Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1055: Hercules Bull Banner

At this time, if the Chunyang Fire Bell is not collected, this treasure will be scrapped immediately, and Pei Junlin can only endure the dangerous moment and put away the Chunyang Fire Bell.

The boundless thunder cannot completely restrain the Yin Demon. After absorbing too much human blood, this Yin Demon became very powerful.

Turned into a gray long snake and wrapped around Pei Junlin, at this time Pei Junlin felt the chaotic golden fight in his body suddenly launched.

The yin qi of these yin demons would have penetrated into the body, wrapped around Pei Junlin, and drained his essence and blood. But the chaotic gold suddenly shocked, and this cold breath was led into the chaotic gold battle.

A large burst inside the Chaos Golden Bucket started and began to purify and transform the power of these Yin demons. The yin qi turned into pure yang qi, and feeding Pei Junlin back made his whole body blood boiling.

"Well, why didn't you die?" The Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun was shocked when he saw that Pei Junlin was safe and sound.

This is the pink old demon, that is, his master, refining the sky. Because there is only one. This one has been put on him for at least a hundred years and has been unwilling to use it. It was only taken out today when it encountered a life-and-death crisis.

I thought I could kill my opponent easily, but I knew Pei Junlin was safe and successful.

Pei Junlin's body is full of blood, and Yin Demon has no chance to invade Pei Junlin. Eventually showing a greedy look, he turned his spear and rushed towards the golden snake Xiaolangjun.

Seeing this situation, Jin snake Xiaolangjun showed a shocked and angry body. He didn't expect that the demon he released would eventually bite himself.


Jinshan Xiaolangjun scolded, took out a dark flag from his arms, and stretched out a hand, then a magic hand was stretched out from it, and instantly the Yin Demon dragged into the flag.

"You are very good, you can survive under the sky and thunder, really surprised me a little. You offended me today, I will kill you, I can only blame you bad luck." Looking at Pei Junlin is like looking at a dead person.

Pei Junlin did not speak, his whole body radiated a faint light, just like a Buddha. Regardless of what the golden snake Lang Xiaojun said, Pei Junlin said nothing.

"Of course, if you are willing to take the initiative to exchange the two women, and then let go of your heart and let me stay in your mind, and promise to be my slave from now on, I can consider not killing you." , Said towards Pei Junlin.

It was this time, and the golden snake Xiaolang Jun was still impatient, thinking about the two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, which made Pei Junlin angry.

His woman does not allow anyone to be defiled, this golden snake Xiaolangjun, even if you have a thought.

There is nothing nonsense in Pei Junlin, and he once again brought the broken domain sword to bully him. The sky of sword light almost shattered the surrounding void.

The golden snake Xiaolangjun dodges around, and the black flag in his hand, exudes a grayish breath, wraps him.

Pei Junlin's sword light was chopped in gray breath, just like it was chopped on cowhide, but he could not assassinate him with a booming sound.

People saw a magic hand sticking out of the mist, covered with sharp nails on the scales, very sharp, and cut towards Pei Junlin's neck.

The speed of the magic hand is too fast. If Pei Junlin is not always vigilant, he will almost get his head cut off. But at a critical moment Pei Junlin turned his neck and escaped the blow. The domain-breaking sword in his hand was slashed towards the magic hand in an instant.

The dark flag should be a magic weapon, among which a powerful devil is sealed.

Pei Junlin's sword did not successfully cut off the demon's arm, but Pei Junlin's sword was very powerful by cutting the skin and letting the opponent's scales peel off.

"Impossible, you can even hurt the devil under the ground. What is your origin? What is this sword in your hand?" Golden Snake Xiaolangjun was really shocked this time.

This small flag in his hand is called the Great Bull Devil Banner. Among them, an underground demon is sealed, and the vigorous bull demon is vigorously.

The magic head is infinitely powerful and sharp. Not only is it extremely fast, but also has a thick skin, it is very beating. Even some masters of the real **** realm, encountering such vigorous bull demons will have a headache.

The old master pink demon once visited the underground devil cave, and arrested a lot of such underground powerful cattle demon, sealed into the magic weapon, and distributed it to each disciple for self-defense.

And in his hand, the seal of the seal of the vigorous ox flag is the ox of the real god. It is extremely powerful. Although it is weakened by being sealed in the flag, it cannot be underestimated.

This Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun is a master at the pinnacle of the Yangshen Realm. Pei Junlin and he played against him, and they could not occupy the point of complete suppression. And the treasures of this golden snake Xiaolongjun are also very powerful, especially the vigorous bull demon flag.

The golden snake Xiaolangjun flicked his long sleeves, and the black flag exploded directly in the air, completely transformed into a tower-like powerful bull demon.

The vigorous bull demon just came out of the imprisonment, and immediately gave a roar, ten meters tall. Covered in dark scales, he wore two dark sharp corners on his head.

With a breath of air, sand and rocks will fly on the ground. Unfortunately, there is only a few meteorite fragments in the void.

"Go to kill him, and after killing him, I will give you freedom." The golden snake Xiaolangjun is used to it, and he does not want to fight on his own, only to hide behind the scenes.

After hearing the words of King Snake Xiaolangjun, the Great Bull Demon showed a look of excitement in his eyes. He was imprisoned in the Great Bull Bull Banner, suffering day and night. He wanted to be free and was already crazy.

Looking at the weak human being in front of him, the vigorous bull demon didn't hesitate at all, issued a soaring roar, and rushed towards Pei Junlin.

This mighty bull demon has at least one hundred dragons, and now the power of Pei Junlin, if it does not explode, is only ten dragons, which is one tenth of this mighty bull demon.

However, Pei Junlin wanted to compete with this bull demon today to exercise his body.

Seeing that Pei Junlin gave up the sharp sword in his hand and didn't use it, he even relied on the strength of the flesh to fight with the strong bull and the devil, and the gold snake Xiaolong Jun in the distance was also speechless.

Human races like Pei Junlin with amazing fighting power are very good in his eyes, and even show a look of appreciation. He felt more and more that people like Pei Junlin should be trapped under his door as a faithful servant.


Dali Niumo punched Pei Junlin's body with a punch, directly bombarding Pei Junlin hundreds of meters away.

But Pei Junlin, just like Xiaoqiang, who was immortal, rushed up again, and hit a corner of Dali Niubic with a fierce punch.


One of the horns on the head of Dali Niu was actually cut off by Pei Junlin with a punch, which made the Niu De beaten by him roar with a roar, and the whole person's boiling blood blew into the sky.

Dali Niu Mo was completely angry, and launched Dali Niu Mo Jin. With his mouth wide open, he roared to the sky, and the violent sonic power almost covered the whole void.

Pei Junlin didn't care at all, swallowed hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan jade instantly. The power skyrocketed, and he batted against the mighty bull demon.

All the tricks are hard bridges and hard horses, there is no meaning of speculation. This kind of real thick-skinned Warcraft is uncommon, and Pei Junlin wants to practice the vigorous bull demon today.

In less than a moment, another giant horn of Dali Niubi was once again punched off by Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin also felt that the fire was almost over, and it was time to end the game with this vigorous bull demon.

The palm of the hand instantly glowed with a golden light, that is the magic of the heavenly master. This ray of light shone on the body of the vigorous bull demon, causing his body to stop in an instant. Of course, there was only a very short time, but this short time was caught by Pei Junlin.

The broken domain sword in his hand once again slashed a slender sword light, and instantly penetrated the eyebrow of Dali Niu Demon, piercing the opponent's head directly, and crushing it.

This trick was neat, and the gold Xiaolang Jun who looked at him was speechless. It took a long time to react. It turned out that he lost.

Gold Snake Xiaolangjun was used to being a baby, but many people know his true identity. It ’s just the illegitimate son of Lao Mo, who is actually a father and son.

Although the golden snake Xiaolangjun of the Yangshen Realm is not bad, he rarely experiences actual combat, because in the entire star field, there is a pink old devil as his umbrella. Few people dare to come to the door. Therefore, this golden snake Xiao Langjun has been rampant, and rarely hands on.

Whose wife was stolen directly, few people dared to resist. This time Pei Junlin encountered a hard stubble. Seeing that the vigorous bull and demon were all beheaded by Pei Junlin, the golden snake Xiaolang Jun realized the danger at this time.

But even in this situation ~ ~ he still does not believe that Pei Junlin dares to kill himself. Because his father, the nominal master, the pink old demon is a master of the Tianjun level, and even the powerful races of the dragon tribe Peng tribe in the entire Donglai Starland, they dare not easily provoke the pink old demon.

"I will not hold you accountable for today's affairs, but you can think about when you want to be put under my door, and I will accept you at any time." Jin snake Xiaolangjun smiled slightly, revealing the face of Corporal Lixian.

Pei Junlin tilted his head and showed a surprised look. This is the case. The golden dragon is still dreaming today.

Pei Junlin did not speak, and his hands broke the sword Jianfang Fang a golden light. The phantom of the nine-story demon tower emerged in the air and suppressed towards the golden snake Xiaolangjun.

The boundless killing intention is like a rope entangled, so that the golden snake Xiaolangjun really feels the threat of death. This is the first time in the Southeast Star Field. For the first time, someone dared to use this method to deal with him and dare to use a killer against him.

"You're crazy! Do you really dare to deal with me, aren't you afraid of destroying your Nine Clan? Even everyone on your planet must be sacrificed." Xiao Langjun growled.

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