Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1032: Monkey Fruit

Working with Pei Junlin here, as if his hands were tied up, could not be fully exerted. However, Junlin can rely on the power of the immortal body, but can easily handle it.

The **** silkworm fluttered up and his eyes were splitting, and at the moment when the fruit tree was about to disappear, a step across the space blockade came to the fruit tree and grabbed the butterfly fruit.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin was stunned directly, because he could not imagine how the **** silkworm did this step.

But when he saw a bird's nest-like treasure suspended on the head of the **** silkworm, Pei Junlin instantly understood.

A breath of chaos made Pei Junlin feel very familiar. Obviously, the treasure suspended in the nest above the **** silkworm was Chaos Lingbao.

This is not the real body of Chaos Lingbao, but only part of the strength of Chaos Lingbao's seal.

In other words, this bird's nest is just a ghost projection of Chaos Lingbao, but it is still very powerful. Before the **** silkworm stepped over to the treasure tree in one step, he robbed the butterfly treasure, relying on the power of this treasure.

At this moment, the treasure in the bird's nest seemed to consume all the power of chaos, and it gradually faded away and slowly disappeared.

The **** silkworm just seemed to consume too much, his body's mana was severely depleted, and he had turned pale and shivered slightly.

While you are dying, Pei Junlin will naturally not talk about anything with God Bombyxa. As soon as his figure flashes, he rushes toward God Bombyx, and wants to kill God Bombyxa at this most critical time.

"Be careful, there is one more in his stomach. If you do this punch, if you don't make trouble, you will have two corpses." At this time, the **** donkey also recovered a lot, and stood aside to make a fuss.

After the **** donkey said the words "one dead body and two lives", the face of the **** silkworm became extremely strange and ashamed.

The body of the **** silkworm family is actually a powerful storage space. Before he devoured the gray robe man, it was a kind of protection. The gray-robed man was moved directly into his storage space.

Now the **** donkey said the words "one dead body and two lives", as if to say that he was pregnant.

For a macho like a **** silkworm, it is simply a humiliation.

"Haha, old donkey, you're right. There is a little guy in this boy's stomach. It's really possible to kill two people with one punch." Pei Junlin also laughed.

Saying such ironic words is not entirely for the purpose of venting anger. In fact, Pei Junlin said this to anger the **** silkworm.

Only by irritating the opponent can he find the opponent's flaws and kill him in one fell swoop.

Although the **** silkworm is in the weakest period, Pei Junlin still dare not underestimate him. Run the Fuyao body method, move to the **** silkworm's side, and the powerful mana is poured out completely.

Behind Pei Junlin even dragged a long golden phantom. The broken domain sword in his hand shone with the power of Heavenly Tribulation, and assassinated towards the **** silkworm instantly.

But this is just a false move, and Pei Junlin knows that this move can never hurt the **** silkworm. Pei Junlin's sword was easily evaded by the **** silkworm, but Pei Junlin's rear move made the **** silkworm a headache.

The Chunyang fire instantly shrouded it, holding Princess Silkworm, and the powerful flame force began to burn.

"I don't believe you can complete the nine changes of the **** silkworm for the second time. If that's the case, then I will recognize the plant." Pei Junlin looked coldly at the **** silkworm who was struggling in Chunyang's fiery bell.

The last time he used the pure Yang fiery bell to buckle the **** silkworm, and wanted to completely refine it, but he failed. The **** silkworm reborn in the flames of Nirvana, completing the first change of the Nine Changes of God.

The physical strength increased greatly, and finally got rid of the pure Yang fire bell.

But this time, Pei Junlin didn't believe that God of the Silkworm was so lucky that he could complete the second change of God of the Silkworm. If that's the case, then I also show that the **** silkworm has a protective body for the atmosphere.

All the mana in Pei Junlin's body rushed to the Pure Yang Fire Clock, in which the flames burned everything.

Jianguang fell on the pure Yang Fire Clock, and the red lightning of the Sky Tribulation began to spread along the bells in all directions. Eventually, the flame of the Pure Yang Fire Clock also carried a trace of Heavenly Tribulation.

The **** silkworm was constantly struggling in this blaze, his eyes panicked. There was a mass of silk thread around him, and eventually he wound himself into a huge silkworm chrysalis.

"Just take it easy and burn him to death. Don't burn it too much. Don't forget that he still has a butterfly fruit on him. That is a good thing." The **** donkey walked towards Pei Junlin reminded.

In fact, Pei Junlin has been paying attention to the **** silkworm under the pure Yang fire bell. He senses that the **** silkworm's life breath seems to be weakening step by step, which shows that the other party is being refined.

Soon Pei Junlin also discovered the anomaly. He suddenly opened the Chunyang Fire Clock and saw the huge silkworm chrysalis.

Without any breath of life, it seems to have become an empty shell. Pei Junlin's hands broke the sword, and the silkworm pupae were torn apart, but the inside was empty.

Looking further down, a large hole was dug out of the ground, and the **** silkworm was flying away. Obviously, by digging a tunnel here, the production boy had escaped.

"Unfortunately, let this guy run away again." Pei Junlin felt a little regret.

But the giant silkworm cocoon in his hand felt that this thing was very unusual.

"There should be a hole card in this person. Fortunately, he didn't rush him, otherwise it would be the end of everything." The **** donkey seemed to see through everything and spoke with a very serious tone.

In fact, the reason why I chose to refine that **** of silkworms with pure Yang fire bells is to cultivate the spirit and suddenly feel a warning sign, feeling a very dangerous feeling.

This extremely dangerous feeling naturally comes from the **** silkworm. Pei Junlin can also foresee that there must be a big killer on the **** silkworm, and he can die together, but the **** silkworm will not use it until the last moment.

It seems that in the future, when encountering this **** of silkworms, we must be very careful to prevent the dog from jumping over the wall. If it is not the strength that can completely crush the other party, try to avoid fighting this person.

Just now, the calm Kunlun Mountain suddenly fell into heavy snow, and the wind was rolling upside down, which was a little scary.

It is no longer possible to continue to climb the Kunlun Mountain. Obviously this Shenshan Mountain is already a little unhappy, and this is driving people.

At this moment, the standing position is less than one-third of the peak of Kunlun Shenshan Mountain. It seems that Kunlun Mountain has not fully recovered, but only recovered by one-third.

"Come on, the mountain **** of Kunlun Mountain is angry, and staying here will be unlucky." The **** donkey sighed.

The two walked along the road and down the mountain, but after coming into a valley, they did not continue any further.

Qiu Zangfeng gathers energy is a good place to rest, Pei Junlin intends to try to refine the **** monkey fruit.

The **** donkey happened to have this intention too. He wanted to refine the black cow fruit in this place. The two of them hit it off and stayed in the valley.

After Pei Junlin arranged the hidden formation, the two entered the formation. Without interfering with each other, after Pei Jun sat down on the plate, he took out the **** Dao fruit above the Yunguo tree.

This fruit exudes a crystal clear charm, in which the power of Dao Yun and rules are intertwined.

From the appearance, it looks completely like a monkey, and the image is extremely majestic. If it wasn't for Pei Junlin to think it was too coincidental, this **** monkey Taoguo is exactly the same as the **** monkey of that body, and there may be a mysterious connection between the two.

The spread of the palm of the **** monkey fruit slowly floated, and the powerful rules of power began to work.

"Old donkey, after eating this food, will I become a monkey with all my hair?" Pei Junlin hesitated.

Although it is a fruit, but after eating it is unpredictable training, dare not try it easily.

On the other side, the **** donkey did not immediately swallow the ox-head fruit, but also held it with his hoof, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

"It's hard to say, after the fruit is eaten, the effects of the fruit will vary from person to person." The **** donkey did not give a complete answer, but spoke ambiguously.

This made Pei Junlin hesitate, but he is a person. If he becomes a monkey, it will be broken. And in this fruit, despite the flowing rhyme, Pei Junlin still feels that there is a beast that belongs to a monkey circulating in it.

"Why don't you eat it first? I'll see the effect. If it doesn't work, I still won't eat this fruit." Pei Junlin put the **** monkey fruit into the storage space, and another humanoid fruit reappeared in the palm of his hand.

The fruit of the human form is the way a man is punching, among which there is a boxing intention.

The villain spread his arms with his arms wide open, and a flying bird almost flew out of the palm, but he didn't see any movement from the man, but the bird was still unable to fly out of his palm.

Tai Chi is demonstrated in this fruit, and one of the beckons does not fly. UU reading No wonder the grey-robed man must get this fruit. Obviously the rhythm of the Daogu that is circulating in this fruit is related to the fist. After swallowing it, it may make him go further in the fist.

Only at the most critical moment, Pei Junlin shot this Daoguo and directly snatched it back. Now there are two in Pei Junlin's hands, one is a villain practicing fist, and the other is a **** monkey.

"This thing is given to you by heaven. If you don't eat it, you will be condemned. I will eat it first." The **** donkey didn't hesitate at all, and directly swallowed the black cow fruit.

After being stuffed into his mouth, the **** donkey suddenly widened his eyes, and his expression was dull. Just after Pei Junlin thought what had happened, the **** donkey suddenly burped.

"It seems to have no taste." The **** donkey smashed his mouth.

Pei Junlin stared at the **** donkey at this time, but his expression was shocked, his mouth slowly opened, and his eyes began to widen again.

"What's going on? What are you looking at me for?" After discovering Pei Junlin's expression, the **** donkey was a little surprised.

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