Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1056: Tianjun projection

The strength of the Golden Snake Xiaolangjun is actually illusory, and there is no ability to protect himself. Some of the men who were killed by Pei Junlin before.

Several of them were secretly mastered, but they were sucked to death by the demon released by himself. Now in isolation, it became fish on Pei Junlin's cutting board.

Although he is a master of Yangshen Realm, his combat power is not even as good as Yinshen Realm. This kind of person is actually waste.

Seemingly feeling the threat of death, the golden snake Xiao Langjun's eyebrows suddenly burst into a golden light, and one of them was rising into the sky, disappearing into the void and disappearing.

"You wait for death to kill you!" Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun is the same.

Soon Pei Junlin suddenly felt that the breath of the world had changed. A dark wormhole appeared on the top of the golden snake Xiaolang Jun, and a large hand wanted to intervene in the battle through infinite space.

Pink Devil!

Only Tianjun can open the wormhole to cross the space to fight. Pei Junlin never thought that this pink old demon even cared so much about the golden snake Xiaolangjun, and took help at this critical moment.

Seeing this big hand bombarding himself through the wormhole, Pei Junlin knew he was more and more fierce this time. This is the Tianjun strong shot in person, how can he resist.

"I said you don't want to mess with me, you are dead now." Seeing his reinforcements arrived, the golden snake Xiaolangjun showed his face again.

This man is a huge baby. Pei Junlin doesn't care. He is facing a life-and-death crisis. This is the biggest trouble.

Tianjun level master shot, no matter what Pei Jun did, it would be a dead end.

The more dangerous it is, the more calm Pei Junlin is, he wants to find a life in this storm. The only opportunity is Chao Ling Ling Bao, that is, Jin Ye.

This is not to say that it is absolutely safe to hide in the golden chaos of the chaos, but that Pei Junlin gambles that this old pink demon will not destroy the chaotic spirit treasure. After all, this treasure is of great value, even Tianjun dare not look down upon it.

At the moment when Pei Junlin escaped into the space, the huge force stopped squeezing, and an imprisoned force imprisoned the surrounding space.

The other party is about to catch alive, and does not want to damage Chaos Lingbao.

"Master Jin, how much chance do we have to escape?" Pei Junlin stood in the Jindou space, his face a little ugly.

In the universe, with anyone else, think about the characters behind it in advance. The character of the Tianjun level will not be easily shot, but it does not hinder the encounter of people like the Golden Snake Xiaolangjun.

Pei Junlin wanted to break his head, but he didn't think that the golden snake Xiaolang Jun turned out to be the biological son of the old pink demon. Otherwise, where is the master of this day who has the leisure to cross the wormhole to kill others at any time.

"The chance of escaping is minimal. I'm afraid everyone here will die today." Jin Ye showed a pessimistic emotion.

At this time, the Taihuang Shending and the Moonlight Treasure Box are also in the Jindou space, and everyone feels a repressive atmosphere.

"It can't be done. You and I go out and explode. The power of Chaos Lingbao's self-exposure can instantly break through the space imprisonment of this empty space. Then you will take the opportunity to escape."

Lord Jin's eyes flickered, and at this time he did not say anything against it. Instead, he was too ridiculous and silent.

"If our three Chaos Lingbao teamed up, there might be a line of vitality that can break through the space barrier." Taihuang Shending analyzed.

"It's useless. It's absolutely impossible to get out of here without sacrificing today. If you want to sacrifice it, it's me." Jin Ye said looking at Moonlight Treasure Box emotionally.

At this time, Pei Junlin didn't expect that Jin Ye even had a girl's mind. He was a little speechless. Based on his understanding of Jin Ye, Jin Ye definitely had a way.

The first thing to say is so pessimistic, nothing more than to set off his own tall image, Pei Junlin smiled and said nothing.

"If you give me a short time, I have a way to escape." The **** donkey who had not spoken suddenly said.

"You!" Pei Junlin was a little surprised, but did not expect the **** donkey to have a way to fight against Tianjun.

"To give me a moment, I can portray the starry teleportation array and teleport everyone out in a short time." The **** donkey said proudly.

"That's good! Just give you a moment, and our chances are pinned on you." After all, there are not many choices. If you sacrifice King Jin, he will definitely not accept it.

In Pei Junlin's opinion, everyone here is indispensable. Even if it is oppressed by a master of the Tianjun level, what about? Crossing countless star fields, even Tianjun's strength cannot be fully projected.

If it is true that Tianjun is here, then Pei Junlin has already been squeezed to death, even if it is a chaotic spirit treasure, he will be imprisoned in an instant and cannot escape at all.

"It's a waste. I met a few small fish and shrimp and forced you to this field." An old man dressed in pink gauze was scolding the golden snake Xiaolangjun.

The golden snake Xiaolangjun stood there only to promise, not daring to rebel, the golden phantom in front of him was his father's old pink demon.

The pink demon did n’t care where Pei Junlin and others ran away, and he could n’t escape his palm in his eyes. He just wanted to teach his son now, to raise his face and ears, so that this son would be motivated, not in the future So shameless again.

The pink devil was surrounded by a pink mist, which wrapped it, making him look very charming. Although he is an old man with a heavy hair, but wearing such clothes still makes people feel ruined.

When the phantom projected by the pink demon reprimanded his son Golden Snake Xiaolang Jun, Pei Junlin suddenly exploded here, and the three chaotic spirit treasures of Chao Chao Jindou Taihuang God and Moonlight Treasure Box erupted instantly.

The powerful chaotic atmosphere instantly formed a confined space. Even the power projected by Tianjun in this space could not invade in a short time, and the **** donkey used golden hoofs to depict mysterious runes in the void. .

"It seems that I blamed you wrong today. I didn't expect you to bring me a great chance." The pink demon saw three chaotic spirit treasures explode completely, not only not angry, but also revealed a look of surprise.

Looking at the sight of his son Jinshe Xiaolangjun, it is no longer a stern accusation, but a hint of praise. It seems that this son can really bring good luck.

Golden Snake Xiaolangjun was also stunned to see the three chaotic spirit treasures blooming in the void. He did not expect a small person to carry such a powerful treasure. Did Song meet the little treasure prince today?

The pink demon's projection snorted and gave a slap. The palm of the hand covered the sky and caught the sun, and grabbed these three chaotic spirit treasures.

And these three chaotic spirit treasures are not vegetarian, blooming a fierce Shenhua means to resist Tianjun.

Pei Junlin was not idle, taking advantage of this opportunity, turned into a dust, and moved towards the golden snake Xiaolangjun. Now the moment when his father, the pink demon, was distracted, came behind the golden Yang Xiaolang.


You said that there was a blood line on Xiaolongjun's neck, and his head moved. The golden Yuanshen wanted to escape, and was grabbed by Pei Junlin, quickly pulling away a piece of Huawei's golden light.

Everything just happened in a moment, and when those pink old demon reacted, Pei Junlin has once again rushed into the enclosed space formed by the three Chaos Lingbao.

"Old donkey! Have you done it? If you don't do it well, we will all die here today." Pei Junlin growled at the **** donkey.

Just now I risked the death of the golden snake Xiaolangjun, and now it is bound to provoke the rage of the old pink demon. If the **** donkey fell off the chain here, everyone will really die here this time.

The **** donkey didn't seem to hear what Pei Junlin said at all. The golden light of the golden hoof character carved the last rune.

A dark wormhole appeared at the foot of the **** donkey. Without the command of Pei Junlin, the **** donkey plunged into it. And without any hesitation, Pei Junlin also got in instantly, and the three Chaos Lingbao resisted Tianjun, and instantly shrank violently into the wormhole.

Everything just happened in an instant. The pink demon watched Pei Junlin kill his own son, and then got into the wormhole to escape. There was nothing he could do.

In fact, his body is not in the East Star Field, but on a planet far away from countless starry sky, spanning an impermanent distance, even if Tianjun's strength is attenuated.

The son was killed in front of himself, which no one can bear. The pink demon saw that Pei Junlin and others got into the wormhole and fled, almost bursting their hair instantly.

Even at this time, thousands of miles away, crossing the wormhole, he will chase Pei Junlin.


This pink old demon roared in an instant and sacrificed a previously marked planet to a blood mist of hundreds of millions of people.

A huge force came down in the dark ~ ~ made the ghost image projected by the Red Demon Supreme became instantly powerful, just at the moment when the wormhole created by Pei Junlin and others was about to close The ghost of the old demon got into it.

Before waiting for Pei Junlin and others to walk out of the wormhole and stand firm, they felt a tremendous amount of coercion and chased them again.

There is no superfluous nonsense, Pei Junlin saw the **** palms in the sky snapped towards the crowd almost to crush them all.

"I'm going, isn't it, how did this old thing come along? Judging by the virtual power he projected, he couldn't cross our wormhole." The **** donkey was also shocked.

Too wild **** tripod, chaotic golden fight and moonlight treasure box, the three big chaotic treasures burst into chaotic light in an instant, and surrounded everyone to resist the big hands.

But the huge pressure is not something that the three Chaos Lingbao can resist, but the three Lingbaos will almost collapse in an instant.

At this moment, another wormhole suddenly opened, and a young woman in a white dress and white dress walked out of it.

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