Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1037: Getting started

I don't want to talk about holding a cigar. The key is that this cigar is thick, like a carrot ...

Wearing a dark suit, the neckline deliberately loosened two buttons. Bronze skin was exposed, and a watch with bright blind eyes on his wrist.

Seeing this shape, Pei Junlin was rejuvenated by Ledriguez, and everyone else was quiet, so quiet that the needle fell.

"Hello everybody, everybody, see you for the first time, and take care of me." The **** donkey was not at all frightened, and after spitting out a big smoky smoke, waved towards the crowd.

Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei and other friends of Pei Junlin looked at Pei Junlin with a look of surprise.

When did Pei Junlin have this good friend? As Pei Junlin's brothers, they didn't know, but no one asked anyone at this time, just waiting for Pei Junlin to explain quietly.

"Cough ..."

Pei Junlin felt extremely embarrassed. This **** donkey is too sloppy.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my new friend old donkey." Pei Junlin quickly let the old donkey sit down and introduced towards everyone.

The old donkey had no stage fright, tilted Erlang's legs, and smoked a cigar comfortably. His eyes swept over everyone present, and finally his sight fell on Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing.

These two people are the heirs of the poor Qi Tianjun, and the other is the heir of the golden-winged Dapeng Tianjun. The old donkey has aroused a little interest. As for the others, the **** donkey is simply too lazy to take a look.

But when the **** donkey's eyes fell on Pei Junlin's body, his eyes suddenly widened. He took off his sunglasses, carefully looked at Pei Junlin from head to toe, and then he exclaimed.

"This is the belief in incense of thousands of people, my **** you are going to be a god." The **** donkey turned around Pei Junlin twice, watching Pei Junlin hide and hide in a layer of cloud no matter where he sits or lies, it feels special Surprised.

Since the television speech tonight, this kind of wishfulness has been endless, floating towards Pei Junlin from all directions. Perhaps no one on the whole earth has ever been loved and respected ever since.

The worship of Pei Junlin from the heart of billions of people on the earth is a power of faith. The power of these beliefs is gathered into a wish of incense and slowly surrounds Pei Junlin.

"This stuff is rare. It's very powerful to use this thing well. I'm willing to break through all means and destroy the magical powers of the world. With this body protection, you are afraid that the world is invincible." The **** donkey frowned slightly. There was a look of envy.

Pei Junlin heard the **** donkey say so generally, his eyes lit up suddenly. Even Ye Tianxing next to him couldn't hold his breath, and said to the **** donkey, "Big donkey, can you help our boss Pei take advantage of this wish?"

Ye Tianxing, of course, is also out of love and concern for Pei Junlin, so I want to find a way to use this power immediately.

"It's a piece of cake for me, not only I know how to use this wishful force, but I also know one or two of the deeper magical powers of Buddhism." The **** donkey saw everyone's eyes gathered on him. There was a smug look on his face.

Pei Junlin found that the **** donkey's only hobby was to be in the limelight. Whether it was a previous selfie or being admired by everyone now, he can be excited.

In a more professional sentence, this is a performance-oriented personality. I like the feeling that flowers are paving the way, thousands of people admire them, and people pay attention to them.

"Oh, not only your boss Pei's problem, I can easily solve it, I can help you even with your problems." The **** donkey pointed his finger at the poor Qitianjun phantom behind Ye Tianxing.

It seemed that the **** donkey was in the middle of his heart, Ye Tianxing's eyes suddenly lighted up, looked at the **** donkey with a trembling voice and said, "Don't you say it is true? I recently felt like this poor Tianjun Yuanshen, there are some signs of being out of control, and sometimes even against me. "

"Look at who? I can't solve this small problem? The small problem." The **** donkey snapped his fingers.

On the side, Li Tianpei also stood up and looked excitedly at the **** donkey, saying: "Donkey, Ye Tianxing and I have the same problem. Jin Yuan Dapeng's Yuanshen seems to be somewhat out of my control."

"Simple! When you meet me, you two can sleep in peace of mind." The **** donkey waved carelessly.

This move has made the **** donkey win the prestige among Pei Junlin's friends, and everyone has cast his respectful eyes towards him.

The powerful people will be respected no matter where they go, and the **** donkey speaks with great courage. It is reasonable for everyone to like him.

Pei Junlin smiled slightly, and he was also happy to see it done. It was also a good thing for her to integrate the **** **** into this team.

Although the **** donkey came from a mysterious mystery, Pei Junlin believes that he is definitely not a bad person, because looking at a person can be seen from his eyes.

The **** donkey's eyes are clear, the end of the line, walking is giving a righteous, full feeling, and extremely loyal.

The first encounter with the **** donkey, although there was some friction, but after gradually getting along, Pei Junlin found that he and the **** donkey were like each other.

"Hurry, how do you solve the things on my body? This endless wish to wrap my body, even the kind of heaven and earth aura can't come in." Pei Junlin was a little distressed.

It turned out that being respected and worshipped is also a very tiring thing. No wonder the ancients left some words, and they must bear the weight to wear the crown.

Now it seems that this remark really makes sense. If a person is not qualified enough, he will come to a very valuable status, then he will probably be destroyed by the negative effects brought by this status.

This is the situation that Pei Junlin now faces. He is young and proud, and can be called a spiritual leader among the billions of people on the entire planet.

According to Li Tianxing, Pei Junlin is the dream of 300 million girls, the dream lover of countless girls. So many people's hearts are tied to Pei Junlin alone, day and night, thinking about the belief power that he is thinking of him, it is extremely amazing.

"I will teach you a method of visualization, and then you can start to practice Buddha. I am just an introduction to the practice of Buddhism. If you want to achieve some Buddha status, you need to find some advanced practice methods." The **** donkey grinned and said to Pei Junlin.

Yuan Ping, the old fairy on the side, suddenly opened his eyes in bloom, and after walking around the **** donkey, his face finally showed a look of wonder.

"Are you destined to Buddha, are you a Buddhist?" Yuan Ping, the old fairy, looked at the **** donkey and said.

Somehow, when teacher Yuan Ping made a speech about Big Black Donkey and Buddhism, Pei Junlin suddenly thought of the word bald donkey.

Fortunately, although the **** donkey is a donkey, he is not bald.

"It's my old donkey. I know astronomy and geography. I know the twelfth century after 30,000 years. No one in the entire universe knows more than my old donkey. The dictionary has everything in the past. "The old donkey was not polite, and grabbed the thick cigar in his hand and sucked it violently.

A breath of smoke spit out, it was simply a small mushroom cloud.

This cigar is thick and big, otherwise it will not be sucked by the old donkey in the end ...

The **** donkey is not nonsense, stretched out his fingers, and suddenly pointed at Pei Junlin's brow. A **** symbol flashed on Pei Junlin's head, and soon Pei Junlin fell into a certain level of cultivation.

Those chaotic wishes began to run on Pei Jun's Lin Shen, and slowly turned into a lotus platform under her ass.

Although everyone was in the yard, no one said anything, quietly watching Pei Junlin cultivation, especially Yuan Ping teacher saw Pei Junlin even practiced out of the Pure Land Lotus Terrace suddenly showing a look of consternation.

To know that this thing is that people who have learned the Dharma profoundly may not be able to practice it. It took Pei Junlin less than an hour to complete this leapfrog development.

Yuan Ping, an always-respected old fairy, couldn't help but have some kind of greed and aversion. People are more dead than popular, and the realm of Pei Junlin is too fast, and the opportunities are too good.

Among the milky white brilliance that Pei Junlin bathed around him, it seemed that the whole person was holy, especially the lotus under the buttocks suspended him in the air, making him look like a treasure.

"I just handed this concept to you. I didn't expect you to practice so fast." The **** donkey looked at Pei Junlin's face, and there was also a trace of consternation.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes again, the lotus underneath slowly blurred, and eventually disappeared. And the wishful force surrounding his chaos around him was no longer chaotic at this time, and all of them disappeared. Now Pei Junlin, to say that the whole person has changed, is that the whole body brings an unspeakable smell of dust.

"Sorry, let everyone wait for a long time ~ ~ Toast barbecue meeting tonight, it will officially start now." Pei Junlin bowed his hand towards everyone.

Before the battle in Jinling City, Pei Junlin's storage space stored many flesh and blood of monsters and beasts. I just took it out and started a campfire party. Naturally, it didn't matter, and soon the aroma of barbecue roared throughout the yard.

Among them, the most delicious one is the **** donkey, eating a barbecue, and smoking a cigar. A big mouth, a bottle of champagne is completely reimbursed.

The **** donkey was too good to drink, and soon won the respect of Ye Tianxing and Li Tian who accompanied the king's dying party. These people gathered around the **** donkey to listen to him bragging, all showing a look of worship.

"I don't hide from you, when I punched hundreds of planets in the starry sky, Jun would kneel down and call me grandpa that day." The **** donkey sits on the chair and looks like a magic stick.

A big cloud of mushrooms spit out of his mouth, and he was not blushing or panting for the look of consternation around him.

"You really think I'm bragging, huh ..." The **** donkey looked like he didn't want to explain.

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