Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1035: Highlight moment

Cultivating the talent reserve of the earth in the future is just a long-term plan. It is far from being able to dissolve the thirst. The most important thing right now, according to Yuan Lao Shenxian, is to strive for those free forces as much as possible.

This so-called free power actually involves some famous mountains and rivers above the earth, and even some forbidden places for recovery.

There are strongmen coming out of the gated areas of the ancient ancestors, but these strongmen will not easily see people, but will hide in the mountains and rivers to practice or observe the situation.

The people who can be invited to the scene actually account for less than one-tenth of the number of those who are recovering.

The current situation is that the overwhelming majority of the recovering powerhouses are reluctant to show up, or even willing to take the initiative to cooperate with these people, such as Pei Junlin. They are very proud and feel that modern integrators simply cannot compare with them.

The leaders of Yiyangzi and the real people of Jiugong offered advice and suggestions, but there was still no way. After all, some of the strongmen who came out of the forbidden area did not even know these recovery figures.

It is because the strong men who recovered in the ancient times are not in the same era. Some people sealed it late, some people sealed it early, and even extended thousands of years to tens of thousands of years.

Before the black water desert that Pei Junlin had reached, there were a lot of powerful people who came out of it and defeated many demon clan.

These people just want to protect themselves in the current world of war, and do not want to offend the demon clan too much, because the demon clan invaded the earth in ancient times, leaving an indelible impression on them.

In a word, many races and humans that have recovered from the ancient times have lost their blood. After the earth was invaded at the beginning, the whole earth entered the age of the end of the law.

Some people still have a terrible memory of the demon clan, and feel that the demon clan is simply invincible.

It is difficult to let these people come out to resist the invasion of the demon clan, unless they are allowed to completely change their minds.

Just as the whole meeting was about to end, an unexpected visitor suddenly arrived, and a fairy girl in white fluttered on Ling Yunzhou, which immediately caused a sensation.

This woman's momentum is extremely amazing, even the whole person is wrapped in a hazy cloud.

Yuan Ping, an old fairy, a master of the Yin God Realm, can't see her looks clearly. Only Pei Junlin's eyes flashed with golden light, and she could see her face with fire eyes and golden eyes.

This uninvited guest was no one else, it was Dantai Jingxuan who had helped Pei Junlin.

Once Pei Junlin was spotted by the outside powers, the outside powers broke through the earth and tried to kill him with Yuanshen. At the critical moment, Dantai Jingxuan shot, which saved his life.

Dantai Jingxuan itself is the strength of the true monarch level, which is the only one on earth.

She came to this kind of occasion and brought shock, that was taken for granted. Because before the news was announced, there were not many people on the whole earth who knew the existence of Dantai Jingxuan.

Dantai Jingxuan took the initiative to show up, and talked and laughed side by side with Pei Junlin. The effect of this kind of picture can be called horror. The entire network is overwhelming and all are human carnivals.

There is a Tianjun strong among the human races, which is not expected by anyone, and even the Western world has entered a shock.

Like some Western worlds that are hostile to the Dragon Kingdom, they took the initiative to show their favor at this time, because the existence of Dantai Jingxuan made those Western countries feel a huge threat.

If the future human race is in danger, then Dantai Jingxuan will first try to take shelter of their country a little, and they will not be destroyed.

More netizens have brought an endless sense of security. After all, there is a real monarch who protects, and the probability of the earth's demise will be greatly reduced.

Before, the people of all countries in the world that had been shrouded in the end of the world finally saw a glimmer of dawn.

"The significance of your appearance this time is really great. There are a lot of people who are inspired and let many people lost in the night see a glimmer of light and regain their confidence." Said.

Being able to walk side by side with the true monarchs and chatting with each other, it feels dreamlike for Pei Junlin. If it were not for Dantai Jingxuan to take away the pressure, Pei Junlin standing beside him would be directly crushed by the strong momentum.

"After all, one's power is limited. In fact, there are still many mysterious places on this earth, which you will know in the future." Dantai Jingxuan's language is unknown, and many words are not clearly stated.

Pei Junlin can see from this woman's eyes a hope for humanity's future and hatred for the extraterrestrial demon clan.

"Although I am a true monarch, I have restrictions on my shots, because the Earth Array not only suppresses the extraterrestrial demon clan, but also suppresses people like me." Dantai Jingxuan said a word that made Pei Junlin stunned Secret.

Before this, Pei Junlin thought that the Earth Fairy Array was born to protect human beings and the earth. Now that I heard Pei Dantai Jing Xuan say this, Pei Junlin was completely shocked.

I never imagined that the Earth Fairy Array was suppressed in both directions. Not only against some powerful people outside the territory, even the powerful ones of the earth's own recovery will suppress it.

"Then you tried to save me, was there any danger?"

Pei Junlin's eyes twinkled with golden light, looking at a flawless face in Dantai Jingxuan.

She smiled and said nothing, but just told Pei Junlin a secret, the time left for the earth was short, and the demon clan's counterattack was coming.

After leaving a few words, Dantai Jingxuan drifted away. It is said that she would go to the extraterrestrial sky to find something, visit some old people, and could not stay on earth for a long time.

The appearance of Dantai Jingxuan is of great significance to Pei Junlin and others. The next day there were many strong recovery players who came to the door and asked to join Pei Junlin's camp.

It is because of the existence of Tianjun level such as Dantai Jingxuan that many recovery powerhouses have regained their confidence. However, these recovery powerhouses who have come out of the forbidden area or some secret areas are only a few, and more people are watching.

In order for them to regain their confidence and courage against the demon clan, there must be more visible results for them to see.

The demon clan in Pei Junlin's eyes is not terrible, just the barbecue in his mouth, but among most people, the demon clan is terrible.

The appearance of Dantai Jingxuan is just a small episode. She just talked with Pei Junlin and asked the news media to take a few photos. Even the face of Tan Jingxuan on the photos could not be seen clearly.

It's not that Tantai Jingxuan deliberately conceals his face, but that she is a Tianjun level expert, that is a natural rule power.

Any camera captured Dantai Jingxuan ’s face seems very clear, but when you look closely, it will feel very blurry, even if you see it clearly, it will be forgotten after a second.

The strength is not even enough to remember what Dantai Jingxuan looks like. He can only remember how beautiful he looks, and nothing else.

Three days after the conference, the entire ship was changed into a banquet, singing and dancing, and various powerful people interspersed among them to discuss some things.

Although the recovering strongman refused to show up to fight against the demon clan, he silently donated some supplies.

There is no courage to fight head-to-head with the demon clan, but those forbidden secret areas and places of recovery have accumulated countless spirit flowers elixir panacea for so long, and donating a small part of them is enough for the present humans to enjoy.

While everyone was drinking and discussing important things, there was a shocking wave suddenly coming from the horizon.

There was a cold light in Pei Junlin's eyes, because his consciousness was very powerful, and he immediately felt that there was some demon's enchantment in this breath.

Many of the VIPs in the recovery are a bit surprised, because here gathers the strongest people in the whole human race today, who is no one, no eyes and colors, dare to come here to wild.

"Oh, don't panic, everyone is not a demon, but a brother of mine."

After the breath approached, Pei Junlin suddenly opened his eyebrows, because he felt Ye Tianxing's breath.

Soon after that light fell on the big ship, Pei Junlin saw Ye Tianxing coming out.

Compared to Ye Tianxing a month ago, Ye Tianxing looked more calm at this time. At first, after he had met the adventures to improve his strength, he inevitably seemed to be in a state of instability, but after going out to hunt the demon race recently, he felt calm and the whole person looked very smart.

"Boss Pei, haha, I knew you were here." Ye Tianxing came over and gave Pei Junlin a big hug.

Ye Tianxing is no longer simple. The realm of Yin and Shen is no longer a small character on Earth nowadays.

His arrival was immediately noticed by everyone, and even media reporters directly surrounded Ye Tianxing, a large number of reporters surrounded him, and little fans asked for signatures and so on.

"Mr. Ye, as a heir to the gluttonous Tianjun, do you have anything to say?" A beautiful female reporter squeezed into the crowd. The body is tightly attached to Ye Tianxing, and the microphone is almost inserted into Ye Tianxing's mouth.

Although he is already a strong player in the realm of Yin Shen ~ ~, Ye Tianxing's face was so red when she was attacked by a female reporter.

Stuttered, speechless, he cast his eyes on Pei Junlin for help.

Pei Junlin waved his hand, beckoning Ye Tianxing to enjoy his own highlight moment, but Ye Tianxing smiled bitterly, his face flushed.

Surrounded by a group of media reporters and donkey fans, Ye Tianxing held a sentence for a long time, but this sentence made everyone's eyes fall.

"... I ... I went out and caught eighteen demon races this time." Ye Tianxing stammered.


Someone fell directly from the chair, and some of the dishes fell to the ground and shattered.

Almost all eyes of the guest bell were attracted by Ye Tianxing. As Pei Junlin's brother, he has been hidden under Pei Junlin's aura, but this time Ye Tianxing finally took the initiative to enter the spotlight.

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