke very softly, as if she was afraid of being heard by others.

At this time, the pure Yang fire bell shrouded the two of them, and suddenly a buzzing sound was heard, and someone was beating the pure Yang fire bell outside.

The intense tremor, coupled with a strong conspiracy, caused the two to be shocked.

The US military soon took control of the Chunyang fire bell, and used the **** to see the outside scene through the Chunyang fire.

The group business is attacking the pure Yang fire bell, and a pair of scarlet eyes are revealed in the dark mist, which is extremely evil.

If this thing is correct, it should be the evil spirit in the old ass.

"Are you safe?" Pei Junlin suddenly looked at the donkey and said.

It's just a little puzzled, but soon it seems to understand Pei Junlin's crazy behavior, he is toward the cultivation of the nation: "You will not go out to fight this thing right? I don't know if we leave here soon."

But Pei Junlin didn't want to leave this place. He never escaped in his dictionary. As soon as the fire bell of Chunyang was put away in an instant, Pei Junlin and the donkey were completely exposed to the air and pollen.

In desperation, Pei Junlin could only use the Yangyang fire donkey in Zhongjiang Village to buckle up again.

And he himself was exposed to pollen, and his clothes soon covered with flowers. This pollen took root on the ground, and the deep roots were facing Pei Junlin, which was dead in the pores.

But this time, Pei Junlin was not as calm as before, and the whole body shone with the stars. After the basis of the flowers touched Pei Junlin's body, he slowly began to wither and was sucked away by Pei Junlin. A surprise.

This is Pei Junlin's operation of Otsuki's longevity, plus his second undead body, more than enough to deal with this division.

The reason why I was in a hurry before was that Pei Junlin had never been in contact with this mysterious division, but it is different now. You have the previous experience, and now you are at ease, walking in this mysterious woods, Bailey is not afraid at all .

Those pollen you now become the pollen whose nutrients fall on him for Pinyin, but all the moments of deep cultivation will be drained by Otsuki Eternal Life.

The black mist was suspended between the branches, staring coldly at Pei Junlin, his eyes flashing with blood.

Pei Junlin waved his hand, and Po Domain Sword slashed towards the evil spirit instantly. A **** sword light instantly chopped on the black mist, and the evil spirit made a miserable howling.

This does not mean that the power of the robbery was directly wrapped around the evil spirit along the sword light, and it constantly eroded his body, causing the evil spirit to continually jump back and forth between the branches, making a forceful uncomfortable scream. .

The black mist was getting smaller and smaller by the power of Heaven Tribulation, and finally flew towards a deep mound in the woods. Li Junlin rushed towards the mound behind Xie Lin.

"The material on the sword in your hand turned out to be the power of Heavenly Tribulation, my God ..." The donkey seemed to be stunned by Pei Junlin's generous pen.

Pei Junlin didn't want to explain the cold expression on his face. Looking in the wild donkey's eyes, he felt that Pei Junlin was unpredictable.

"These people are incredibly powerful. They were obviously beaten by you with three punches and two feet, and they really fought. They met you today as a nemesis." Donkey chattered and followed Pei Junlin. Chun Yang's fire bell is on his head.

In the flames of Chunyang, a continuous flame flowed down, covering the donkey so that it would not be violated by pollen.

And Pei Junlin was walking in this rustling petals, and the pollen that had taken root had no threat to him at all.

One by one came to the mound, and the black mist was floating on the mound at this time, looking at Pei Junlin coldly.

"This place should be the place to buy a powerful one, digging out the treasures that are likely to be able to carry with you." There was an excitement in the donkey's tone.

The dark mist of the evil spirit suddenly made a ridiculous laughter, and suddenly rushed towards the fire clock of Chunyang. Some words that seemed to be away touched his sensitive nerves.

And the Sword of Breaking Domain in your hand emits a **** sword light, and instantly stops those people.

It was almost cleaned by the power of the Heaven Tribulation. At this time, Pei Junlin only saw the true appearance of these people, and he was a light figure, belonging to a middle-aged man.

His face was extremely pale, his limbs could not be seen at all, and only a pair of eyes flashed scarlet, and an infinite evil emotion was brewing in it.

"Is it useless to keep this stuff? If it's useless, I'll ask him to delete it." Pei Junlin's broken domain sword shone with the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

And those people seemed to feel the threat from Pei Junlin ’s hands breaking the sword, and took the initiative to retreat. Although they were afraid, they did not go far. It seemed that this mound made him a little bit reluctant. It's really useless, is it useful? It's really useful. When you first grind to receive the link, if you catch an evil spirit and refine it into an organ spirit, the power of tacit understanding will be greatly enhanced. "The donkey seems to know a lot. When talking, the spit stars fluttered and chattered."

After hearing the donkey's remarks, Pei Junlin nodded slightly, and the broken domain sword in his hand made a buzzing sound. The nine-story demon tower emerged from above, and flew towards the spirits suddenly.

Without waiting for any response from those people, the power of a catastrophe overshadowed her entire body, making him unable to escape from the red lightning and weaving into a net. This time, the evil spirits were completely imprisoned.

At this time, it was suppressed from the demon tower, and the evil spirits were completely suppressed into the nine-layer demon tower.

Seeing this scene, the donkey was completely stunned. He had never thought that Pei Junlin would have picked up the biggest trouble as soon as he raised his hand.

"Are we going to dig the grave next?" Pei Junlin looked at the mound in front of him blankly.

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