Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1072: Wild race

"You barbarians created some boxing skills by instinct. They thought they were amazing. In fact, the rules of Dadao, the philosophy of life, you never know that these things can be integrated into boxing." Pei Junlin smiled coldly. That Tiger Yao taught.

Some demon tribes around heard Pei Junlin say this, and all their faces showed a look of embarrassment. Because in their eyes, the human race is a lowly slave, and it is inferior in itself.

Pei Junlin's current remarks, does the status of the human race override the demon race?

"It's crazy!"

"Hu Yao killed this man!"

"The humble race, beat him alive!"

There were many demon clan onlookers. At this time, the group was excited, and they stared at Pei Junlin with a hateful eyes.

The language before Pei Junlin stimulated the nerves of these demon clan, even though they usually hated Hu Yao, but at this moment they all hope that Hu Yao can kill Pei Junlin.

This is the pride rooted in the bones of the demon clan, they look down on the human clan.

But Pei Junlin knew that this was another kind of paranoia.

Because in the ancient times, the demon clan was no different from the beast in the eyes of the human clan. However, after the demon clan turned over and overthrew the clan of the master, they became even more abusive.

They forgot the civilization that the human race once brought to them, and forgot that the saints of the human race once taught the world. Raise the butcher knife in their hands and kill the former master.

So angry and embarrassed, rooted in the genetic blood, the demon clan has always been very hostile to the human clan.

Hu Yao, who is in a whirlpool, of course knows that killing Pei Junlin is almost impossible. He is desperate.

When masters meet, the deadly moves are usually two or three moves, and most of the other time is to test each other.

Hu Yao has already learned Pei Junlin's skill, and thoroughly understood Pei Junlin's strength. Not to mention Pei Junlin's exquisite moves and mastering the mysteries of Taoism, it is said that Pei Junlin's physical strength is what he cannot resist.

The tiger clan has always been known for the demon clan, but in the face of Pei Junlin, Hu Yao still has a gesture to obey.

His own strength can reach a hundred dragons, which is enough to laugh at all the geniuses of his contemporaries. But in the face of Pei Junlin, Hu Yao was surprised to find that Pei Junlin's power was actually full of two hundred dragons. This kind of power is terrifying.

Even a mountain as high as a kilometer can be smashed under a punch, which is the result of intuitive power.

At this time, he had no confidence to fight Pei Junlin, and continued to persevere, just to let himself die less ugly.

Hu Yao actually knew in his heart that even begging for mercy is a dead end, because only one person can live on the ring.

"Sister, I will avenge me after I die. Don't let any of his companions go." Hu Yao suddenly turned and shouted towards the audience.

Outside the crowd, a white woman stood there with a cold face, but a pair of eyes shot a terrifying light.

Pei Junlin also saw the woman standing there quietly, but in fact he had noticed each other long ago. The momentum of this woman's body is really too strong, this is a powerful person in the realm of true god.

"You can rest assured, maybe I will have a chance to resurrect you in the future." The white woman's words shocked everyone.

All creatures on the planet of Renault know this woman, because she is Renault's new actual underground ruler, known as Hu Li, the Queen of the underground.

This time she said something, but it was hard to convince. No one can be resurrected from death, even in the concept of a cultivator, it is absolutely impossible to resurrect from death.

Of course, this is just the concept that the horizon affects people. Pei Junlin actually also knows that there is no absolute death. In some powerful eyes, the dead can be resurrected at any time.

He once heard his master say that some masters who can make achievements can even create things directly. Of course, people of that level are no longer a problem in their eyes.

To Pei Junlin's surprise, this Hu Li even put forward such a statement, it is clear that the child's vision is not ordinary, and has seen the world.

Pei Junlin is actually not worried about the safety of Wang Ziqiong and others. Mo said that there is a mysterious guy, the **** donkey, watching. Even if there is no **** donkey shot, the chaotic spirit treasure of Wang Qiong Wang Ziyu is not vegetarian.

It is absolutely a matter of minutes to want to leave from this Renault planet. It is impossible for Hu Li to keep everyone.

The war has reached a white-hot level, Shenhua is in the sky, and Pei Junlin exudes a faint golden light. Like a **** in the shrouded golden light, every muscle and every line of it makes people feel perfect.

The violent force even formed a vortex in the air, striking a sonic boom.

On the other hand, Hu Yao is losing ground and has lost his fighting will. His current resistance is nothing more than knowing his destiny. He may still have a hint of nostalgia for life, but in fact he has understood that there is absolutely no possibility of survival this time.

Suddenly, Hu Yao exuded a violent blood around him. Pei Junlin's eyes suddenly changed. He suddenly understood what Hu Yao was about to do, and the kid was going to explode.

The strong man in the Yangshen realm explodes, which is extremely powerful. Moreover, in this narrow and huge space, Pei Junlin simply avoided it.


Pei Junlin directly opened the Chaos Golden Fight, and directly received the Hu Yao. In the chaotic golden battle, countless large arrays of instantaneous operations produced a powerful force of suppression.

Instantly blocked Hu Yao's meridians around his body, causing his self-explosive process to be interrupted directly.

Seeing that Hu Yao was suppressed, life and death were unknown, and the demon clan around gave a burst of boos, and even Hu Li's eyes released bursts of light.

The rule of the Wushen Ring is to kill the opponent, but after Pei Junlin said that Hu Yao ’s income entered the space, he suddenly found that the rules around him seemed to have changed.

When Daoha set this formation rule, he did not include Chaos Lingbao, so after Pei Junlin included Hu Yao into Chaos Lingbao's crackdown, the formation also judged Pei Jun to win.

This made Pei Junlin a little shocked. Can he hide in the Chaos Spirit Treasure and escape the monitoring of the formation, and can jump off the Wushen Challenge at any time?

This matter is still an unknown number. Pei Junlin did not dare to try it easily. He stood on the stage and looked at the crowd of demons under the stage.

If no one dares to come up to challenge from then on, then three days later, Pei Junlin will belong to the successor of Reynolds Star. For the entire Reynolds planet, 80% of the wealth will fall under the name of Pei Junlin.

Of course, this is just paper wealth. Whether or not Pei Junlin has the practical ability to take this wealth to his own wealth depends on his own strength.

I thought someone would come to challenge immediately, but what surprised Pei Junlin was that after waiting for an hour, no one jumped into the challenge again.

The remaining princes Qiong, Ye Tianxing, and Li Tianpei were all around the ring to communicate with Pei Junlin.

They can't jump on the Wushen ring, but it doesn't hinder communication with Pei Junlin. There is an array of isolation, but it does not isolate sound and consciousness. Therefore, the communication between these people and Pei Junlin will not be cut off directly.

"If there is danger in the future, the **** donkey will take you away, don't wait for me, I will leave myself." Pei Junlin told Wang Ziqiong and others.

"Why is it me again?" The **** donkey was speechless, and every time he portrayed the formation, Pei Junlin thought of him.

But he had thought that it would take a lot of energy to describe those runes.

The second opponent should come, and finally jumped into the ring. This is a middle-aged man who looks a little vicissitudes, and his expression is a little cold.

Carrying a large knife behind him, wearing a black robe.

Pei Junlin used fire eyes to look at each other, and what surprised Pei Junlin was that there was a faint light around his body that made his fire eyes look blocked.

Pei Junlin's fire-eye gold-eye supernatural power is not so simple, this supernatural power is a little overweight. The faint golden light in Pei Junlin's eyes directly penetrated the body light of the other party, and in a moment Pei Junlin knew the other party's identity in his heart.

But what surprises Pei Junlin is that this man is not from the Dragon race, nor the Peng and Tiger races. This man's body turned out to be a sheep demon.

"How do you call it?" Pei Junlin asked towards the other party.

The man took off the black cloak that was put on his head and showed a cold face. A scar penetrated directly from the ear to the corner of the mouth, and it looked extremely horrible.

For a cultivator of Yangshen Realm, it is easy to remove the scars on his face. But the man didn't do it. It seemed that the scar had special meaning to him.

"Sword Sheep." The black robe's voice was very soft.

His movements were slow, and he drew the knife from his back. After gently pulling the knife out of the scabbard, UU read the book and slowly wiped it with cowhide, all of which were very slow.

"What weapon do you use?" Although the sword sheep looked cold, the tone of the words was not fierce, but the eyes were a little cold, and there was no human touch.

"I'm not used to using weapons, you don't need to control me." Pei Junlin smiled faintly.

There was a black light flowing on the knife in the opponent's hand. Obviously this was a treasure knife. Judging from the grade, it should belong to the top grade Lingbao.

Pei Junlin had a domain-breaking sword in his hand, but he wanted to try the white blade with his bare hands and use his fist to contend with the opponent's knife.

The man had no nonsense, raised his hand, and the dark blade of light instantly enveloped Pei Junlin. There was no sign of the shot, which triggered a crowd of exclamation around the crowd.

"Shameless." Li Tianpei could not help but scold.

In the eyes of others, the man's move before the knife was intentionally slow, just to reduce your vigilance. Suddenly shot at this time, the insidious mind is staggering.

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