Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1031: Fight!

The gray-robed man turned his fist into a palm and his hands were swaying in the void. Pei Junlin could feel that the entire Kunlun Mountain was trembling at this moment. Such a powerful force made people doubt life.


The rain is like rain, the fist shadow is like a mountain, the whole earth is shaking, and the land swings back and forth like waves.

Pei Junlin is like a small sampan in this huge wave, which can be smashed at any time with the waves.

When this concussion reached its extreme point, Pei Junlin finally felt that the other party's last blow was coming.

The combination of dragon and snake, well-deserved reputation, almost made Pei Junlin's body all fixed, and the spirit and spirit were all locked, and he could not resist.

This is the most subtle place of the whole law, and the purpose is to control the shape instead of simply pursuing strength.

In Pei Junlin's eyes, the grey robe man turned into a dragon.

When the violent violence swept over, Pei Junlin felt that the end of the world was coming.

This punching technique crushed the ages and could almost smash time and space. It was the most terrifying punching technique that Pei Junlin had seen so far.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Pei Junlin said three good characters one after another, with a ecstatic look on his face.

Wu Lei Zheng Tian Fa, Wu Lei Zheng Tian Fu, and even the golden monkey **** fruit before, are no longer important to Pei Junlin.

If this gray-robed man can really be captured and the secrets of ancient boxing techniques can be obtained from him, then the greatest gain today is nothing more than this.

Pei Junlin sighed a bit. As the saying goes, if the body is not right, the heart is not right, and if the heart is not right, the fist is not right.

The grey robe man's fist is sublime and sublime, and he is almost impeccable, but he only has one thing, that is, he loses in the details.

The boxing skills are great, that is definitely great. But there is no style, no courage to move forward.

Among the violent power, there was a trace of slave Yan's knees.

This is the fatal flaw of the gray robe man, because he surrendered to the alien, kneeling at the feet of the **** silkworm.

At the moment when Fang decided to loyal to the demon clan, his boxing skills were already doomed, and nothing was accomplished, and he gave up halfway.

Boxing can't be without style, and without style, it's a dead end. Pei Junlin saw this only flaw and was also an opportunity to defeat the other party.

In the fist that was as violent as the waves, Pei Junlin walked slowly. The figure is like the wind, specializing in walking towards the most violent node of power.

Every step of the way, he punches a punch, which can withstand the weakest part of it.

It is like playing a snake and a seven inch. Although the snake is powerful, the seven inch is the deadliest weakness. And every time Pei Junlin fists, he hits the most critical node of this gray-robed man's dragon and snake.

Pei Junlin is just like trying to solve the cow, every move and every way is dismantling each other's dragon and snake.

After seven steps, the dragon-shaped figure behind the gray-robed man collapsed suddenly, and the violent power stopped instantly like a violent wind and rain.

The inexorable dragon-snake combined with the light-hearted attack was resolved by Pei Junlin. You are not using strength, but wisdom.

The gray-robed man looked at Pei Junlin, who was safe and sound, and the whole person was stupid. He didn't understand why such a thing happened.

This move can easily beat the strong of Yang Shen Realm, but Pei Junlin is just a small character who has just entered the realm of Yang Shen.

Why can he resist the dragon-snake attack? This made the gray-robed man unable to figure it out.

"Your fist is powerful, but it has no soul. When you decide to loyal to the demon clan, your entire soul is gone, so your fist is also destined to reach the highest level." Look at each other.

Pei Junlin turned into a golden lightning, the speed is astonishing.

Each of his punches exploded with a powerful electric light, and the Thunder burst. Even the power of the void was captured by Pei Junlin, supplementing his powerful fist.

The air melted where the fist wind went, and this piece of heaven and earth was directly blown into a vacuum. The boulders three hundred meters away gradually turned into powder and collapsed after being corroded.

Kunlun's magical power was directly pushed away by the powerful force of Pei Junlin. This world became the temporary realm of Pei Junlin. In this area, all creatures are under his control.

"Spit it out to me!"

Pei Junlin rushed forward with a force of rules and fixed the gray-robed man directly in the air.

The dragon claw looked forward, and one of the man's arms was directly unloaded by Pei Junlin.

He didn't want the other arm, but the ring on the other's finger. A silver ring on this hand fell on Pei Junlin's hand. The consciousness looked into it, and Pei Junlin's face showed a smile, in which the human form Dao was in it.

The **** silkworm suddenly opened his eyes and turned into a thousands of **** silkworms, his body wriggled, and the gray robe man swallowed into his mouth.

"What does this mean? Is it to eat your subordinates to add strength?" Pei Junlin's face changed slightly.

The gray-robed man still has secrets. He hasn't completely got the secrets from the other party yet. He didn't expect to be eaten by the **** silkworm.

Soon Pei Junlin realized that this was not what he thought. The reason why the **** silkworm swallowed the gray robe man in one bit was actually for protection.

The tail flicked, and the power sweeping the sky swept directly to Pei Junlin. The **** silkworm is worthy of the power of the real god. After his body recovered, he immediately suppressed Pei Junlin.

The **** silkworm, he opened some seals frantically, which made Pei Junlin feel a little shocked.

The **** silkworm son was in the realm of Yin Yin after the previous seal, so he was suppressed by Pei Junlin all the way, but now he has recovered the strength of Yangshen Realm.

Although the **** of silkworms only restored the strength of Yangshen Realm, the rules of this fairy array did not seem to hang and suppress him. This is the most shocking place of Pei Junlin.

Is n’t the fairy array of this earth completely filtering out the extraterrestrial demon clan, but unlocking it step by step?

Previously, when the strongest master on earth was the Yin God Realm, the Earth Fairy Array would isolate all the demon races above the Yang God Realm.

Now that Pei Junlin has broken through the realm of Yangshen, the Earth Immortal Array also seems to have evolved, and it seems that the masters below the realm of Yangshen no longer suppress it.

Pei Junlin instantly understood that Earth Celestial Array's protection of the earth is not completely unlimited. It is formulated according to the strongest person on the earth. If the strongest person on the earth is the state of Yang Shen, then the earth fairy array will allow all masters below the Yang God to enter the earth.

If the strongest person on earth is the Yin God Realm, then the Earth Fairy Array will allow the demon race below the Yin God Realm to enter the earth.

This is a limited protection measure, not just protecting the earth, but creating an atmosphere of fair competition.

The Earth Fairy Array allows extraterrestrial monsters to enter the earth, but does not allow accidental monsters to bully the earth at will, forcibly pulling this competition to the same level.

The fairy who arranged the fairy array at that time had a long-term vision. Knowing that teaching people to fish is worse than teaching people to fish, blindly protecting the earth can only make the earth stand still.

A little bit like this, putting the masters outside the domain into the earth can not only train the people of the earth, but also protect the earth from complete extinction.

After the **** silkworm unlocked part of his body seal, his strength increased greatly. It's impossible for Pei Junlin to try to press him like before, even now he wants to leave the **** silkworm, it's a little difficult.

The **** silkworm, gazing past Pei Junlin, his body rushed towards the central **** tree in an instant, trying to **** the fruit of the **** monkey.

Pei Junlin will naturally not let the other party do what he wants, he is like a golden light, blocked in front of the **** silkworm.

The fist shadow shines in the heavens, a fist light like the superimposed shadow of the heavy mountain, suppresses the past towards the body of the huge **** silkworm.

After unlocking the seal, the **** silkworm was not vegetarian. A big mouth, showing the magical power of the gods.

Opening the silkworm boy's mouth, Pei Junlin immediately felt that the surrounding light was dimmed. The whole world seems to be swallowed into the mouth, this trick is really terrible.

The broken domain sword in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly slashed out a **** sword light, and cut through the darkness. The amazing Sky Tribulation Power, in conjunction with the five thunder Zhengtian symbols in Pei Junlin's hand, burst out a powerful chain of lightning, instantly turning the darkness around Lit up.

The strongest supernatural power of the **** silkworm family was just broken by Pei Junlin, and the **** silkworm son was suppressed by Pei Junlin in a short time.

After seizing this short period of time, Pei Junlin instantly turned around to grab the fruit of the **** monkey and sent it directly into the storage space. This series of actions were completed in a very short time.

When the fruit of the **** monkey fell into the hands of Pei Junlin, the **** silkworm became humanoid again, and his eyes were full of blood.

And at the moment when Pei Junlin picked the fruit of the **** monkey, the whole **** tree began to blur instantly, and it seemed to disappear in the whole space.

Pei Junlin once heard the **** donkey say that this treasure tree is not left here indefinitely. If someone picks the fruit, it will slowly disappear and reappear in another place.

When it appears, no one can be sure where the UU reading book appears. Maybe it will be a thousand years later or 10,000 years later, maybe it will go to another planet.

In short, when I met this **** tree, it was a blessing for hundreds of lives. The entire galaxy is huge, and there are very few people who can meet this opportunity.

Seeing this sky-swept opportunity to pass by himself, the **** silkworm finally exploded in anger, which made him lose his mind.

If there is no suppression of Kunlun's divine power, the **** silkworm will definitely break the mountains and rivers, and the sun and the moon will hang upside down.

Under the suppression of Kunlun's divine power, some supernatural powers have been greatly reduced. Although the **** silkworm unzipped the seal of his body, he could not suppress Pei Junlin completely.

However, Pei Junlin can rely on the power of the immortal body to be able to handle this situation. It was proof that the gray-robed man was easily defeated before.

This rule power on Kunlun Mountain is beneficial to Pei Junlin, and for the **** silkworm, it is greatly disadvantageous, because some supernatural powers will be directly suppressed by Kunlun divine power.

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