Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1025: Red Dumplings

Hearing what the donkey said, Pei Junlin could n’t resist his heart. The powerful cultivator of the level of Tianjun absolutely had a powerful treasure or heritage, and even if he died, he would not necessarily be corrupted.

In the end, the two still couldn't resist the temptation of the inheritance of this day, and decided to dig the grave.

"Relax, my old donkey is born to be the nemesis of all evil sneakers. Even if Tianjun becomes an old dumpling, I can restrain him." When Pei Junlin was digging the soil, the old donkey kept chattering beside him.

Pei Junlin digs very slowly, because he does not know what will happen in the future, so everything needs to be careful.

Iron chain ...

Pei Junlin saw the thick iron chain, which was covered with green patina.

Dig down again, and suddenly the following is empty.

There was a cold wind blowing from the cave below. This was not a well, but an abyss.

This cave seems to be connected to another world, which is dark and unknowable. I don't even know what's inside, and there are often strange voices.

"This should be the legendary return to the ruins. I didn't expect that we would dig into such a place here." A pair of eyes of the donkey looked into the deep darkness, and seemed to be thoughtful.

Hearing the donkey's words, Pei Junlin was also taken aback. He walked on the Kunlun Mountain and even dug directly to the ruins. This is too scary.

The legendary sea eye connected to the ruins is the destination of all the nothing in the world.

According to legend, the road of reincarnation after the death of man is under the ruins of the ruins, which hides the mystery in the mystery, that is the final destination of all spirits.

"Old donkey, don't ever believe that the female is yellow. Is this really the ruins?" Pei Junlin was a little unbelieving. He really didn't believe the legendary ruins. It turned out to be a common cave before him.

"Strictly speaking, this is just a link to the market, or an exit to the market." The donkey corrected the previous statement.

Whatever it is, since it has been dug here, naturally there is no justification for giving up.

This place is like a huge patio. There are four thick iron chains in the four corners, which go deep into the abyss of Guixu.

Pei Junlin wondered whether something should be hung under the iron chain, is that the mighty body?

In the end, who put the powerful body bound with iron chains into the entrance of Guixu Market, why is this done, and what is the reason?

Even though there are a thousand questions in Pei Junlin's mind, he still has no answer at this time.

He reached out and grabbed the bronze iron chain, pulling it outward, but there was a huge force that seemed to be preventing Pei Junlin.

"Stare at the side to see what to look at, hurry up and help." Pei Junlin scolded at the donkey.

After eating the dragon elephant fruit given to him by the old donkey, Pei Junlin's current strength reached the power of ten giant dragons in junior high school. Such a huge force still cannot pull the iron chain.

Pei Junlin even once doubted whether the other end of the chain was bound in a fixed place.

But with the addition of the old donkey, the iron chain actually loosened a bit, and the two of them pulled the iron chain out of their teeth.

The donkey's power is undoubtedly not as good as Pei Junlin, but it pulled the iron chain. Pei Junlin alone is not enough for two people to be rich, and soon pulls the chain outside.

"Don't pull out a big dumpling." The donkey gritted his teeth and pulled the chain outward, muttering in his mouth.

Pei Junlin heard black lines all over his face, scolding towards the donkey: "Can't you say a little auspicious things?"

"Okay! Maybe on the other side of your chain, a large box is bundled. It's filled with all kinds of panacea, cheats, and some celestial treasures." The donkey glanced at Pei Junlin and rolled his eyes.

The iron chain seemed to have no end, and at the feet of the two became a hill. The more force needed to pull the iron chain out, the smaller the force, then later Pei Junlin can pull the iron chain out by himself with one hand. But the iron chain seemed to be endless, and it stretched out thousands of kilometers and there was no end.

As the sun goes down, the surrounding temperature drops rapidly, giving people a very cold feeling.

Adding some mysterious sound from time to time in the ruins, it makes people feel horrified and creepy.

"If there is no end before dark, then let's leave and wait until tomorrow morning to come here." Pei Junlin said towards the old donkey.

The old donkey also nodded his head, thinking that there is no demon or ghost in the bottom, no one can speculate. It will be difficult to say that a evil spirit will come out in the middle of the night.

Just as the sunset was about to fall, the chain seemed to end. The moment Pei Junlin saw something pulled out from the end of the chain, he felt that his body was stiff.

That is a hand!

Pull it out again to see that the other end of the chain is a dead body. The corpse still tickled and splattered with blood, but it was not very old. It was only a young man in his twenties.

I do n’t know how many years have passed away, but the blood still dripping from the corpse gives the impression that he has just died.

The clothing and some dresses on the corpse show that this person is from ancient times.

"This is the powerful body." Pei Junlin was startled.

Others are so young that they have reached the realm of Tianjun. But it was indeed pitiful to be beheaded here.

The old donkey's eyes radiated with golden light and probed towards the body. Soon he seemed to see something gurgled and swallowed a sip of water.

"Hurry up, he has treasure on him." The old donkey shouted towards Pei Junlin.

When Pei Junlin heard that there was a treasure on Tianjun, he suddenly became energetic and quickly pulled the iron chain.

When the corpse showed its full appearance, Pei Junlin and Lao Don froze at the same time. Because this body didn't have a lower body, a pair of legs disappeared.

When the body was completely pulled out, Pei Junlin finally saw the whole picture of the body. The two legs seemed to have been bitten off by some animal, and there were scars of teeth on it.

The body of the Tianjun level cannot match even some refined steel. Even if it is just a dead body, it can go through all kinds of disasters.

Ordinary practitioners want to destroy Tianjun's body, it is simply a fool's dream.

Pei Junlin is very curious, what kind of life is this, and he can bite Tianjun's body halfway.

Unless there is a powerful life that ordinary people can't imagine in the return market, feed on the heavenly king?

"I saw it first. This ring belongs to me." The old donkey rushed to grab Tianjun's hand and took off a ring from his finger.

Pei Junlin's eyes are very hot, but this is Tianjun's storage ring. Although it is indeed immoral to pick things on the body, it is too fragrant.

The fatality of the dead is really for nothing, but Pei Junlin's eyes search like a lantern on the half-corpse of Tianjun.

The old donkey has already got good things. The ring must be Tianjun's storage ring, which certainly contains many treasures.

Seeing the old donkey return home with such a load, Pei Junlin said that he didn't envy it was false. But the movement of the old donkey was too fast. Pei Junlin put down the chain and rushed over without grabbing the ring from the opponent. Only a pair of eyes can stay on Tianjun ’s body, and he wants to find more things.

"Tianjun Moguai Moguai! Late, will surely bury you, let you into the earth for peace." Pei Junlin muttered in his mouth.

He bent down to separate Tianjun's collar with his hand, and really saw a slender necklace on his neck.

The ring is still easy to take off, but the necklace is different. If you pull hard, you may be broken. However, Pei Junlin was not worried about the neck being broken, nor the necklace being broken, because both of them are also extremely hard. To remove the necklace, you must find a buckle or take it from the head of Tianjun Down.

But the problem is coming, this necklace is very tight, there is no room for surplus at all. How to take it off from Tianjun's head directly puzzled Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin couldn't care too much, and suddenly pulled it with force. I thought this time it was dragged down lightly. But the necklace is not broken, and it is still a good closed loop. It seems that the necklace turned into nothingness at that moment, and it came down from Tianjun's neck automatically.

"Tianjun Moguai, Tianjun Moguai, the juniors are just waste utilization." Pei Junlin hurriedly folded his hands towards the young Tianjun body and prayed silently.

At this time, Jun's body suddenly opened his eyes that day, and a strong murderous force rushed to the sky.

The sky was full of sunset, the sky was clear, and it suddenly turned dark. The area is full of gusty wind, flying sand and rocks, enveloped by a huge vortex, and Pei Junlin and Lao Don are at the core of this vortex.

"I'm going, the corpse has changed!" The donkey began to scream.

Pei Junlin stepped back quickly, and soon saw a red hair growing on the body. In the blink of an eye, this powerful corpse turned into a red-haired monster with hair.


Tianjun opened his mouth wide, and Pei Junlin saw the teeth inside started to grow, and became extremely sharp in an instant ~ ~ The skin that was originally fair and jade began to slowly turn into reddish brown, completely covered by hair cover.

Suddenly, the voice of this corpse-turned Tianjun's body stopped suddenly. A huge donkey hoof was stuffed into his mouth.

Immediately after the old donkey lifted his hoof, he threw it back suddenly, and pushed the corpse of that day into the endless black ruins.

This series of movements was neat, and Pei Junlin watched with wide open mouth.

Just the day the corpse of the corpse became kicked into the ruins by the old donkey, the sky began to change slowly, and the hurricanes around it quickly began to dissipate, and a crisis ended.

"How? I said that before, even if the corpse changed. I'm not afraid." The old donkey squeezed his eyes toward Pei Junlin with a smug expression on his face.

Pei Junlin nodded toward the old donkey and looked at the necklace in his hand. This is the spoils of this time, but Pei Junlin still does not know what use this thing has.

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