Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1063: Ye Tianxing!

Accompanying customers to fight, always face the danger of life and death, so these gladiators are highly paid. But there are also many gladiators who are slaves, and they themselves belong to the Thor Arena.

"Boss, I want to try it in." Ye Tianxing paused in front of an iron cage.

His eyes stared coldly at the lizard man in the cage.

The crowd had a clash with a lizardman before, and they were almost taken away by the mechanical clan police. Now Ye Tianxing wants to challenge this lizard man, and everyone can understand it.

The lizard in the cage saw the crowd stop, showing a look of disdain and sarcasm on his face, and even raised his **** to provoke him.

This lizard man's expression clearly told everyone that everyone was discriminated against.

Ye Tianxing's rage is not without reason, the emotions accumulated when he was bullied before broke out at this moment.

He would enter the iron cage to fight the lizard man and tell it with his fist that the human race is not easy to bully.

"Be careful, this lizard man is in the late stage of the Yin God Realm. You can break through to the Yang God Realm within a short distance. Your current state is half a head shorter than him." Pei Junlin gave Ye Tianxing a worried look .

Although Ye Tianxing has the inheritance of poor Qi Tianjun, but his strength is not as good as this lizard man after all. And this lizardman definitely has a wealth of experience in fighting, at this time the level of the level does not mean the ability to fight.

Gladiators eliminated after a long period of brutal battle, their strength far exceeds the warriors of the same level. After all, with rich combat experience and firm will, you can seize the ever-changing battlefield opportunities.

In a real duel, life and death are often in an instant. Sometimes life is really fragile, so Pei Junlin is very worried about Ye Tianxing's safety.

Ye Tianxing was determined to enter the iron cage to fight the lizard man, and Pei Junlin couldn't stop him. After all, everyone has their own way, and Ye Tianxing is gradually moving towards a firm path, and Pei Junlin can't be that stumbling block.

There was an iron bell in front of the iron cage. After the third piglet reached out and shook the iron bell, soon the staff of the life arena came over.

He took out a model contract and demanded payment in advance.

"The duel of life and death is different from the ordinary duel, which one do you choose?" Crown Prince Zhu said, looking at Ye Tianxing.

"I chose to fight life and death without end. Only the lizard man and I can get out of the iron cage." Ye Tianxing said without hesitation.

Immediately after Ye Tianxing flicked his finger, a drop of essence blood fell on the jade contract. After the contract radiated a light, even if it came into effect, after the third prince paid the fee, the staff of the Thor Duel Field left.

The Lizardman stood in the iron cage and looked at Ye Tianxing with a **** face. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, the tongue is bifurcated and hooked.

Ye Tianxing glanced at the crowd and walked into the iron cage. He fought for the dignity of the human race, but also for the unfairness in his chest.

A duel field like this is entirely set up to hone strength. There is no spectator and no one bets.

And in the universe, the masters of Yin and Shen realm are fighting, and no one is interested in watching at all. At least, the struggle of the Yangshen Realm can only arouse the interest of the audience and cause others to bet.

Ye Tianxing had just approached the iron cage, and the lizardman's skin had changed, and now the grayish skin had raised patterns. Like a tortoiseshell, there was a gap.

This is a characteristic of the lizardmen, and also a change of their race.

The two started a battle in the iron cage, which was a complete competition of strength. Everyone saw it and squeezed a lot of sweat.


The violent blast suddenly exploded, and in this little cage was a competition between blood and fire. Pei Junlin can clearly hear the sound of bone fragmentation, which belongs to Ye Tianxing's injured sound.

This lizard man has thick skin and thick skin, and the realm is far higher than Ye Tianxing. This battle is really not simple. Pei Junlin clenched his fists, planning to wait until Ye Tianxing was in danger to rescue.

Even if you offend the Thor Arena, you have to tear the iron cage and rescue Ye Tianxing.

Big deal left the planet of Reynolds and began to escape again.

But the injured Ye Tianxing did not retreat, but instead rushed up again like a mad demon, the light red light of the body blooming, that is the blood around the body.

Ye Tianxing was suspended in mid-air, and the faint ghost behind him enveloped him. Huangsha flying around.

Along with Ye Tianxing's binge, the phantom of the poor life behind him suddenly flew out, biting towards the lizardman. Naoqi's eyes flew directly over, and the lizard man was pressed under his mouth, his mouth wide open, and he bit towards the neck of the Westerner.

The lizardman was not willing to sit there and waited for his death. A ghost of a golden lizard also appeared behind him. The golden lizard's phantom was covered with dense green poisonous mist, separated by a layer of iron cage, and the unpleasant smell could still be smelled.

The violent gas of the Lizardman's primordial spirit caused the surrounding iron cages to begin to corrode.

"You can't stop me at all, waiting for your ending is only dead." Ye Tianxing floated in mid-air like a demon god.

He walked towards the lizard man step by step, seemingly slow but fast like a wind.

"Dirty, mean, lowly humans, do you cooperate with me?" The lizardman spit out a vicious language, a pair of paws turned into vajra claws, and a slight golden light radiated in the air, and suddenly tore to the front.

The Lizardman determined the direction of Ye Tianxing's progress and wanted to intercept Ye Tianxing in the middle.


Under the lizard man's claws, the blood shadow suddenly burst open, and everyone exclaimed, only Pei Junlin frowned slightly, but stood still.

The scene in front of me is indeed harmful. If we can't see the phenomenon clearly, we may mistakenly think that Ye Tianxing has been miserable. But Pei Junlin could see that it was not Ye Tianxing's body that was just torn apart, but only a phantom.

The real Ye Tianxing came to the lizard man at this time. The blue dagger in his hand suddenly thrust into the third section of the lizardman's posterior vertebrae.


The sound of dull flesh being cut apart was followed by the sound of bones being cut off. The Lizardman made a wailing noise and suddenly turned around, trying to bite Ye Tianxing. Ye Tianxing pulled out his dagger and directly penetrated the lizardman's chin.

Then he kicked **** the handle of the dagger and directly thrust the dagger deeply into the lizardman's brain, not deep into the handle.

Everything happened too fast, as if it were natural and natural. Ye Tianxing's cruel methods shocked everyone. No one thought that Ye Tianxing, who usually likes to joke and laugh, has such a **** side when he takes it seriously.

At the end of the battle, the lizardmen lay on the ground with only breath and no air.

The net gate of the iron cage opened voluntarily, and Ye Tianxing, who was covered in blood, came out of it. Pei Junlin waved his hand, a ray of light wrapped around Ye Tianxing and washed away the blood stains on his body.

"Boss, I didn't embarrass you?" Although the muscles on Ye Tianxing's face were a little stiff, it was hard to hide the happy look in his eyes.

With Ye Tianxing's victory, everyone's wickedness finally spit out almost. Otherwise, he was suffocating in his chest, and he was almost suffocating.

No one is going to see the lizardman gladiator who died in the cage. This is the end he deserves.

The crowd continued to move forward, and soon came to a huge space similar to the Colosseum, all surrounded by seats, and below was a huge arena.

"Are you interested in seeing a great gladiator battle?" Crown Prince Zhu smiled at the crowd.

Pei Junlin nodded: "Since I came here and didn't watch a duel, wouldn't it be in vain."

"Let's go, there is my box upstairs, we don't have to sit in this open-air place, and get a share." Prince San Zhu smiled and took everyone directly to the second floor along the side passage.

Sure enough, in a space next to it, a spacious box was exposed.

This box is very large and can hold about 20 people. It is more than enough for everyone to sit in, and the angle of view is excellent. You can clearly see all the details that happen in the arena.

"Attention, the battle is about to start, don't miss any of the pictures." Crown Prince Zhu kindly reminded everyone who whispered.

Hearing what the third prince said, everyone looked at the center of the arena with breathless breath, but there was no one in the center, and everyone looked at each other, feeling that they were being fooled by the third prince.

"Oh, don't you really think that a battle can be played in the middle of this arena?" Prince San Zhu seemed to be smiling, and seemed to be appetizing between words.

"So if we are fighting elsewhere, what do we think?" Yuan Fei was a little speechless.

But the **** donkey seemed very calm, the cigar in his mouth was like sticking to his mouth, 24 hours a day without interruption.

The **** donkey smiled coldly at the crowd: "If you don't fight here, can't UU read watch it through the broadcast screen? It's a holographic projection, it won't delay you to appreciate any part of the battlefield. Variety."

Sure enough, everyone saw the light and shadow picture appeared in the center of the gladiatorial field, and it became more and more clear, and finally there was a feeling of being on the scene.

The picture is on a desolate planet with two men standing opposite each other.

This kind of picture is very real. People can even hear the wind whispering in their ears. It seems that everyone followed the camera to the desolate planet in an instant.

This holographic live broadcast method is indeed very novel, so that everyone has an immersive experience. Pei Junlin carefully observed that even the breath of these two people, and the flow of true qi on his body, could be as good as a penny.

This is too real, Pei Junlin suspects that this is not a picture at all, but a transmission of some kind of consciousness.

Everything is too real, so real that it feels immersive.

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