Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1086: Dragon Blood

She is telling the truth. Some good things are not for everyone to eat. Even if you swallow it, you will not be blessed. My honey, my poison.

After eating some good food, not only does it have no benefit, but it can even directly lead to death.

"Just follow me in, and I will give you some benefits later." Pei Junlin smiled faintly.

At that time, the Chunyang Fire Bell had swept away the air above the mountain and completely absorbed it. Nowadays, the whole pure Yang fire bell is really a match between fire and fire.

After absorbing these endless and powerful gang winds, the power of the Pure Sun Fire Bell has increased tenfold, and it has now been promoted from the previous Zhongpin Lingbao to the Needling Lingbao.

Pei Junlin is no nonsense, reaching for the pure Yang fire bell suspended directly above his head. Countless flames fell from above, surrounding Pei Junlin and the 13th Princess of the Dragon Clan.

With the sudden protection of the Chunyang Fire Bell, you do n’t have to be in a hurry even if you are in danger. Pei Junlin regained control of the bone dragon and rushed into the mountain.

"Is there really no master on the planet of Panlong?" Pei Junlin couldn't help but wonder.

He has made such a huge movement on this dragon planet, so far there has not been any dragon clan strongman, which is too abnormal.

"Dragons are an extremely arrogant race. No one believes at all. Someone will dare to come to the dragon's old nest and cast wild. So there is no doubt that there is no defensive force at all." Princess Thirteen solved the doubts for Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin stood on the back of Bone Dragon, shaking his head like a rattle. The operation of Dragon Ball was indeed difficult to understand.

Soon Pei Junlin rode a bone dragon to the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain, there is a pool of blood red.

This pool of water is completely blood red, and the bubbling is like a natural hot spring, but Pei Junlin can smell a very strong **** gas.

This so-called Hualongchi is only qualified by some top dragons. Immerse the body in this chemical dragon pond and receive the nourishment of the essence and blood of Honghuang Zulong.

According to the thirteenth princess of the dragon family, unless the genius is a genius, he is eligible to come to this dragon pool. The general dragon genius is simply not qualified to come to such a place. The existence of this dragon pond is the top secret of the dragon clan.

Pei Junlin stared at the pool of bubbling blood, and frowned slightly. Although he can feel the huge energy contained in this blood pool, this energy is not too tempting for Pei Junlin.

Could it be that the blood of this wild ancestral dragon has decayed to the present level?

Pei Junlin couldn't hide his disappointment, and even wanted to leave directly, because the name of this Hualong Chi was not true.

The thirteenth princess seemed to see Pei Junlin's thoughts and said warmly: "Ordinary people will never know the secret of this Longchi, but I just know exactly."


Pei Junlin raised his eyebrows, and his eyes shone brightly, because the word secret was often associated with something.

"That drop of ancestral dragon blood is not actually in this Hualong pond, but under the Hualong pond. How precious is the ancestral dragon blood, how can it be used with ordinary people?" Said the thirteen princess of the dragon family.

According to the thirteenth princess, if you want to find the ancestral dragon's blood, you must go deep into the blood pool.

After listening to the words of the thirteen princess of the Dragon tribe, Pei Junlin jumped into the blood pool without hesitation. As soon as he jumped in, Pei Junlin felt a strong blood power.

Although it is not the blood of Zulong, it is also the blood of some Weiwei Dragons. The power contained in it is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary blood.

The blood gas in this blood pool is like a fairy medicine, and Pei Junlin's skin is being absorbed madly. Like the long whale sucking water, the blood in the blood pool shrinks at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Let's come together, too. The benefits of the dragon pool for the dragon are far greater than for other races." Pei Junlin shouted at the thirteenth princess.

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, the look of the face of the thirteen princess of the dragon clan was strange. After hesitation, he jumped into the blood pool.

Seeing the clothes of the thirteenth princess soaked in blood, Pei Junlin thoroughly understood why she hesitated just now. After the clothes were soaked, they clung tightly to the skin, making the figure of the Dragon Princess thirteen fully exposed.

Pei Junlin didn't care about admiring the beauty, but closed his eyes and began to quickly absorb the essence of power in the blood. It can be felt that if all the power of the blood pool is absorbed, it is not difficult to break through the third layer of the undead in one fell swoop.

The thirteen dragon princess stayed in the blood pond for less than ten minutes and couldn't stand it. He jumped out directly because he couldn't bear the rolling spirit here.

It is like an ordinary person who eats ginseng, which will directly make up for nosebleeds. These 13 princesses are exactly the same. His current state of cultivation can't bear such surging power at all, and he has no blessing at all.

But the absorption in just ten minutes was enough to make her useless for life. The following cultivation path laid a solid foundation, and the level of cultivation in the future will definitely continue to improve.

Pei Junlin is like a giant whale on the sea, there is no sign of saturation. The blood in the blood pool was absorbed by Pei Junlin's long whale as it sucked in water, and the blood sank at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten minutes, this was like a blood pond in a large lake, and it was even sucked up by Pei Junlin alone. Seeing this scene, the thirteen princess of the dragon clan was dumbfounded.

Sure enough, after the blood pool completely dried up, a portal to the underground was seen at the bottom of the blood pool. This is a bronze gate with a dragon pattern carved on it.

The legendary ancestral dragon blood should be kept behind this gate. Pei Junlin reached out to pull the door knocker, but for the first time he didn't pull it.

The second time, Pei Junlin exerted the strength of the whole body, and only moved a little. If you want to open this bronze gate, you can't do it with Pei Junlin's current strength.

"Chaos Golden Fight bless me." Pei Junlin shouted.

His whole body was shrouded in a force of chaos, causing his physical strength to explode instantly.

This blessing of chaotic power makes Pei Junlin's body not to collapse with great power. At the same time, millions of Tianyuan jade were instantly thrown out by Pei Junlin. He opened his mouth wide and instantly sucked the sky-stricken Tianyuan jade into his mouth.

The rolling spirit is like the ocean, washing towards Pei Junlin, making the body strength continue to climb.

Five hundred heads of dragons!

A thousand dragons!

When the power reached 1,200 dragons, Pei Junlin felt that his body had finally reached a critical point. Even with the blessing of the Chaos Golden Fight, his body cannot withstand the immense power without limit. The 1,200-headed dragon is already the limit he can bear now.

If it were not for absorbing the flesh and blood essence in the entire blood pool before, Pei Junlin might now only be able to withstand the power of five hundred dragons.

But after absorbing the rolling blood in the Hualong Chi, Pei Junlin's body strength has more than doubled.

The obvious benefits made Pei Junlin in a good mood. He shouted and his arms suddenly grabbed the copper ring. With a loud drink, the bronze gate was suddenly opened by Pei Junlin.


As soon as the bronze gate opened, Pei Junlin heard a deafening roar, and then he saw a blood dragon rush out of the bronze gate and fly directly into the sky.

Pei Junlin reacted quickly, and grabbed the blood dragon's tail with his hand. However, the power of this blood dragon is too great, and it can't be grasped by Pei Junlin at any time.

"Hurry up and grab it, this is a drop of essence blood of Honghuang Zulong." The thirteen princess of the dragon clan stood aside immediately.

The bone dragon suspended in mid-air also cooperated with Pei Junlin to encircle the blood dragon. Pei Junlin's inner shock couldn't be increased. He never imagined that a drop of essential blood of the Honghuang Zulong was so powerful.

Only a drop of blood can be transformed into a dragon, and its strength is comparable to the master of the real **** realm. The imbued qi and blood are simply shocking.

Under the bone dragon's encirclement and suppression, the blood dragon really slowed down a lot, and Pei Junlin took advantage of this opportunity to leap into the sky and hugged the blood dragon.

In an instant, Jindou Space opened directly, instantly bringing Pei Junlin together with everyone and Blood Dragon into the interior of Jindou Space.

The moment of entering the Jindou space, a powerful oppressive force pressed down, making this blood dragon instantly decay into a drop of scarlet essence blood suspended in mid-air.

On the ancestral dragon's essence and blood, Pei Junlin can feel the surging power, including the unyielding will of the dragon family.

"How exactly is this ancestral dragon blood used? Is it directly swallowed?" Even Pei Junlin, who was a man of the Third World, didn't know how to use this kind of ancestor dragon blood.

I only know that this thing is good, UU reading www. But whether he directly devours or refines the panacea, Pei Junlin has no idea now.

"If you swallow it directly, your body will grow scales, and your hands and feet will directly become the claws of the dragon clan. That is to say, the genetic fragment in the blood of the ancestor dragon is enough to make you a dragon." Jinye appeared beside Pei Junlin.

After hearing Lord Jin ’s words, Pei Junlin was a bit creepy. If he did n’t hesitate a moment ago, but directly swallowed the blood of this ancestral dragon, I am afraid I ca n’t regret it now.

By that time, it really became a half-human and half-dragon monster. What happened?

"What I am saying is only for ordinary people. You don't have this concern about you now. You are now the second layer of the undead body. The strength of the body is already strong enough to suppress the power of the blood of this ancestral dragon." After seeing a horrified look on Pei Junlin's face, he said something again.

Pei Junlin heard Master Jin saying this, and really relaxed a lot, he walked to the drop of ancestral dragon's essence blood, ready to swallow it. At this time, a black shadow directly crossed Pei Junlin, biting the blood of that ancestral dragon.

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