Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1074: 1 game

On the planet of Renault, it is a big piece of fat, which contains huge wealth. If you don't mind it, it must be fake. These demon clan, at this time the cat is not going to act behind the scenes just to watch the changes.

On the second day, a heavyweight opponent finally arrived. The man's name is Wuchangzi, he is personable and has a folding fan in his hand.

However, Pei Junlin could see at a glance that this person was not a person, but a demon, his body was a golden crab.

This family of golden-shelled crabs is as inferior to the Pengs in the entire Donglai Starland.

However, this is not to say that they are powerful.

It is said that this group is good at doing business and almost has the economic lifeline of the entire southeast star field. Now the crab family can't help but jump out first, then the Dragon and Peng families must have been unable to sit down.

Pei Junlin has been waiting for this moment for too long, and seeing the moment the intestinal son jumped into the ring, Pei Junlin was not surprised but rejoiced.

The two started a war, and finally Pei Junlin lost. The crab master used his magical power, and a golden hammer fell from the sky, directly hitting Pei Junlin into crushed dust.

All this is just an illusion, and Pei Junlin only resorts to this illusion to die. However, his method was so superb, that even the intestinal son did not find any clues, and thought he easily defeated Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin, with the help of the space chaos ability of Jin Dou, instantly broke through the ban on this Wushen ring.

There are many top-level formations in the Chaos Golden Battle. These formations far exceed the general Chaos Lingbao. In contrast, the formation that this sword had left behind was, for Pei Junlin, pediatrics only.

The pseudo-dead Pei Junlin, easily escaped everyone's eyes and eyes, and came to the audience through the formation of the Wushen Ring.

At this moment Wang Ziqiong and others did not know that Pei Junlin was a fake death, and Jin Chan was used to remove the shell by this means. When everyone saw Pei Junlin's body annihilated in the golden light, his heart was broken.

Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu, Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, etc. These are the best friends of Pei Junlin. Seeing the disappearance of Pei Junlin's figure, this is a huge blow to their faith and will. People feel unable to breathe.

"I'm fine! Everyone withdraw quickly, remember to be silent." Pei Junlin's voice rang in everyone's ears.

There was a trace of worry in the **** donkey's eyes, but after hearing Pei Junlin's voice, he was the first to react, because he himself did not believe that Pei Junlin would die so easily.

Under the command of Pei Junlin, these people quickly and quietly retreated from the planet Renault.

What will happen next, Pei Junlin almost knows with his toes. Once the Wushen Ring is opened, it is like the Pandora's Box has been opened. The dark hands who previously divided the interests secretly can no longer keep calm.

Just like a group of robbers, they grabbed a bag of gold coins. But they entered into a covenant with each other and said that no one should reach out for this bag of gold coins, everyone guards together.

One day a stranger came and opened the bag of gold coins directly. The golden light in the bag flickered and fell in front of the robbers, who could no longer keep calm.

Pei Junlin is directly sending the division of interests to the bright side. If the major races behind that scene are as before, it is unrealistic to bury their heads in the sand.

The Golden Shell Crab family took the lead and could not bear to take the shot. The remaining races must not be far behind, and then the Dragon Peng Clan will enter the field one after another for a life and death competition.

This is not a competition between gentlemen, whoever wins or loses will be convinced. These monsters in the starry sky, with their animal nature in nature, are like a group of hyenas on the grassland.

Once the food distribution is uneven, it is difficult for them to balance their hearts, and a war between races is already inevitable.

And Pei Junlin, who provokes this nerve, has already brought Prince Qiong and a group of siblings into the starry sky. If you succeed now and retreat and return directly to the earth, that is the best thing.

But Pei Junlin also wanted to wait for an opportunity to attack the Dragon and Peng tribes.

Once these big races decide to fight on the planet of Renault, they will never send one or two successors to compete.

The force behind must be mobilized, and then there must be some places where powerless emptiness will occur. This is the best time for a sneak attack.

The intelligence is not inquired by oneself, but needs to be purchased with money. Pei Junlin spent millions of Tianyuan jade, and soon heard that there was a force mobilization between the large races of the Dragon and Peng races.

Those top races in the Southeast Starfield are secretly dispatching troops to prepare for a war. For all races in Donglai Starland, this Reynolds planet is a big fat, and it is the richest commercial core of the entire Donglai Starland.

No matter which race has mastered the East Reynolds star, it is equal to the mastery of Donglai Starland's money bag. That huge temptation, even a giant race like the Dragon and Peng races, can't bear the temptation.

The mountain is raining and the wind is full, all eyes have been recovered into the starry sky, and no one is paying attention to the earth for the time being.

Pei Junlin is taking a group of brothers to travel through the stars, wandering and seeing something.

"Boss, are we really going to the Dragon Group's site?" Ye Tianxing was a little excited, even the tone of excitement was shaking.

Dragon Ball is the leader who leads a group of monsters to invade the earth. There is no less than the hatred of the dragons. Looking forward to seeing the bad luck of the dragon family, this day everyone has been waiting for a long time, and it can even be said to be looking at it.

However, after Ye Tianxing asked this sentence, he hadn't waited for Pei Junlin to answer, and the **** donkey, who had been holding a cigar and closed his eyes and calmly, opened his eyes suddenly.

"What is the Dragon Race? Is the Dragon Race very powerful in the eyes of you? Tell you that the Dragon Race in the East Starland is the most inferior race in the Dragon Race. I don't even know how they are relatives at all. "A group of **** donkeys have not seen the appearance of the world's hicks and scoffed at everyone's words.

Of course, Pei Junlin knows what the **** donkey said is reasonable, but even the dragon clan belongs to the dragon clan. The strength should not be underestimated. With the current weak situation of everyone, they want to provoke the dragon clan.

Pei Junlin's decision to raid a dragon's planet is not a temporary intent, but a long-term plan. Before gathering intelligence, it took millions of Tianyuan jade.

To be foolproof, there must be no damage. This is something that Pei Junlin has to consider in its entirety.

Those brothers and sisters came out with him, then Pei Junlin had the responsibility to bring them back and forth, and no one was less. This was Pei Junlin set a goal for himself.

So this raid on the Dragon clan was a thoughtful result for Pei Junlin.

For every detail of the offense, and even every possible accident, Pei Junlin has deduced countless times in his mind. The final conclusion is that there is no danger, and there is much to do.

So Pei Junlin finally decided to go to the Dragon Clan planet.

This planet is named Panlong Star, and it is not a very powerful planet in the Dragon Clan's territory.

But this planet seems inconspicuous, but it is actually very important for the dragon clan, because this planet can be called the dragon, and it is the sacrificial place of the dragon clan. Even after the death of some dragons, their bones are on this dragon planet.

In other words, this Panlong planet is actually a cemetery, a cemetery belonging to the dragon family.

As we all know, the Dragon race is a very greedy race, their greedy character has entered the bone marrow.

There are almost natural preferences for some treasure dragons, and there is simply no way to resist the temptation. Some dragons have spent their entire lives collecting all kinds of wealth.

Some dragons even abandoned their cultivation in order to collect wealth. This is a major feature of the dragon.

After death, the wealth of these dragons will still be owned. They will bury the wealth in their bones and will not be distributed to future generations.

Pei Junlin decided to attack Panlong Planet, in fact, he was going to dig graves and tombs, cut off the sacrifice place of the dragon tribe, and **** the wealth left by their ancestors.

Although the method is a bit mean, it is now the safest and most effective way for Pei Junlin.

A large number of dragon masters have been mobilized to resist the invasion of Peng and other races. At this time, the hands are open and the empty door above the planet Panlong is opened. There is no effective defense ability at all.

For Pei Junlin, the raid on Panlong Planet does not have any technical problems at all, but the biggest problem is how the dragons will be retaliated after the raid.

Destroying the Panlong Planet is equivalent to destroying the ancestral tombs of the Dragon Clan, which is absolutely not allowed in the entire Dragon Clan system, and will definitely cause a strong rebound of the entire Dragon Clan.

Will that lead to **** revenge on the Dragon race?

These things are also to be considered by Pei Junlin ~ ~ But sometimes the head stretched out is a head cut and the knife is cut. For the earth people, the dragons are like humans looking at ants. The natives of the earth are in their eyes.

If the Dragon Clan can march into the earth in a big way, without the barrier of the Immortal Array, Pei Junlin believes that the humans on the earth have been extinct by the Dragon Clan 10,000 times.

Having figured out the twists and turns, Pei Junlin decided not to hesitate anymore.

In order to be afraid of offending the Dragon clan and miss this opportunity, this is absolutely unbearable for Pei Junlin.

And for the race of the Dragon race, it is not a bad thing to offend him. On the contrary, the powerful capabilities revealed can make them look at each other. The Dragon race is also a race that advocates the strong.

"Even if it's Jindou space horsepower, it will take at least a month to get to the dragon planet, and the good time is wasted." Pei Junlin pretended to sigh.

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