Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1064: Bet

However, the two sides of the game were shocking, and it turned out to be only two masters of the Yin God Realm.

Wuzhe, warrior, bone age forty-six, the realm is the middle of the Yin and Shen realm.

Uka, the warrior, has a bone age of sixty-two, and the realm is the middle of the Yin and Shen realm.

The information of the two emerged in the void, which surprised Pei Junlin. He did not expect the two to be so young. The man named Wu Zhe was as forty-six years old.

Another guy named Uka is sixty-two years old this year, but it seems that both of them are teenagers and do not have any image of old age and decay.

Obviously, the two men took some poison that stayed in the face, or because of their own race. Pei Junlin showed a faint golden light in his eyes, and soon saw the two of them.

Fire Eyes is very easy to use, no matter what race, all will be exposed to Fire Eyes.

That guy named Wu Zhe turned out to be a big earthworm. Another man named Uka, whose body makes Pei Junlin a little surprised, its body is a big crab.

The races of the two are mediocre, and even in the universe are extremely inferior races. However, the talents of the two can be described as geniuses. At this age, they can reach the middle of the realm of Yin and Shen, and they can definitely be called geniuses among the geniuses in the whole East Starland.

"These two men are in their forties and one in their sixties. They are both old men. Why is it that they are so old to be in the realm of gods and goddesses." Pei Junlin's ear heard people's discussion.

This speech made Pei Junlin speechless. There are indeed many ways in which the human race is far more than the demon race. Demon Cultivation

The speed is generally much slower than the human race.

Friends like myself, reached the realm of Yin and God in their early twenties, that is in the entire southeast star field, it is a genius that meets every year.

Even if it is placed in the human race, it is also a genius that can be encountered.

The battle hasn't started, but the nearby audiences have begun to discuss, who will win in the end?

It's not that these viewers pay special attention to winning or losing, but they plan to bet. Once the bet is won, the result will be won.

"You see that there is no man named Wu Zhe. I have seen him shot, and his sword skills are superb. This time I bet him, I will definitely win."

"Oh, this Wuzhe is a fart, you might not know Uka, he used to win ten games in a row."

"I'm optimistic about Uka. I pressed him and pressed a million Tianyuan jade."

"I'm optimistic about Wu Wuzhe. I pressed him against six million Tianyuan jade."

"Are you afraid that you are crazy? Have you seen the official odds? Let Uka's odds be 1: 0.8. If you press him, you are destined to lose money, because the officials do not like him.

The voices surrounding the discussion made Pei Junlin and everyone confused, could it still be in the Thor Thor battlefield?

"Small gambling, you may wish to play." Crown Prince Zhu took out a savings card.

Pressing the armrest button on the chair, soon a waiter walked in politely, smiling at Prince San waiting for him to speak.

"This is my card. I took it for 20 million. I pressed Uka." The third prince said without hesitation.

The 20 million Tianyuan jade, in his eyes, was like a flick of dust.

The third prince of pigs took the lead, and everyone was eager to try. Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, Pang Yue and others were all gleaming.

A few girls were not interested, and the response was much more bland.

"Whichever of you want to press, just bet on it, bet it, and lose money. I don't care." Pei Junlin smiled at the crowd and said.

After finishing this sentence, Pei Junlin directly took out a card and handed it to the waiter: "I bet 100 million, so I will suppress Wuzhe."

Pei Junlin raised his hand for 100 million, and even the third prince was shocked. He is a businessman and has considerable savings. But in the eyes of Prince Sanzhu, these people, Pei Junlin, are all indigenous people who have just come out of the earth. They don't know the outside world, and their wealth is very limited.

The third pig prince did not expect to break his head. Pei Junlin shot a hundred million a shot this year. Such a wealth of money has already overshadowed him.

"I want ten million, I follow the boss to suppress Wu Zhe." The others also said one after another.

Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Pang Yue, and Sun Kai all bet on one after another. They believed in Pei Junlin and believed that Pei Junlin even took out a billion to bet on Wuzhe.

"How about you old donkey? Would you like me to help you out?" Pei Junlin put his **** donkey on his shoulder.

The **** donkey showed interest and lack of appearance, but for the matter of lifting the bar, the **** donkey was still very interested.

He reached out and took off the cigar in his mouth, looked at Pei Junlin and said, "Why are you sure this Wuzhe can win, and it is a billion yuan Tianyuan jade in one stroke."

"I said I'm not sure he can win, do you believe it?" Pei Junlin said, looking at the **** donkey with a smile.

The **** donkey shook his head and looked at Pei Junlin, said: "In my personality to you, you seem to be impulsive, but you are the kind of person who doesn't see rabbits and don't spread eagles. beautiful."

For the first time, Pei Junlin heard the **** donkey's positive evaluation of himself, and for a time he was silent, and didn't know how to answer it.

"In fact, it's very simple. This Wuzhe has a spirit and will to lose his body. I have compared the strength of the two people. They are almost the same. They should be almost the same. And the characteristics of the two people are similar. Say, almost all on the same level, this time the competition is the will to fight. "Pei Junlin talked and said his own opinion.

After hearing the analysis of Pei Junlin, Crown Prince Zhu immediately regretted it and wished to chase it out to try to bet his ten million Tian Yuanyu just now.

After all, he is a profiteer. Although ten million Tianyuan jade is not a large number, he can try not to lose if he can.

"Forget it, I can't listen to you talking nonsense. I will change my original intention. This time I bet with you. What if I win?" The third piglet also showed a fierce look on his face.

That being said, there was some fidgeting in the seat.

"Brother, are you having long nails on your ass?" Pang Yue looked at the restless Prince Zhu and stretched out his hand.

Everyone laughed when they heard it, but calmed down the third pig prince slowly.

Looking at Pei Junlin's unrelenting look on the face, the third piglet's heart was full of waves. In fact, his identity was unusual, and there were many unknown secrets. .

This young man from the earth is unfathomable. Not only did all the major races on the earth get disgraced, and the feathers returned, but even if they entered the universe, they were like fish and water, and their eyes were sharp, and their insights were unparalleled.

Looking at the entire Donglai Starfield, people who can compare with Pei Junlin may also have only some large clans, the sons and daughters of the Great Holy Land. In addition to these people, the general genius does not even have the qualification to Pei Junlin.

People are more mad than people, and the third prince thought of his bad qualities and could not help but have the urge to buy a piece of tofu and die.

He has been in cultivation for more than a hundred years now, but cultivation is only the realm of Yin and God.

If it is said that this speed is normal, it is also an amazing genius among the demon races. But only the third prince himself understands that he can cultivate to this field, and consumes more than one hundred times and one thousand times more resources than others.

All kinds of panacea, eat as jelly beans, drink all kinds of spirit spring water. This is to consume a lot of resources, regardless of the consequences, regardless of the cost in exchange for the strength of the Yin and Shen realm today.

For Pei Junlin, a strong man who reached the level of Yangshen in his early twenties, it was simply a heaven and an underground. One is Haoyue in the sky, and the other is dust on the ground. There is no comparison at all.

Even in terms of the business abilities that Prince San is proud of, Pei Junlin is not inferior, even in the commercial vision, there is a crushing situation.

Pei Junlin is obviously not interested in business, but what he sees in a few words is something that the third prince wouldn't even think about.

Just like this cigar, Pei Junlin just thought of a golden idea with a little thought, and turned the ordinary cigars on the earth into cigars made with elixir in the universe.

The upgraded version of consumable cigars can be imagined in the future. A huge wave will be set off in the entire universe and even Donglai Starfield and other starfields, and a lot of wealth will be quickly gathered.

Crown Prince Zhu determined that no matter how much it would cost, he must make friends with Pei Junlin. This person is the dragon and the phoenix in the pool, and will definitely fly into the sky in the future.

If you do n’t hold your thighs tightly now, UU Kanshu will wait until Pei Junlin soars in the future and wants to build a good relationship with him, it is simply impossible.

"If you are really optimistic about this Wu Wuzhe, I'm betting you to add 1 billion." Crown Prince Zhu said, looking at Pei Junlin.

The two met, and Pei Junlin's generosity towards the Third Prince of Pigs did not have any surprises. Instead, he shook his head very flatly and said, "You said that the small bet Yiqing is just for fun, why should it be so heavy Note."

Seeing Pei Jun's refusal lightly and calmly refused, Prince San swallowed a sigh of relief and felt a bit regretful.

Ten billion yuan of Tianyuan jade was sent, even for his financial resources, it was also a huge expenditure. But when he heard Pei Junlin refuse, he said that he seemed to have missed something.

In the end, he didn't want to do anything. He shook his head hard and turned his gaze to the holographic picture in the fighting field.

The two young masters have already started fighting. After the betting is over, the two men started fighting bloodlessly.

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