Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1059: The power of time

"You ... you're actually Pei Junlin, how did you get here?" The Peng clan's powerful world was frightened by his courage.

The reputation of Pei Junlin is within the entire Peng tribe, and it is all pervasive. Some genius masters of the Peng tribe were killed by Pei Jun on the earth.

No one thought that this killing **** had even come to the planet Hora. The man who was cursed in his dream yesterday, put the knife on his neck today.

"If you kill me, the Peng tribe will definitely report ..." The last word of the strongest Peng tribe did not say it, and Pei Junlin punched his head.

The headless body fell to the ground and turned into a huge gold-winged Dapeng. This is a master of Yangshen Realm. Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the Jindou space opened directly, dragging the body of this Peng clan strongman into the space.

The master of the Yangshen Realm, the essence of the flesh contains unlimited energy. This is the finest ingredient, and Pei Junlin will not let it go.

A large number of golden-winged Dapeng tribes flew into the sky and turned into Peng birds, planning to fly through the atmosphere into the universe and escape, but more people, below the level of Yin and God, simply do not have the ability to enter the universe.

Not only is there gang wind in the universe, but there are also various evil spirits. If you do not reach the realm of Yin and God, it is simply a dead end.

Pei Junlin's palm burst into a strong blue electric light, and countless thunder and lightning instantly covered the entire sky. The Peng clan covered with the sky suddenly fell towards the ground like a banana leaf hit by rain, just like a rain.

These five thunder laws are really powerful. The power of violent thunder and lightning has almost transformed the entire planet into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning. Almost instantly, millions of Peng tribes were killed by Junlin.

The vast majority of these are the realm of Yin God, and they are not Pei Junlin's opponents at all. They can be blown to death in one breath.

"Brother-in-law, there are not only veins of dolomite but also phlogopite on this planet. This mineral is not simple and of great value." Wang Ziyu walked over and looked at Pei Junlin.

Millions of Peng tribes were killed by Pei Junlin just now, and countless corpses piled up like a hill on the ground. The corpses of these Peng tribes were all absorbed by Wang Ziyu with the Emperor's nerves, and they were refined into blood pill.

These blood pills do not have any dross in them. They are completely pure flesh and blood essence, and they are also popular items on the Yuanjie network.

Although a blood pill is not as good as a Tianyuan jade, it is often easy to exchange ten blood pill for a Tianyuan jade.

Wang Ziyu turned all so many Peng tribes into blood pill, and instantly became a billion blood pill. If it is converted into Tianyuan jade, it is 100 million Tianyuan jade, which is also a fortune for Wang Ziyu.

"All the things that can be taken away are taken away, and those that can't be taken away will be destroyed." Pei Junlin looked at Wang Ziyu and said.

"Let's go get some good things too." Pei Junlin spotted an entrance to the mine and drilled straight in, leading the chaotic gold bucket into the deep underground.

This whole planet is a mineral planet, which contains a variety of mineral veins, of which two types of veins, celestial and phlogopite, are the most important. In addition, there are many other types of mineral veins.

But the most important thing about a planet is not its veins, but the essence of the planet. If the essence of the planet in this planet is completely absorbed, then this planet will wither and decay.

Pei Junlin sneaked into the depths of the earth with the chaotic golden battle, and carried out a huge extraction of the planet. The rolling essence of the planet entered the golden chaos of the chaos and began to nourish this damaged chaotic spirit treasure.

The endless variety of treasures and ore essences were also absorbed by the chaotic golden battle and began to refine.

These ore essences began to repair some of the large formations in the Chaos Golden Fight, enhancing the power of the Chaos Golden Fight.

Pei Junlin began to absorb the essence of the planet frantically, his physical strength began to increase, from the strength of the ten-headed dragon, climbing rapidly, and finally reached the strength of ninety-nine dragon before stopping.

The power of a giant dragon is equivalent to the strength of the eighteen dragon princes. Pei Junlin's current strength has reached the power of ninety-nine princes. I can imagine how terrifying it is.

The huge force was killed by a punch, and the whole mountain must be completely separated. Pei Junlin's physical strength has now reached the limit of the second weight of the undead body. If it is strengthened again, his body will collapse. The flesh and blood will be turned into puree and flake off the body.

Even his current skeleton can't bear such a strong force.

"Huh, what is this?" Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that there was a huge nest deep in the ground.

In the nest, there is a huge hairy giant egg.

After Pei Junlin saw the giant ant beside him, he immediately understood that this should be the ant's egg.

After the ant laid the egg, it seemed to have exhausted the body's energy and died. The huge corpse lay there silently.

Pei Junlin once had a war pet to devour the golden beast. Although he doesn't know the trace now, he doesn't want to charge more pets now.

The Jindou space opened up, and the ant egg was taken into it. Even if you do n’t need to give it to others, but the ants look ugly, I do n’t know who will like it.

Pei Junlin's current power is so huge that he can travel freely through the entire planet without the help of chaotic golden battles.

The violent breath wrapped him up, making Pei Junlin's body resemble a drill bit, and the rumbling burrowing crust appeared on the surface of the planet.

At this time, the people were basically filled, and even the eight warships were filled with various minerals, dolomite, phlogopite, and so on.

All the treasures enjoyed by the nobles of the golden-winged Dapeng family alone were full of a large ship.

In addition, Ye Tianxing and Li Tianpei's storage rings for each of them are also filled with various ores and treasures. These are valuable things, and they are all rolling wealth.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the huge three-story ant egg appeared in front of the crowd, spinning slowly in the air.

"Boss Pei, what the **** is this? I can feel the horrible fluctuation of life," Pang Yue walked over and looked at the giant ant egg and said.

"There is an ant larva in it. If any of you need a pet of war, you can now sacrifice blood. It is best to establish contact with him while he hasn't broken the shell yet."

I heard that this ant's egg turned out to be an ant. The first one interested was Wang Ziyu. This girl likes all kinds of strange insects.

But she already has six-winged centipedes, and naturally no ants are needed. The other girls heard that it was actually a greasy ant, and they immediately retreated, saying they did not like it.

"If no one wants it, I want this ant, I just lack a pet." Yuan Fei came over and said.

Others nodded in agreement, Yuan Fei reached out and hugged the huge ant egg.

Under the guidance of Pei Junlin, Yuan Fei dropped a drop of his own blood on the ant shell. Soon this ant's egg began to produce some changes. After absorbing Yuan Fei's sperm blood, the life fluctuation inside became stronger.

"It will be hatched soon, but it requires a lot of energy." Pei Junlin waved a wave of phlogopite essence directly from the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at everything Pei Junlin had done. They didn't understand how Pei Junlin's power suddenly became so powerful.

What kind of power is it when a mountain rises between your hands?

The huge ant egg gleamed with gray light around the body and began to corrode the phlogopite, and soon the essence of phlogopite flew into the ant egg and was absorbed by him.

The ant cracked a gap, and a small black ant climbed up.

This ant saw Yuan Fei from the very first moment of his birth, because he and Yuan Fei had a profound connection. Except for Yuan Fei, he has no goodwill towards others, and only shows a kind of closeness to Yuan Fei.

Yuan Fei reached out and stroked the huge ant, and the ant also made a squeaking sound.

At this time, all the talents showed a regretful look, Bai Yulong said: "I knew it was such a cute ant, and I will never let this ant egg be given to Yuan Fei."

It is a pity that there is no regret to take medicine in this world. Everyone sees Yuan Fei's favor. Although he is envious, he is not easy to say anything.

"You don't have to worry, there are still many good things, and everyone will make a fortune next. I guarantee that this trip will bring everyone's strength to a higher level." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

When Pei Junlin turned around and found that Wang Ziqiong was missing, he asked Wang Ziyu that he knew that Wang Ziqiong had also penetrated into the earth's crust, and the moonlight treasure box was absorbing.

The planet is in a time zone in the universe. The power of time here is very powerful, and the Moonlight Box is naturally sensitive to this power, so it takes Wang Ziqiong to absorb it.

Pei Junlin was naturally worried. UU reading followed the direction and came to a valley.

There is a crack here, a sunset shining through the crack, the sky turns orange. Wang Ziqiong sat there in white clothes like a fairy above the sky.

The Moonlight Child in the Moonlight Box is turned into a girl sitting behind Wang Qiong. The body of the Moonlight Box was suspended in the air, absorbing a pale yellow light.

Pei Junlin wanted to be close to Wang Ziqiong, but was afraid to disturb her, so she could only stand and watch from a distance.

Gradually, Pei Junlin even felt that some mysterious power in his body had begun to turn, seemingly attracted by the power of this time and space.

Pei Junlin also sat down unknowingly, and a yin and yang rotating Taiji gossip figure appeared above his head, which was the rune of years that absorbed the power of chaos.

The runes of the years are also very sensitive to the power of time. It happens that a strange zone in this universe touched some of his rules and took the initiative to absorb the power of the surrounding time and space.

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