Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1057: Mochizuki Blood

In the young woman's hand, an oil-paper umbrella suddenly projected into the air, striking the **** big hand, the two burst out powerful energy fluctuations in the air and exploded in an instant.

"Go." The young woman's skirt twirled, and a huge force swept Pei Junlin and others completely into it. Then everyone only felt a violent wind swept the people up and disappeared instantly.

The energy fluctuation was too violent, and everyone including Pei Junlin was in a coma. However, when I opened your eyes again and accompanied you to find that it was safe, he and everyone were lying in a house and walked out of this house to prevent Pei Junlin from discovering that this came to a desolate planet.

The canyon in the distance is a natural dock, with more than a dozen spaceships parked there. The flags of the pirates are hung on these ships. There is no doubt that this should be the pirate's nest.

The Rocha tribe is a race on horseback, or a natural pirate race, adept at taking risks.

Pei Junlin did not expect that he actually came to the rosa clan, because he knew about this rosa clan, this race would never allow outsiders to enter their clan.

The air in front of him fluctuated, and the young woman in white came to Pei Junlin again, but Pei Junlin knew that the young woman in front of him was definitely not a young woman.

This is Cocoa's grandma, and he must be very old. Although he looks handsome, Pei Junlin has no interest at all. On the contrary, he felt a huge oppression in his heart.

It was this woman who repulsed the pink demon, and let that **** big hand collapse directly in the air. If it wasn't for the opponent's shot, Pei Junlin believed that his group had now been wiped out.

However, Pei Junlin certainly knew that the other party rescued himself, not for the purpose of Dafa charity, but for other purposes.

"Nine evil spirit killing swords of the Demon Killing Clan, can you really heal?" The young woman looked at Pei Junlin slightly coldly.

This is a strong man who is only one line away from the realm of Tianjun. Pei Junlin does not dare to make it in front of the other party. Even if he says a little wrong or a word, his life will be in danger.

"I once had the privilege of having a friend from the Demon Killing Clan who knew some secrets from him. If you can give me a chance, I might be able to save your son's life." Pei Junlin didn't make a circle and directly said his own idea.

Everyone is smart, there is no need to bend around. The young woman looked at Pei Junlin and said, "I believe what you said is true. If you can save Chakun, then I can promise you a request."

"My request is very simple, that is, borrow a few fleets from your hand to attack some planets of the Peng tribe, and I want to avenge them." Pei Junlin said directly.

"No problem, deal! But the premise is that you want to save my son. If you can't do it, none of you can leave alive." The young woman in white dress voice had no emotion.

After saying this, her figure gradually faded and disappeared into the air.

The young woman in the white dress had just left, and the young girl's cocoa came, holding a tray of food in her hand.

But Pei Junlin didn't think about eating and drinking at this time, so Ye Tianxing Li Tianpei and Wang Ziqiong stayed here. He and Naco walked into the tent to observe the injured middle-aged man Cha Kun.

The nine evil spirits of the Luosha tribe, the main damage is the human soul. But it doesn't cause people to die immediately, this is the place of Xiemen.

The cruelest part of these Nine Shattering Soul Swords is that people's souls and spirits are split apart, and then they will experience mental insanity for a period of time, losing memory and feelings.

Completely turned into an irrational madman, letting the loved ones around him sad and desperate, this is the most fearful and scary place of the Devil Killing Clan Nine Killing Soul Sword.

"I need some medicinal herbs. If you can get it, then your father will be saved. If you can't get it, then say two things." Pei Junlin said, looking at the girl Coco holding the tray.

Coco nodded and looked at Pei Junlin, said: "There is no medicine that we cannot get from the Rosha tribe, you just say."

Pei Junlin sighed. The other things were okay. He was afraid that even the Luosha tribe would have to spend some time and effort only on the medicinal herbs.

"Moon Moon Blood! This is the most important blind medicinal material. Others can be obtained casually. You can tell this to your grandma first." Pei Junlin looked at the young girl Cocoa.

Mochizuki is a mysterious creature of the universe, huge in shape, like a planet.

This thing is really not something that can be obtained casually. If you can really get this thing that is just up to the sun, you can overcome the yin in the gas of the Nine Killing Soul Sword and completely destroy the damaged soul of the man. Make up to come back.

Coco left soon after returning, holding a jade pendant in his hand, but a drop of blood was locked in it. When Pei Junlin looked at it, he suddenly showed a shocked look.

"My grandma spent one billion days of Yuanyu, something I just photographed in Yuanjie." Coco said calmly

Seeing Coco saying this, Pei Junlin was really shocked. He didn't expect this thing to be obtained in this way. One billion Tianyuan jade, this is definitely not a small number.

Such a large sum of money, you can buy top-level Lingbao, and even buy some more chaotic Lingbao.

Human life cannot be measured by money, which is enough to show that the middle-aged man's identity is precious.

Without any nonsense, Pei Junlin immediately walked into the room with the herbs brought by cocoa. In fact, the entire treatment process is very simple, and there is no secret, but some of Pei Junlin's methods can be seen in the eyes of others but they do not understand.

This is the cleverness of Pei Junlin. It seems that he is not hiding anyone, but it makes you incomprehensible. Even the young woman in white spying secretly showed a confused look.

She is the real **** realm, the peak is only a line away from Tianjun. But in the face of Pei Junlin's miraculous tricks, he still can't understand it.

She never thought that to save a person, she needed to describe the formation. It is necessary to describe the formation in the entire room, and also to engrave some mysterious runes on the wounded souls and bones.

This is beyond the scope of ordinary medical ethics. It is to treat people as an implement. This is to save a person by the method of refinery.

To say that this method is absolutely ingenious and unimaginable, but the consequences are also shocking. It took less than half an hour, and the middle-aged man woke up completely.

In addition to losing part of his memory, the man was unharmed and even his strength was restored to its peak.

"Although it looks good now, but three years later, I still need a second treatment for him." Pei Junlin is not salty, not too slow, and said a few words.

The young woman frowned slightly after hearing Pei Junlin's words, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes.

"If you confirm that he is okay, you can kill me, but no one in the whole universe can save him three years later." Pei Junlin said calmly.

Of course, Pei Junlin will not have no followers at all. If he relied solely on the previous covenant with this young woman, Pei Junlin believes that he is dead.

The second treatment three years later is a talisman left by Pei Junlin.

The other party is a pirate, a wild barbarian who has not experienced the influence of Confucian culture. Pei Junlin does not have some ways to protect himself and his life, that is absolutely not daring to cooperate with each other.

The young woman was only a line away from Tianjun, and a faint light appeared in her eyes. She shot at her son and soon found some cracks.

"What did you do on his soul? Why did you draw so many runes?" Said the young woman in shock.

"What should I call you? Now that the two of us are working together, I don't even know what to call." Pei Junlin did not directly answer each other's words, but looked at each other with a smile instead of a smile.

Even if the other party is a true Heavenly King, what about? Pei Junlin has not seen Tianjun.

But his calm look made this young woman in white feel a little confused. The person in front of him was clearly a monk in the state of Yang Shen. Why can he be so fearless, is there any background behind him?

Originally, her inner plan was very simple, that is, after Pei Junlin completed the treatment of his son, he completely killed these people.

The three chaotic spirit treasures, even the Heavenly King, must be tempted.

"It's really red." The woman looked at Pei Junlin lightly.

This woman's strength is close to Tianjun, and she has no idea how many years she has lived.

Pei Junlin immediately said lightly: "True red grandma, these runes are for his soul to heal better. Three years later I will completely erase these runes."

That really red grandma's face changed slightly, and she seemed to think of something.

Pei Junlin naturally knows what the other person is thinking, I am afraid that he will erase those runes.

"These runes were laid out by me. UU reading is very subtle, whether it is the technique or some of the key points of portrayal. You also know that the soul of the world is the most mysterious thing in the world, and it is a thousand miles away If you act rashly, it is likely to make him mentally insane, and he will never recover. "Sister Jun accompanied threatened with a calm tone.

Although the real red grandma was not convinced, she had to agree with Pei Junlin's statement that the spirit of the gods is indeed the most delicate thing in the world, and no one would dare to act rashly.

"I have to admit that you are very clever and successfully held me. Okay, the previous cooperation is effective and the promise is effective. I promised to lend you eight fleets." Grandma Zhenhong finally compromised, and her figure disappeared in the flash Ground.

I'm afraid that Pei Jun was not angry, and I was afraid to stay here to control my emotions, so I left after saying this.

Pei Junlin shook his head, glanced at the stunned little girl next to Coco, and turned to walk towards his brother's room.

As soon as I walked in the door, I ran into a man with arms. Pei Junlin looked up and turned out to be his wife, Prince Qiong.

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