Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1071: Tiger Tiger

This Tiger Yao opened his posture, palm up. Pei Junlin immediately felt his eyebrows jump suddenly, this is a kind of murderous intention and spirit condensed into a rope.

Pei Junlin did not expect that Hu Yao was actually a master of martial arts. Seeing the opponent's posture should be a practicer, not only is the body full of blood, but also contains a martial will in every move.

It seems that this person really underestimated this person before, thinking that it was just a little hooligan, but I didn't expect to make some achievements along the way of Budo.

However, Hu Yao used to secretly count behind the vicious means. Although his kung fu was wide open, there were some vicious parts.

Although the two haven't met yet, Pei Junlin has seen the essence.

This is the skill of drawing tigers and bones. Even if you don't fight, you can see the essence of the other party's martial arts simply by virtue of the other party's momentum.

Hu Yao was already intolerable at this time, and his hatred of Pei Junlin in his heart had reached an inexhaustible level. With a single palm suddenly, Pei Junlin's ear roared with earth-shattering roar. It seemed that a tiger fell from the mountain.

This is also a downhill tiger, a kind of hungry posture of extreme hunger, it is difficult for ordinary people to parry.

The strength of the body can be achieved, but if the spirit is slightly worse, it will be taken by this spirit, and it will be killed instantly when staying in the local area.

But who is Pei Junlin?

The immortal body and the realm of Yangshen are in harmony with the whole body.

Although the two did not use any magical spells and chose to join short soldiers, Pei Junlin did not suffer. Because he had also glimpsed some essentials of boxing before in the cracks.

Pei Junlin opened the posture of the ancient spectrum Taijiquan, his body swayed back and forth like waves, even as the wind blowing catkins, so that the other party could not see Pei Junlin's figure at all, only to see a string of phantoms.

The fierce palm splits down, but only on Pei Junlin's phantom, he didn't grasp Pei Junlin's deity at all.

The so-called bright and dark and strong and soft and strong, these strengths are already familiar to Pei Junlin. If you want to use boxing to fight against the other party, these are pediatrics. The real place to reach the peak is the intention.

No matter what kind of effort, at the end of the exercise, it will remove its original form and become invincible, and everything is free and random, and it is born from the heart.

Pei Junlin was just a simple punch, but he was soft and sturdy, and almost all the blood power of the whole body poured into this fist. The power of hundreds of dragons erupted in an instant, almost leveling a mountain.

It is such a huge force that gathers at one point, which is the most terrifying. With points to face, with points to attack the opponent's face, this force can be called terror.

That tiger Yao is also a master of martial arts. Although he is usually used to being unruly, he still has some eyesight. Immediately, his pupils shrank, his body suddenly jumped towards his back, and he wanted to avoid Pei Junlin's punch.

But his speed and strength were far less than that of Pei Junlin, and he was scratched in the hind leg by Pei Junlin's fist cage. At that time, the entire hind leg was completely smashed, and one leg directly turned into blood mist.

The two had just met each other for only three strokes, and one of Hu Yao ’s legs had been abolished. Seeing this picture, the demon clan who was watching had almost boiled.

In this star field, the inherent image of the human race is weak and can be bullied, and can be bullied casually. Because the human race will only swallow the sound.

However, Pei Junlin's punch just abolished Hu Yao directly. The shock and intuitive feeling brought by this kind of picture made the surrounding Yaozu stunned for a moment.

Seeing all this almost distorted their three views, how could the human race be so powerful? How can the human race be so confident? How can the human race be so powerful?

Countless questions arise in the eyes, ears, and brains of these demons, making them stunned on the spot.

"Okay, very good, I didn't expect you to be so powerful as a mean human being. Today I want to let you know what is the consequence of offending a strong race." Hu Yao refused to accept defeat, even if Pei Junlin lost a leg , But Jing Qi still did not collapse.

This is the kind of ruff brought by the streets that have been mixed all the year round, and the spirit core of Hu Yao has this kind of unwillingness to lose.

"Give up. Although there is a saying that the dragon does not suppress the head snake, but my head of the river dragon will let you taste the failure. Before you killed a human race in front of me, I will kill you." When Pei Junlin spoke, he looked calm, as if he was telling something unrelated to himself.

But he explained one reason, that is the reason for killing Hu Yao, so that Hu Yao died clearly.

Hu Yao's face was slightly paler, because Pei Junlin's skill greatly exceeded his expectations.

Exhausting his life, for more than three thousand years, I have never seen a human race as powerful as Pei Junlin. Not powerful, but that kind of spirit, even in some Tianjun strong, Hu Yao has not seen such a strong spirit.

That is a vigorous and confident spiritual force, which is a spiritual core that can make people feel ashamed.

"Tiger God Three Types!"

Hu Yao roared in his mouth, that was the real, fierce tiger's voice. He suddenly turned into a colorful tiger and rushed towards Pei Junlin.

This flapping speed is extremely amazing, and contains a huge force. The rolling blood is like the Yangtze River, washing towards Pei Junlin, and the force in it even reaches the terrifying hundred dragon.

Pei Junlin doesn't have to posture to open his posture. His body is like the wind and the willow. A gentle force meets Hu Yao's strong force. The two sides did not explode.

Instead, let Pei Junlin drain this huge force.

Seeing that his first move didn't work, Hu Yao seemed a little dumbfounded, and they didn't expect this result.

This tiger's unique trick contains the essence that has been comprehended by generations of tigers.

Every time it is used, it will kill the opponent on the spot, but this time it seems to be useless. Just now he also saw Pei Junlin's one move and one move, the movement range is extremely small, but the posture is very beautiful, which contains some kind of regular power.

Gathering the whole body strength, the punch that swooped in the past was actually resolved by Pei Junlin, as if the strong force hit the cotton, and was partially rebounded.

After one move didn't work, Hu Yao was obviously not reconciled and rushed towards Pei Junlin again. But this time it was a false move. At the moment of turning around, one of Hu Yao's hind legs suddenly kicked towards Pei Junlin's throat.

This trick is a bit similar to the ancient military commander's drag knife. It also contains the essence of the carbine. When Pei Junlin thought that Hu Yao was about to lose and fled the famine, Hu Yao made this trick.

The core meaning lies in surprise, killing Pei Junlin directly when he is proud. If kicked by this foot, the throat will be directly broken.

But Pei Junlin was not fooled and did not keep up.

The tiger Yao looked back and saw this scene, the tail swept abruptly. This tail-like tail made a crackling sound in the air, almost exploding the air.

If you are hit by this tail, your body will instantly break into two pieces, no matter how powerful Pei Junlin's body is, but it contains the power of hundreds of dragons, even a mountain will be cut off by the waist.

Pei Junlin didn't dare to wait for it to be taken lightly, his body rose from the ground, and a Harrier came up.

When people rise up in the air, it means that they have shed the power of the earth, and there is no source of power. This is an extremely dangerous situation for both parties in the battle.

Among martial arts, this is called empty door wide open.

Pei Junlin is now the result of this defensive failure, Hu Yao really showed a look of surprise, suddenly turned into a humanoid form, once again used the tiger's genius, the tiger killed the fist.

Boxing shadows are sky-drenching, countless tearing screams are deafening, the sound of waves coming from Pei Junlin's ears, the rolling power even makes the entire ring tremble.

The onlookers all made shocking sounds, and all eyes widened at this moment.

Prince Qiongye Tianxing they even pinched a cold sweat for Pei Junlin, because the strength that Hu Yao showed was beyond everyone's expectations. Although Pei Jun Linlin had a blockbuster before, let Hu Yao abandon one leg, but the strength of the only one-legged Tiger Yao did not weaken, but became more and more fierce.

Seeing Hu Yao making a fistful of fists, the murderous intent was so frightening. Even the onlookers have a feeling of being immersive and unable to breathe. The pressure of Pei Junlin, who is at the heart of the storm, can be imagined.

"I'll just say it! Don't let him go up, something is wrong this time, hey!" Crown Prince Zhu showed a regretful look on his face.

There is no doubt that Pei Junlin is a good partner. If the two can cooperate sincerely and make a fortune in the future, that is just around the corner. But Pei Junlin was not obedient to die, which gave the third prince a feeling of vomiting blood.

When the situation changed sharply, Pei Junlin was about to die in the hands of Hu Yao, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com makes everyone feel bad inside.


Pei Junlin really punched in the chest, and his body flew back like fallen leaves, while spinning back and forth in the air. The clothes on his chest were torn, but Pei Junlin was safe, but his eyes were slightly colder.

There seems to be no use of spells and supernatural powers between the two. In fact, because space is not allowed, and this sword ring has a weakening effect on supernatural powers and magical powers, so the two seem to only use boxing and footwork.

This kind of battle is extremely dangerous, especially the Tiger Yao of the Tigers, which is itself a monstrous force, good at all kinds of melee fighting techniques. Fighting with Pei Junlin is even more rewarding. Although I had suffered a small loss before, I have now recovered one round.

Pei Junlin punches in the chest. This seems to ordinary people that he is already dead, because the tigers have never had a live mouth under the fists and feet.

However, Pei Junlin's current situation caused everyone's eyes to fall. After taking Hu Yao's palm, Pei Junlin was completely unharmed, and even his opponent showed a confused look.

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