Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1060: Time photo

Years and long rivers, time and space circulation, timeless domination, Huangliang dream.

Stepping on the rune of the years, Pei Junlin panicked as if walking into the long river of time and space, and the surrounding mountains and lights constantly changed.

Someone has come, go and go again. There are large creatures inhabiting and laying eggs, and volcanic eruption meteorite landed ...

What has happened in the river for a long time seems to have been preserved in this canyon. This canyon seems to have natural magnetism, and it can leave everything that time depicts here.

And Pei Junlin is like a tourist, wandering in the river of time and space, all the pictures of everything happening are displayed in front of his eyes, only to see and not touch.

What Pei Junlin saw seemed to be the existence of light and shadow, both real and dreamlike.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin seemed to catch a mysterious breath. He saw a young man punching in the valley.

It can be seen that this is a human being. Judging from the clothes on him, it is probably from the ancient earth. The man was dressed in loose white clothes, and looked handsome, with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere on his face.

It seems that I came to this valley by accident and seemed to feel something, so I exercised my fist here.

Pei Junlin's eyes widened, and he wrote down the man's tricks, his mind buzzing.

Tired birds don't fly, elbows draw cones!

This man's fist, natural way of Dao, is natural, and every move is in harmony with the rhythm of the Dadao. Pei Junlin looked fascinated and started to imitate unconsciously.

The boxing techniques of men are very confusing. There are some Taijiquan, some Xingyiquan, eight-jiquan, etc., but every kind of routine plays like a cloud and flowing water.

These boxing methods are very different from the modern boxing methods and should belong to the ancient book.

Pei Junlin has heard of Gupu Taijiquan, Gupu Bajiquan and Gupu Xingyiquan, which were created from the ancient saints, and the Daoyun contained in them has not been castrated, so they have the power to destroy .

The punching technique of this man is exactly the original Gupu technique of ancient times. Pei Junlin impressed every routine, every move, every style and charm deeply into his mind, always thinking about it.

Unconsciously, time has passed, and this light and shadow have gradually faded, and it seems to have disappeared in the long course of time.

Time seems to continue to flow forward, and Pei Junlin also continues to wander in the long river of time. The ancient boxing technique that I just learned seems to be just a short segment in the long river of time.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin could feel the intense changes of light and shadow around him. It seemed that someone had fought in this canyon.

It was a man who was hunting a little beast, but when he saw the little beast, Pei Junlin was surprised. Because the appearance of this little beast was exactly the same as his former favorite pet beast.

This is a mother beast, protecting her eggs. But the man seemed to want the egg, so he desperately killed the golden beast.

In order to protect his children, the golden beast swallowed this man deadly. Helpless just gave birth to a descendant, the body appeared slightly weak.

However, the strength of this gold-swallowing beast also opened eyes for Pei Junlin. One claw can smash the void, and a planet is directly crushed.

The golden beast is very strong, but the man on the opposite side seems to be stronger. Even in the long river of time, Pei Junlin could not see his real body, only a gray shadow.

It seems that this man is so powerful that he can't even record his appearance. This is a real shocking character, who can be retrograde in time.

The gold beast and character battles did not fall at all, except for some weakness, they even fought against men alone for a year.

A year later, the gold-swallowing beast had a helper, and that was another male gold-swallowing beast. It seems that it is the husband of this maternal gold-swallowing beast, and the two gold-swallowing beasts fight together, but the gray man who is helpless is really too strong.

In the end, two gold devouring beasts died in the man's hand, but the man was also seriously injured. The seriously wounded man couldn't care about taking away the egg that swallowed the golden beast, so he escaped into the starry sky, and the egg fell into the canyon of this time and space after the wind and rain.

Year after year, for hundreds of years and thousands of years, the egg still shows no signs of corruption.

Finally, the shell of the Golden Devourer cracked, and a small Golden Devourer crawled out of it. When Pei Junlin saw this golden beast, he was completely shocked. Because the appearance of this golden beast is his own favorite.

Pei Junlin didn't expect that the war pet he once subdued had such a strange life. It came from the starry sky, and his parents died in the hands of a mysterious man.

Among them, if it wasn't for accidentally walking into the crack of time and space here today, wandering in the long river of time and space, Pei Junlin could not discover this secret at all.

Pei Junlin wanted to record all this and told him when he met his favorite pet in the future. But Pei Junlin was very helpless, and he could not record in this time and space.

Entering the long river of time and space is just passive entry. With the help of the unique magnetic field and mysterious terrain, Pei Junlin could see that something happened in time, he didn't really step into time.

Finally, Pei Junlin woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Wang Ziqiong standing in front of himself with a worried expression.

"Her husband, you finally woke up." Wang Ziqiong showed a look of surprise.

Pei Junlin has been here for a full hour, and everyone is in a hurry. Because this is not a play, now the planet Holland is in the area of ​​the Peng tribe.

The rapid attack is when everyone raided the Peng tribe. Once staying here for a long time, it is likely to be blocked here by Peng clan reinforcements, and it will be troublesome at that time.

Pei Junlin also realized the danger, and immediately brought Wang Qiong and others on board the big ship. Eight large ships returning home in full load instantly broke through the atmosphere of the Holland star field and disappeared into the vast airspace.

Before Pei Junlin and others left, the Peng clan army arrived. Dozens of warships of the Peng tribe entered the planet Holland. When seeing the life of the entire Holland planet ruined, these Peng clan masters are almost mad.

Although the Horan planet looks inconspicuous from the outside, it is a very remote planet. But only the core personnel within the Peng tribe know that the resources on this planet are very rich, which is simply a cornucopia for the Peng tribe.

Unexpectedly, this time it was attacked by people, not only all the resources on the planet were looted, but also the essence of the planet was evacuated. In other words, the Holland star was abandoned.

After the essence of the planet has been drained, the planet will gradually decline, and the spirit of the world will gradually become thinner, and it is gradually unsuitable for various creatures to live here.

"Whoever slaughtered my Peng tribe and plundered our resources? If I were to let me know that he would be crushed to death." A Peng clan master roared in the sky, shaking the whole Holland planet.

"Check! Use all the resources to check for me! Within three days, I want to know the result!" A strong Peng clan spoke.

At this time, Pei Junlin took eight pirate ships and entered a magical route.

There is a route in the void, and it is easy to encounter with other fleets, but this route is only known by Pei Junlin, so it is very hidden.

"Boss Pei, I toast you a cup! Without you, we may not be able to see the starry sky in our life and experience such a magnificent life." Pang Yue stood up and said to toast Pei Junlin.

At this time, fragrant barbecue is being roasted on the deck, and everyone is holding a campfire party on the deck, singing and dancing.

It was a huge bird leg roasted on the fire. This leg weighed tens of thousands of pounds and was huge. At this time, under the light blue flame, it smelled like fragrant.

Everyone took up their big knives and cut off the parts they needed.

Even those pirates have received a lot of rewards, one by one, eating mouthfuls of oil. This is the flesh and blood of the Peng tribe of the Yangshen Realm, and the essence inside it will almost overflow.

In the current state of Pei Junlin, eating these essences does not feel anything. However, after eating, people below the level of Yangshen will feel that their blood is swollen and their bodies are extremely warm.

The surging flesh and blood energy can make the blood flow around the body turn to nourish the cells, and the body strength will also be improved.

The **** donkey had eaten at least a thousand pounds of meat alone, and even hadn't even eaten enough, showing his unexplained appearance. The belly was round and the nose was spurting with two rays of glow.

Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu eat more beautifully than a few girls, but toast each other at a table alone, with a shy blush on their faces.

"Boss Pei, we can't bring so many minerals back to earth this time. On the earth, these minerals are useless to us." Yuan Fei walked to Pei Junlin and asked.

On this point ~ ~ Pei Junlin's own claim.

He nodded and said to the crowd: "These minerals really have no effect on us. I plan to sell them. Do any of you have an opinion?"

Everyone naturally had no opinion, and they all said that Pei Junlin was in charge. Pei Junlin immediately opened the Yuanjie page, filled in some information, and soon a huge vortex appeared nearby.

This vortex is the express channel of Yuanjie, and it is a wormhole opened alone. After the wormhole opened, Pei Junlin and others began to actively project the mineral into the vortex. Soon, a lot of minerals were swallowed by the wormhole, and then the wormhole slowly healed.

At the same time, the price is starting to be calculated on the page. The numbers above are very smart. Every piece of minerals thrown in the numbers are changing.

"Boss, I have no dazzle, this is one billion, we all got one billion Tianyuan jade this time, my goodness, this is fortune."

Only Pei Junlin's expression was indifferent, and this little Tianyuanyu was nothing to him.

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