Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1024: Fear of improper cultivation

"You're going to dig graves and tombs. Do you know that there is a mighty person buried under this? In case of a corpse change, you and I don't want to live, you will be strangled by the other party." Hearing Pei Junlin's suggestion After that, the donkey jumped up.

"Then don't dig, let's go." Pei Junlin did things very simply.

When Pei Junlin was about to turn around and leave, the donkey was stunned. It seems that he has never seen such a person as Pei Junlin, who is decisive and decisive in his work.

"I'm going, there is a powerful person buried underneath. Maybe there are treasures with great power to carry with you, even if you dig out the chaotic spirit treasure, don't you feel uncomfortable at all?" Donkey stood there and rubbed. Rubbing, it doesn't seem to want to leave.

This time it was Pei Junlin's speechless speech. He looked at the donkey lightly and said, "Did you not say that? There are powerful bodies buried underneath. In case the corpse becomes our two lives, we can't survive."

"But .... People die for money, birds die for food, aren't you greedy?" The donkey's eyes flashed with longing.

Pei Junlin shook his head like a rattle, and looked very seriously at the donkey in front of him, saying: "Treasure is valuable and life is more expensive. If there is a powerful body buried underneath, then you and I really can't Just digging around here, it really happened unexpectedly, and there was no time to escape. "

Pei Junlin said this not for the purpose of pretending to be the donkey, but for the result of his thoughtful thought.

This place is covered by Kunlun God Realm, practitioners cannot fly, and even if they are running on the ground, the speed of running is also greatly limited.

Later when the grave was dug up, if something really happened, it was really time to cry without tears, because you could n’t run.

After listening to Pei Junlin's words, the donkey was still careless, his eyes staring at the mound, as if desperately eager.

"Why don't you have a little spirit of exploration? If you are afraid of death, you will not be a cultivator." The donkey said awe-inspiringly, still choking his neck when speaking.

Pei Junlin thought it was clear that the donkey wanted to dig graves and tombs, but was afraid of corpse changes below. Having been reluctant to leave here, inner greed prevailed.

At this time, Pei Junlin put his eyes on the surrounding plants. According to his previous observations, the entire forest belonged to the same tree. At this time, the petals stopped falling on these trees, and the pollen disappeared.

But these trees did not stop, and the petals began to bear fruit after falling.

The trees are developing very quickly. Under Pei Junlin's naked eyes, the fruit began to grow slowly, but the appearance of the fruit was not complacent.

Every flower will be hung with a fruit, but this fruit is a face.

Men and women, young and young.

These people's faces are all in pain, and they keep making sounds, seemingly asking for help from Pei Junlin.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin was completely ashamed. The whole forest seemed to be a wailing ocean. Numerous faces and fruits made a painful sound, which made people dizzy and dizzy.

"What the **** is this? Is everything fantasy?" Pei Junlin showed a surprised look.

Being in this wood, it seems to be in Yincao Difu.

How can there be such a place on Kunlun Mountain?

"This place is just the exit of a mysterious reincarnation. It is not unexpected that this happens." The donkey looked dignified and seemed to know some secrets.

"Each of the fruits on these trees should be a life, which was previously devoured by this demon tree." The donkey's words were inferred.

"This is Kunlun Mountain. Why are there so many ordinary people coming here and then being swallowed by this tree? This is not normal." Pei Junlin showed a puzzled look.

Because many of the faces on these fruits are the faces of modern people. Some people even have some tattoos on their faces. This is definitely not the ancients who died here before, but some modern people who died recently.

It made Pei Junlin be puzzled. Could it be that so many ordinary people came here before this Kunlun Mountain and swallowed this demon tree?

"This question is very difficult to explain." The donkey's face also showed a confused look, and soon his eyes lit up: "Are some people swallowing these people, came to this Kunlun Mountain?"

The speculation of the donkey also gave Pei Junlin some more thoughts. This demon tree didn't seem to have grown here, but came here recently. The life he devoured by him is most likely in the surrounding mountain villages under the Kunlun Mountain, or in some nearby cities.

Without the guardian of the grudge before, these demon trees are nothing to Pei Junlin. Chunyang Fire Bell suddenly became bigger and the whole woods were covered, and Pei Junlin wanted to burn this demon tree completely.


The Po Domain Sword emits dozens of sword lights to cut off dozens of big trees around. After these trees are cut off, blood begins to flow.

A fire dragon roared, flew out of the Chunyang fire bell, and began to burn the entire forest directly. After the trees were stained with flames, they creaked and screamed.

Eventually these trees turned to ashes, but a group of blood essence gathered into a human-shaped blood shadow. The blood shadow rushed towards Pei Junlin like lightning, incredible speed.

Pei Junlin wanted to dodge, but found that his body seemed to be trapped by something. When he bowed his head, he found that there were several roots around his legs.

"Pei Junlin, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. This time you are bad for me, I can't let you go." A cold and sharp voice came into Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin was familiar with this voice and instantly recalled the blood demon he had encountered in the Black Desert. However, Pei Junlin did not expect that this thing even came to Kunlun Mountain, and also turned into this demon tree.

Seeing the blood color formed by the blood demon, the figure was about to rush to himself, and the broken domain sword in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly shot several **** sword lights.

The power of Tianlei instantly formed a **** sword net in front of his heart, wanting to stop this blood demon.

But Pei Junlin's idea fell through, the blood demon was invisible and incomparable, and the speed was extremely fast. Just before the power grid formed by the power of the robbery that day, the blood demon had rushed to Pei Junlin through this gap.

At the most critical moment here, a shadow rushed in front of Pei Junlin, only to hear a bang, the donkey raised her heels and kicked on the blood demon's head.

The **** shadow was kicked and flew out dozens of meters in an instant, with a fearful expression on his face.

Pei Junlin lowered his head and found that the donkey's hoof exudes a golden light, which is a sacred glow, and has a powerful ability to restrain the natural evil spirit of the blood demon.

The blood demon is invisible and looks like a blood-colored figure, without facial features or limbs, but at this time his head is printed with a huge hoof mark. The golden hoof mark seems to be corroding the blood demon. body.

"The key moment is still in the elder brother. Remember, be polite to me next time." The donkey raised his hoof and looked at Pei Junlin proudly.

At this time, Pei Junlin had freed himself from the tangled roots of his feet, and there was an expression of sorrow on his face.

If it weren't for this donkey just now, I'm afraid it's really dangerous. This blood demon was hidden here before, and he set a trap by deliberately thinking about it.

In order to make a fatal blow to Pei Junlin at this last moment. However, the donkey was born, which prevented the blood demon's plan and saved Pei Junlin from annoyance.

"It's really a narrow road to meet, I didn't expect to meet you here again, why are you always lingering." Pei Junlin stared at the blood demon coldly with the broken domain sword in his hand.

This thing is too weird, Pei Junlin had to take it seriously.

The figure of the blood demon keeps changing, just like the viscous blood is continuously wriggling, gradually turning into a girl.

"This way, do you like some?" The blood demon's mouth made an old and evil voice.

"Disgusting, want to vomit." Pei Junlin was unkindly, coldly ironic.

The blood demon didn't care, but just watched Pei Junlin still say in a weird voice: "The Liangzi between us is considered to be a knot. You broke me twice, and I will treat you one day sooner or later Devour it completely. "

After Xueyao finished speaking, he turned into a pool of blood, slowly infiltrated into the soil, and soon disappeared.

The surrounding forest is also accompanied by the blood demon's departure, completely reduced to ashes.

Pei Junlin has a feeling that the blood demon has really left and is not hidden around. It seems that when the blood demon sees helplessly, he can only temporarily retreat, but it is still unknown whether he will encounter this blood demon again on the road on the Kunlun Mountain.

This thing is evil and insidious, and it is difficult to deal with. The general attack is totally ineffective against the blood demon, which is where Pei Junlin has a headache.

But this donkey made Pei Junlin a little curious ~ ~ The golden glow on his hooves obviously had a strong restraint on the blood demon.

"This blood demon looks like our purpose. He is staring at the powerful body, and he really wants to draw some blood from the power to the body to strengthen himself." The donkey is speculating on the motive of the blood demon.

The blood demon won't see this area for no reason. He can come from here and turn into a forest here. It really has his considerations.

The donkey is not unreasonable. The only valuable thing in this place should be the powerful body buried in the mound.

"Brother, I think we should leave this place as soon as possible, this place is too weird." Pei Junlin said towards the donkey.

But the donkey didn't buy it. Looking at the mound, there was a look of reluctance in his eyes.

"It's a great power buried here. According to my guess, it's at least Tianjun or above." The donkey Sabah sucked his mouth, showing a greedy light in his eyes.

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