Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1036: Hunting demon clan

Eighteen demon clan?

Many people feel that they have heard it wrong. Ye Tianxing, a child of a family that had been inconspicuous before, how could he suddenly rise like a comet?

It is too exaggerated to go and capture eighteen demon clan alone.

Even some of the recovery powerhouses who walked out of the forbidden land felt a little weird. This kind of thing is actually very difficult to achieve. It may be easy to kill the demon clan, but it is really difficult to catch alive.

But those little fans of Ye Tianxing don't care. They surrounded Ye Tianxing, looked at him frantically, asked for autographs, etc., and even daringly hugged Ye Tianxing directly, and kissed him directly.

Ye Tianxing was finally killed from these women's powder piles, and her face was also covered with lipstick marks.

"Ye Tianxing has the inheritance of the poor Qi Tianjun. I don't think it's necessary to lie about this matter." Pei Junlin first showed his attitude. He believed his brother.

With Pei Junlin's current status, no one would question his words.

Hearing Pei Junlin's endorsement of the platform for himself like this, Ye Tianxing was also touched.

With a wave of his hand, eighteen monster races tied like dumplings fell directly on the deck. These demon clan were all gray-faced, some were beaten with bruises and bruises.

Facts speak louder than words. Ye Tianxing beats those who question him with facts.

Everyone on the deck almost took a breath, and even Yuan Ping's old fairy face showed a moving look.

"Haha, it's really that the generation after the Yangtze River is better than the generation before the wave. The old man seems to be quitting this era. The future era is for you young people." Yuan Lao fairy smiled haha, with a calm look on his face.

But for some seniors, the look on the faces of the veteran masters is not so good-looking. Ye Tianxing has achieved such a huge achievement after he entered the school. Where do they put the faces of these famous seniors?

"It's worthy of Pei Junlin's brother." Some people around them talked about Pei Junlin with their admiring eyes.

Pei Junlin was a little embarrassed at this time, obviously it was Ye Tianxing's own achievements. Why did these people push the credit to themselves?

"I found that everyone who touched Pei Junlin's side would become very strong one by one. You see Ye Tian and Li Tianpei were these people, but they were just small characters." Someone whispered, justified.

Pei Junlin shook his head, not wanting to argue about such a thing. In fact, in their hearts, the brothers have today's results, is entirely his own luck and strength.

However, these eighteen extraterrestrial demon races really shocked Pei Junlin, and Li Tianxing really grew up. As a realm of Yin and God, although he used the inheritance of the Poor and Wonderful Heavenly King, the arrest of the 18 extraterrestrial demon races alive, it is enough to show that his current strength is extraordinary.

"Boss Pei, all the eighteen demon clan are given to you. It was as if you were promoted into the realm of Yangshen, and I would like to congratulate you." Ye Tianxing walked directly in front of everyone.

Naturally, brothers don't need to say too much polite words, Pei Junlin nodded and smiled, and readily accepted.

"It is my good brother Pei Junlin, I know that I am good, but sooner or later these demon clan will turn into barbecue, and everyone will enjoy it together." Pei Junlin glanced at the 18 shivering demon clan.

Hearing Pei Junlin mentioned the word barbecue, these demon clan were almost crying, and now Pei Junlin is a demon in their eyes.

That Bai Sensen's teeth made them feel cold and hairy.

"Mom, I don't want to die, why should I come to this place?"

"Who told me that the earth is not dangerous and that all the people here are weak chickens ..." A demon clan roared with tears in his eyes.

Another amazing light came down from the sky. This time it was Li Tianpei who came out of the light.

He carried a pair of pale gold wings behind him, but when the mana was put away, this layer of wings slowly disappeared.

Li Tianpei, like Ye Tianxing, also debuted, but he waved his hand without any nonsense, and there were 14 more demon clan on the deck.

Seeing a burst of exclamation in the eyes of everyone, just now, Ye Tianxing's shock has not completely dissipated, and Li Tianpei has another king bombing.

The people looked at each other, is it possible that this demon clan that has raged on the earth for a lifetime has now become the target of being hunted?

Or that these demon clan have become grasshoppers after the autumn, so anyone can catch and bully.

In the eyes of many people, the demon tribes are indeed terrifying, they do not count killings, they often kill the city to destroy the village. The monsters are very powerful and possess various magic weapons. This is the inherent view of the modern masters of the earth on the monsters.

But the emergence of Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei today undoubtedly brought a tremendous impact to this inherent concept. People keep thinking about it, is it really so terrible?

"Boss Pei, these are also the gifts I gave you. I am the same as Ye Tianxing." Li Tianpei said nothing directly to Pei Junlin without any nonsense.

There was no sound from a flash of light. Numerous reporters surrounded Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing.

A variety of topics and questions are coming, and the eyes of various worships are focused on the two.

Seeing that Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing became famous, Pei Junlin was also happy for them.

But at this time Pei Junlin looked at the cloudless sky in the distance, he was looking forward to the arrival of other brothers.

Like Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei and the two had obtained Tianjun ’s strong inheritance strength. It is beyond the expectation of Pei Junlin to catch so many demon clan, but the remaining people, Pei Junlin, were a little worried.

Several powerful breaths fell from the sky. Zhang Pingping, Nalan Haoxia and Hou Pingping fell on the deck.

There is also no nonsense, these people also threw the captured demon on the deck.

Everyone has become numb. Many people have found it strange to be surprised by these young geniuses. After all, Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing have made the bottom.

Immediately afterwards, Baili Feiyan, Huangfu Phoenix, Yuan Fei, Lei Xuan and others also came one after another, and brought people's congratulations to Pei Junlin.

The promotion of Pei Junlin into the realm of Yangshen is not a matter of a day or two anymore, but these people coincidentally want to present a congratulatory gift to Pei Junlin at the same time today.

In the afternoon, almost all of Pei Junlin's friends and friends were there, and hundreds of demon races were densely arranged on the entire deck.

The demon clan that once lived in the past, regarded human beings as the barbarous indigenous people who opened the wisdom, but at this time they were shaking, watching the powerful human clan around them feeling that the times have changed.

These demons feel that the times have changed, and even some people feel as if they are in a dream. Why did the demons who were still rampant yesterday turned into weak chickens to be slain.

Pei Junlin and his group of brothers told everyone with practical actions that the demon clan is not terrible and not invincible.

At the same time, Pei Junlin also delivered a national speech through the news media. This short 17-minute speech was broadcast live on satellite and spread to more than 200 countries around the world.

Tonight's ratings even directly exceeded the highest peak in history, reaching 99%, which means that almost all human beings on the planet are watching Pei Junlin's speech.

The meaning of Pei Junlin in his speech is very simple, only two.

The first one is to cultivate a large number of masters of the future of humanity and promote the overall recovery of the planet.

The second is to call on those recovering powerhouses to come out of the forbidden areas or from the famous mountains and rivers to form a common human front to resist the possible second wave of invasion by the demon races in the future.

After these seventeen minutes of short TV talks, Pei Junlin also successfully took over the title of human spiritual leader from the old fairy of Yuan Ping.

At night, Pei Junlin sat quietly in the courtyard, but his whole body was shrouded in a layer of cloud, and countless white threads like silk and willow fluttered like catkins and willows rushed around Pei Junlin from all directions.

Beside him are Pei Junlin's best friends. These people looked at Pei Junlin in shock, not knowing what happened.

Yuan Ping's old fairy was also there, and it was beyond shock to see this happening. Although he has the inheritance of Buddhism, but this inheritance is very incomplete, and even just some fur, even for Yuan Ping's old gods, he doesn't know how to deal with this large amount of wish.

Yuan Ping's old fairy didn't know how to deal with it. People like Pei Junlin who knew nothing about Buddhism even did not know how to deal with it. Facing endless sources of faith, Pei Junlin felt a headache.

It is not known how many years the Buddha has been extinct in this world. Even before the ancient demon clan invaded the earth, we were all extinct.

The inheritance of Buddhism is a taboo subject even in the entire starry sky.

This is like a person who is full of money but doesn't know how to spend it. Pei Junlin is now facing such a situation.

Without understanding the Dharma, in the face of endless desire, I simply do not know how to use this wealth.

The previous method of simply using willingness to break magical powers ~ ~ is actually of little significance to Pei Junlin.


Pei Junlin heard the sounds of two donkey calls, and suddenly knew that the **** donkey was back. The outside was restricted by the formation.

The **** donkey is sending a signal to Pei Junlin in this way to let Pei Junlin open the door.

Pei Junlin waved a gap between the big waves, and the **** donkey quickly walked into the yard. Seeing so many strangers, the **** donkey was not nervous at all.

Seeing the appearance of the **** donkey at this time, Pei Junlin was taken aback.

The **** donkey is now transformed into a human form, which is the appearance of a middle-aged man, but the hairstyle is completely different from before. head.

In addition to being meticulous in combing the hairstyle, he even wore sunglasses this evening. Without sunglasses, he still had a cigar in his mouth.

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