Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1054: Kinjiro Shiro

Seeing that Pei Junlin's eyes were firm and not seeming to be false, the girl immediately pressed the communicator.

A beam of light emerged from the communicator, forming a virtual picture in the air. The grandmother in the mouth of the girl turned out to be a beautiful woman in a moon-white dress, and she looked like a young woman in her early twenties.

"What happened to cocoa? What happened?" The young woman passed on with coercion as she spoke.

Pei Junlin's face changed slightly, and the young woman's strength reached Tianjun with only a slight difference. The terrifying strength made Pei Junlin unexpected.

"Grandma, our army has been wiped out this time, and my father is suffering from the Nine Shattering Soul Sword of the Demon Slayer, and he is dying." The young girl Keke looked at the young woman with a cry.

The young woman's eyes showed a shocked look, but she quickly calmed down and looked at the girl lightly and said, "Then your father is not saved, come back."

"No, someone said he could save him." The girl seemed to grab the last life-saving straw and pulled Pei Junlin over.

The leader of the pirate is the young woman, who is called the grandma's woman by the Rosha girl. After seeing Pei Junlin, she didn't say much, just said three words-come back first.

The speed of the black iron ship is extremely amazing, and only one streamer can be seen in the universe.

"Boss Pei, are we going to the pirate's nest now? In case they turn over and don't recognize people, aren't we miserable?" Yuan Fei came over and looked at Pei Junjun.

Several other people also showed their doubts, but they did not question Pei Junlin directly. After all, these people still trusted Pei Junlin.

"Everyone can rest assured that the man's status in the pirate should be very high. I am sure to save him, so I am also sure that the other party does not dare to move us. And, in turn, we can use the power of these pirates." Speak out your inner thoughts without concealment.

These are all conspiracy, and there is no need to hide anything, even if it is Pei Junlin, the pirate's nest.

"Don't you say that before? Unless there is an immortal emperor, no one can save the human being attacked by the Demon Killer." Wang Ziqiong asked curiously.

Pei Junlin smiled faintly. This thing was really not his bragging, but there are some secrets that are not for outsiders, so Pei Junlin just laughed and said nothing.

The speed of the pirate ship is not covered, like a meteor in the universe.

Suddenly the big ship slowed down and finally stopped, which surprised everyone. The girl of the Luosha tribe came over and explained politely to Pei Junlin: "There are people in front of us who can't afford it, so try not to say anything."

Who is the one who fears even pirates?

Pei Junlin was a little curious, and everyone stood silently on the deck, watching quietly. Soon, a team of men and women walked through the void.

A group of people banging and holding a musical instrument, dressed in pink silk. These clothes are all pink, regardless of the uniformity of men and women are pink clothes, this dress makes everyone look at each other.

A young man was sitting behind a step. The young man, dressed in pink gauze, sat on the walk, complacent.

When this person's eyes crossed the faces of Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, suddenly there was a smell of greed and evil.

"Stop." The man was quiet, but full of unquestionable momentum.

The whole team stopped in an instant, but the bands who were playing drums, gongs and drums did not stop. The void was very noisy.

Seeing the behavior of the man, Pei Junlin's heart was broken, and the man was obviously poorly motivated.

"Who is this man?" Pei Junlin whispered to the Rocha girl Coco.

"She is the big disciple of the pink devil, we can't afford it, he may be in love with your wife and sister-in-law, I suggest you better not resist. Send these two women out, you can be safe and sound." Ke Ke Kan Pei Junlin said.

Hearing the words of Cocoa, not only Pei Junlin, everyone was angry, gritting his teeth one by one.

"Boss! Whatever he does, kill it." Ye Tianxing gritted his teeth.

Pei Junlin did not say anything, but his eyes became a lot colder.

Red Devil, Pei Junlin has heard of some. The old pink demon in the live broadcast room relied on his high strength to take the 13 princesses of the dragon family forcibly. Unexpectedly, by chance, he saw his apprentice here.

Pei Junlin's eyes glowed with faint golden light, and he immediately saw that the big disciple of the pink demon was actually a snake demon.

The man is extremely charming, very greasy, and the smeared powder and fluid bloom look disgusting.

"Two women over there, come and follow me." The pink disciple's big disciple stared at Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu coldly.

As for the others, he was directly ignored by him, as if there was no air.

"Oh, dare to ask what is the origin of your Excellency?" Pei Junlin's face was expressionless, approaching the young man.

When the man heard that Pei Junlin didn't know himself, he seemed to be humiliated, but he patiently said coldly: "I'm the first disciple under the pink ancestor, Jin snake Xiaolangjun."

"It turned out to be Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun, disrespectful and disrespectful." Pei Junlin continued to approach, suddenly suddenly in trouble.

In his hand, the Po Domain Sword fired a tremendous sword light, only to hear the booming sound around.

The golden snake Xiaolangjun responded quickly, and turned into a ray of light to escape the sword light, but his followers were not so lucky.

With bleeding colors on the waist, Pei Junlin made a sword, and at least hundreds of people were cut by the waist.

No one thought that Pei Junlin's shot would be so neat, so powerful and determined. To know that the other party is under the hands of the pink demon, it is a master of Tianjun level.

How much determination is needed to offend such a person?

"Damn beast, you want to die." The golden snake Xiao Langjun's face was somber.

With a mouth open, a scarlet serpentine spit out instantly. At the top of this serpentine, a greasy face appeared.

The face roared miserably, and the negative emotions made people panic and fearful.

Pei Junlin's palms spread out a flash of electricity and suddenly blasted the head. Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun was hit hard again, and his body flew out for a hundred meters to stare at Pei Junlin coldly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Who the **** are you, do you know the consequences that caused me?" The golden snake Xiaolang Jun attempted to move out of his master, the pink demon, to suppress Pei Junlin.

Where did Pei Junlin have time to talk nonsense with the dead? Today, he was determined to kill this golden snake Xiaolang Jun. Breaking a sword in his hand radiated a tremendous sword light again, and countless blood-red thunderbolts shone towards the golden snake Xiaolangjun.

This is the power of Heavenly Tribulation, filled with the breath of destruction, even the Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun, dare not touch it easily.

Can only dodge left and right in awkwardness, even the golden crown on his head fell.

"Where did the hybrid barbarian? Today you want to die, don't blame me." Xiao Langjun was also forced out of fire by Pei Junlin.

Frightened, a piece of highly toxic matter flew directly towards Pei Junlin.

"Not good, this is the Tiansha Yinlei made by the pink old devil alone." The little pirate cocoa immediately screamed.

In fact, without her reminding, Pei Junlin also felt a breath of destruction, a shocked look on his face.

This is something that Tianjun refined. If it is not good, everyone at the scene will be wiped out.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly opened the Jindou space, and instantly included everyone including Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu into Jindou space.

At the same time, that pure Yang fiery bell enveloped Pei Junlin himself, and was used to resist the power of Tiansha's poisonous thunder explosion.

The projectile exploded, and the dark green poisonous fog polluted the sky. Among them are countless ugly faces shuddering among them.

On this day, the shady thunder is not simply a poison, but is made by sacrifice of human life. A refined one will cost at least tens of millions of lives. It contains endless resentment and hatred, and if it is entangled, it is possible to die.

Pei Junlin's Chunyang Fire Bell exudes the breath of the first day to the sun. These yin demons are not in the air and dare to approach Pei Junlin.

Can only continue to shuttle in the surrounding air, looking for human life, pity those pirates on the big ship that have not died, immediately became the target of these evil demons.

Drilling into the body immediately sucked up the flesh and blood, and it took only one second from an energetic human to instantly become a corpse.

This horrible scene looked at Pei Junlin's scalp tingling. He didn't expect that the thing made by this old pink demon would be so degraded.

The Yin Devil surrounds the Pure Yang Fire Bell, and he can't get in. Eventually he could only turn around and rush towards the follower of the golden snake Xiaolangjun. These people immediately issued a scream, and thousands of people were instantly sucked into blood and turned into human skin.

The golden snake Xiao Langjun looked coldly at all these faces with no expression on his face, as if the death of these people did not cause any loss to him. Incomparably. Eventually they came together and turned into a huge face. It was terrifying, a pair of eyes radiating bleeding light.

It was like a face of a void, dragging a gray breath behind, and suddenly opened his mouth to Pei Junlin among the pure Yang fire bells.


Chunyang Fire Bell was bitten and made a crunchy sound, and even had a cold breath to penetrate Pei Junlin.

The Nether Real Fire above the Pure Yang Fire Clock keeps running, resisting this attack of Yin Demon, but still weak.

Facing the Yin Demon refined by Tianjun, even the pure Yang Fire Bell could not resist.

Wulei Zhengtianfu!

Pei Junlin sacrificed Fulu, turned into a sea of ​​thunder, and the thundering lightning was the nemesis of this demon.

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