Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1073: Death of the Sword Sheep

Pei Junlin didn't feel anything, the soldiers were sly.

In the life-and-death ring, the original main purpose was to kill the other party. It does n’t matter what kind of morality, what kind of courtesy or honesty is.

In the face of the scarred man, Jun Lin was not in a hurry. He had been secretly vigilant as soon as the man came up, never relaxed.

When the dark blade of light shone down, Pei Junlin suddenly opened his hands. With both hands blurred, a huge breath will cover the whole body.

A pale golden golden bell jar enveloped Pei Junlin, and the powerful blade of light suddenly cut on the golden bell jar, making a buzzing sound.

At the critical moment, Pei Junlin used a golden bell cover. This Kung Fu defense ability was amazing. She instantly blocked the opponent's sword light, but she was immobile and unharmed.

However, the opponent did not give Pei Junlin any breathing opportunities. Almost before the first knife light had completely died out, the second knife light had already come, flying directly to Pei Junlin's back head.

The timing was well controlled, and the moment Pei Junlin dispersed the golden bell, the knife light covered him.

Behind Pei Junlin came a terrifying, sharp laughter. His face didn't change. He turned and punched and killed him.

If you reach a certain level, even with bare hands, you can compete with the sharp weapon of the opponent.

The rigidity of Pei Junlin's immortal body is almost comparable to that of Zhongpin Lingbao. Even if the fist and the man shake Pei Junlin hard, he is not afraid of injury.


The two forces met in the air, and a powerful shock wave erupted. Pei Junlin stood still in place, but instead his opponent Daoyang stepped back five steps.

"Come again!"

Pei Junlin strode up the meteor, accompanied by a long laughing voice.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

At this time the pupil of Hu Li under the stage suddenly shrank, because he clearly saw that Pei Junlin's feet did not touch the ground at all, but floated in the void.

At the same time, the pure Yang fiery bell was directly integrated into the fist by Pei Junlin. His fist exuded a pale golden light, and the flame was wrapped around it, and a punch came out, and immediately it was a huge sea of ​​fire.

The director dodged left and right on the ring, but unfortunately the ring was not big, and there was not much room for him to move around.

Although the sword sheep is sharp, but the body is really not very good. In addition, Pei Junlin opened Dahe, and the momentum of going forward instantly shocked his opponent.

The golden fist shadow shrouded down, and Daoyang couldn't resist it at all, and could only lay the knife in front of him.


The sword sheep flew backwards with a punch, and the man spurted blood in the air, seriously injured.


Having been seriously injured by Pei Junlin, Daoyang felt boundless shame. The scars on his body at this time inspired his bloodiness.

After all, it is a master of the Yangshen Realm. Being able to practice this step, the mind and luck and the potential of the body are no different.

In the hands of the sword sheep, the light of the underworld shrouded in an instant, so that the light on the entire platform was almost completely absorbed and turned into night.

Pei Junlin surrounded the flames like a lighthouse and bright lights in the dark night.

The enemy is dark, I am the light.

Pei Junlin knew that Sword Sheep must be lurking in the darkness. This should be some kind of magical power, which can make all the surrounding light be absorbed in an instant and force it into darkness.

The subtle sound came like a fish separating the waves. Although the eyes are small, the power contained is not small.

The long sword was like a dragon, and it was assassinated towards Pei Junlin. It was as fast as lightning and raced against the blast. This knife, with a terrifying penetration and crushing force said.

The violent sword intention, even if Pei Junlin is now the second weight of his undead body, dare not resist it forcibly. Downstairs, the figure of Pei Junlin was displayed, and the whole ring was shaken back and forth in an instant.

The audience can only see a piece of phantom appearing on the ring, and no one can tell where the real Pei Junlin is.

The sword sheep's efforts to condense did not work. At this time, he suddenly became angry and angry, and the black knife in his hand was even more violent.

"Aurora Partition!" Dao Yang used his own trick to press the bottom of the box.

In an instant, his figure was reduced to six, and he slashed in six directions at the same time. The violent sword light flooded the entire ring in an instant, and Pei Junlin was also unavoidable at this time. He could only vacate his body instantly, relying on the defensive ability of the pure Yang Fire Bell to resist the sword light.

This trick scattered the sword light, and the power was not very good. Pei Junlin easily carried the knife and landed on the ground, but then came the more powerful sword knife sword.

The six figures slowly merged into one, and a black blade of light split towards Pei Junlin. This knife contains the power of terror, which made Pei Junlin change its color. It seems that the lamb's whole life's cultivation is integrated into this knife.

The power of the three hundred-headed dragon saw Pei Junlin's eyes suddenly jump as the sword light fell.

With palms folded together, the whole body exudes the same light as a glass, and the faint moonlight covers Pei Junlin, making him a holy breath.

At the moment when the blade of light fell at the critical moment, Pei Junlin folded his hands together and directly clamped the black long knife with his double palms.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, almost everyone was dumbfounded, and no one thought that Pei Junlin even got into a white blade with his bare hands, blocking Gao Yang's strongest blow with his flesh.

Of course, this is not finished. Defense is not the main purpose of Pei Junlin, his purpose is to defeat the sword sheep.

His eyes were fixed on the sword sheep, and there was a trace of pity. This sword sheep did go a long way in Wudao.

This is a talent, but it is a pity that he is in the ring today, destined to die.

Without seeing any movement of Pei Junlin, a dragon soul appeared on the top of his head, and the dragon soul suddenly roared, and a flame instantly submerged the sword sheep.

The Nether Real Fire came without warning, and the Sword Sheep had no style at all, and was instantly swallowed by the fire. Under the erosion of the different fires, the sword sheep has almost no room for resistance. He does not have such an undead body as Pei Junlin.

The strange fire is the most cruel and tyrannical flame in the entire universe. The body entangled by the fire is almost impossible to survive.

The sword sheep uttered a miserable howling around the flames, even if he had the will of a knife, but at this time the face of such unbearable suffering was still screaming.

In just a few seconds, the screams gradually weakened, and the ghost fire gradually extinguished, while the sword sheep showed its face and was directly burned by the flames into a dark body.

"What happened just now? Why can he mobilize the dragon soul?"

"The dragon's breath is not simple, do you see it? The flame from the dragon's soul turned out to be strange fire, and the quality is not low."

The demon celebrities in the audience were discussing, discussing every detail of Pei Junlin's battle.

Some people have even recorded all the things they saw, which is very valuable intelligence.

If someone intends to challenge to power, then this intelligence is very valuable. Reynolds is a commercial planet, and most of the monsters walking on this planet are merchants.

The minds of these businessmen are really much more flexible than ordinary people. Seeing Pei Junlin and Daoyang's counter-war, they even thought of using this form to earn some benefits.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the black knife flew directly into his palm. This is a superb spiritual treasure, even if it is swallowed by the fire, there is no damage.

However, Pei Junlin had no interest in other people's weapons, and directly collected the knife into the space.

Another battle is over, but Pei Peijun knows that his battle is far from over.

This is just the beginning. There will definitely be endless battles waiting for yourself. Whether or not you can finally survive is not a problem for Pei Junlin. It is not a problem to directly break through this prohibition by using the formation method in the chaotic golden battle.

But the problem he is facing now is that he does not want to leave or leave this Wushen ring. The reason why Pei Junlin came to the planet of Renault this time was not that he had no plans at all. In fact, he came here already premeditated, and even boarded the Wushen Ring, which is also what Pei Peijun thought about in advance.

It is the main purpose of Pei Junlin's big game to mobilize the situation of the entire Reynolds planet, and even completely disturb the entire Donglai Starfield.

Those behind-the-scenes men are busy splitting their interests, and they must be noisy. Only this time to add another fire will inevitably cause chaos throughout the East Starland. Even the huge forces of the Dragon and Peng tribes, it is difficult to stay out of the matter.

At that time, once the Donglai Starland is chaotic, it will give the earth time to rest and recuperate.

Once again someone jumped into the Wushen ring, but this time it was a woman. The woman is stout and has no trace of beauty. Except for that long hair, there are no feminine features all over him.

"Either I killed you today, or you were killed by me, you choose one." The woman said coldly to Pei Junlin immediately after jumping on the ring.

The woman's statement did make Pei Junlin smile a bit bitterly. This woman is too humorous ~ ~ And she is too confident.

"I don't choose either." Pei Junlin shook his head and responded coldly.

The war started again, and the Five Gods Ring became the battlefield of Pei Junlin.

Then dozens of people jumped into the ring one after another, and they battled with Pei Junlin. Without exception, these people were all killed or suppressed by Pei Junlin.

Although he sang all the way and won undefeated, Pei Junlin's eyes grew deeper and deeper.

The more time passes, the greater the possibility of identity exposure. If that is the case, it is likely to cause the demon to be alert, and the layout will be disrupted by that time.

Pei Junlin now admires the black hands behind the scenes. They are so suffocated that there hasn't been any figure of the top demon clan until now.

Or the Wushen Ring completely failed to arouse their interest. Pei Junlin also knew that this was just an illusion, and it was unknown how many eyes were staring at the Wushen Ring.

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