Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1087: Cut off

The figure suddenly rushed out was the **** donkey, biting the blood of the ancestral dragon and swallowing it directly.

Everyone was stunned to see this scene, and everyone looked at the **** donkey dumbfounded.

"Everyone is a friend. If you eat a drop of essential blood, you shouldn't be angry." The **** donkey looked at Pei Junlin's gradually twisted face and said cunningly.

The wood has become a boat, and Pei Junlin's regeneration is no longer interesting. The blood of Zulong has been swallowed by the **** donkey, and it cannot be dug out of his mouth now.

But this kid is too wild, and he has to guard against him in the future.

Pei Junlin did not show anything, but other people were somewhat indignant, especially Ye Tianxing, they could not wait to grab the **** donkey and beat him.

In desperation, they were not opponents of the **** donkey at all.

A big drop of essence and blood devoured the hungry ancestor dragon. The black donkey seemed to have no reaction. It was not like it was a huge amount of essence.

Pei Junlin and Jin Ye looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. The donkey is absolutely mysterious, and what he has done is invisible.

"We moved Nahua Longchi, and will inevitably disturb some heads of the dragon clan. I suggest leaving here as soon as possible." The thirteen princess of the dragon clan who had not spoken said towards Pei Junlin and others.

The purpose of this revenge has been initially achieved, which is still not very resentful for Pei Junlin. The 100 million extraterrestrial races have been wiped out by the races of the Dragon Race and Pengzu, which is human life.

"Boss Pei, why don't we simply destroy the sacrificial temple of the Dragon tribe, dig out its roots, and plan all his ancestral graves." Li Tianpei stood up and proposed.

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, but the look on Pei Junlin's face was somewhat uncertain.

The struggle is not to invite guests to dinner, nor to be arrogant with others, but to pay attention to strategy. Destroyed the temple of the dragon and excavated the ancestral tomb of the dragon. Although it is depressing, it will touch the dragon to the greatest extent.

If the Dragon Master Tianjun level master is shot, then the earth will be in danger.

However, just going back like this, Pei Junlin was still a little puzzled. He opened the star chart and observed that there were several planets of the dragon family near Panlong Star.

Those planets are resource stars, and there are not many dragons living there. Pei Junlin intends to go around these planets and plunder on them.

Everyone rode the bone dragon and left Panlong Planet directly, heading towards a planet called From the Star. This bone dragon's speed is very fast, far exceeding the speed of Chaos Jindou.

Traveling through the universe is more efficient.

"Don't talk nonsense when you get to the place, kill or plunder resources." Pei Junlin said towards everyone.

Everyone nodded, their eyes sparkling with excitement. Now everyone's role seems to have changed into a group of bandits about to go to robbery.

Obviously it is a just act of revenge, but on the pretext of plundering resources, it seems a bit utilitarian. But Pei Junlin couldn't care much anymore. In the first place, everyone now needs resources, and in the second, the dragon clan really needs revenge.

Soon the people landed on this planet, and the aura of the spirits surprised everyone. It never happened that the Dragons had such a feng shui treasure.

It was at this time that Pei Junlin's pupils shrank, and he felt the threat of threat.

"Go!" Pei Junlin yelled.

But it was too late, a strong momentum broke out around him, dozens of times, a strong breath, surrounded everyone.

Pei Junlin looked around and saw that Long Qiu, headed by the dragon family, stood in the crowd, staring at himself with a pair of eyes. There are also some masters in the rest, who are in the realm of Yin and God.

In addition to Long Qiu, there are two other masters of the True God Realm, in addition to some Yin God masters, there are hundreds.

Unexpectedly, this time he fell into the trap, and Long Qiu must have waited again for a long time.


A black shadow descended from the sky and smashed into the ground with smoke. Pei Junlin glanced at it. It turned out to be a big fat pig with golden light.

This fat pig was no one else, it was the third prince of the pig, and Pei Junlin was a little surprised to see that the swollen nose and blue eyes of the third prince were exposed.

"Hurry up, don't save me, don't control me." Crown Prince Zhu was very loyal at this time.

Pei Junlin did not expect that Long Qiu would have found the third prince of pigs, and then things on Yangshuo and Reynolds should not be a secret.

"Don't go out from here today, you all must die." Long Qiu had a terrible look on his face.

His son Longjiang died in the hands of Pei Junlin, which is one of the reasons why he brought so many people to block Pei Junlin.

To know that now is the critical moment for the Dragon race and other races to **** the wealth of the planet Reynolds. It is enough to show that such a large number of forces can come to chase.

"Boss Pei, fight with them." A group of men and women next to Pei Junlin were not outdone.

Everyone sacrificed magic weapons and brought out weapons, and a group of young men and women next to Bao Guang soared into the sky.

"Brother-in-law, I can help you block a master of the true **** realm." Wang Ziyu, the little aunt, smiled with a smile.

This made Pei Junlin a little shocked. Wang Ziyu was only in the late stage of the Yin God Realm. It was impossible to block the Real God Realm. After crossing the two realms, even if there is the value of the wild god, Wang Ziyu wants to block a master of the real **** realm, it is also a fool's dream.

Now Pei Junlin and Dahei donkey are the realm of Yangshen, but the realm of Dahei donkey is very vague. Pei Junlin is also not sure whether he is the realm of Yang Shen, but the **** donkey can resist a master of the real **** realm, which is beyond doubt.

The other party has three giant dragons in the real **** realm. In addition to Long Qiu, the other two are very weak and almost half-step true gods.

In addition to Pei Junlin's ability to block Long Qiu, there is also a **** donkey that can block a head. The remaining one made Pei Junlin a headache.

The brothers and sisters around me are all in the realm of Yin Shen, and it's okay to fight with the dragon demon clan in the realm of Yin Shen. If the master of the real God Realm is not blocked by the remaining day, it will almost be a one-sided disaster.

"Fu Jun, don't worry, my sister and I have blocked one and a half steps of the real **** realm dragon. There is no problem at all." Wang Ziqiong also stood beside Pei Junlin and offered a moonlight treasure box.

The chaotic spirit treasures on the two sisters are jointly blessing, maybe it is not a problem to block a master of the real **** realm, but it is impossible to kill.

"Remember to protect yourself and save your strength, as long as you trap the other party." Pei Junlin said towards Prince Qiong Wang Ziyu.

On the other side, the **** donkey rushed past with four hooves braving the golden light. A half-step true **** realm master beside Long Qiu flew out, blocking the **** donkey, and a fierce battle broke out immediately between the two.

There is nothing to say, the **** donkey has already started, and Pei Junlin will naturally not be outdone. Flying up, the broken domain sword in his hand suddenly cleaved a shocking sword light, and instantly split towards the half-step real **** realm master beside Longqiu.

Pei Junlin's hand came very suddenly, and his shot was the strongest move. Wulei Zhengtianfu instantaneously exploded with strong lightning power, blessing the power of the Heavenly Tribulation above the Sword of Breaking Domain, and instantly a thick red lightning entangled the other party.

Even the master of the real **** realm, it is also a trick under the surprise. Pei Junlin's sword-skinned body was black, and his strength was suddenly reduced by three layers.

At this time Long Qiu also reflected, flew up and turned into a black dragon, and rushed towards Pei Junlin. The claws waved in the air, the space was torn open directly, and the endless power of the space rushed over.

Pei Junlin's purpose has been achieved. His first move was to weaken the strength of the half-step true **** realm master, so as to relieve the pressure of Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu. Now that he has done it, he can safely deal with Long Qiu.

Long Qiu's strength is not weak, but he is a master in the middle of the real **** realm. For Pei Junlin, it was a general pressure of Taishan. This time Long Qiu rushed over, Pei Junlin did not dare to be distracted, and could only focus all his attention on Long Qiu.

On the other side, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu sisters rely on the divine power of Taihuang Shending and the Moonlight Box, and mediate with the injured real **** realm.

In the dusty sky, Pei Junlin and Long Qiu fought in midair, and the violent energy fluctuations brought by the two caused a gust of wind to the surrounding desert.

Now, Pei Jun is at a lower level than his opponent. This is a battle across a large level. Long Qiu thought that Pei Junlin could be torn apart with his own hands. He didn't know how to deal with Pei Junlin.

It seems that it is still too urgent. I thought I could make Pei Junlin a fly ash in one move. How can I know that two people have passed a hundred tricks, then Pei Junlin is still in an invincible position.

On the other side ~ ~ The **** donkey and the master of the real **** half-step realm also did not fall in the wind. Four glowing hoofs fluttered in the air and played a chaotic fist.

It seems to have no rules, but it is unusually powerful. It even defeated the master of the real **** realm. This scene shows that everyone is stunned. Before this, the **** donkey was indeed underestimated.

The battlefield between Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu is equally moving. The two sisters supported each other and guarded each other, even trapping the master of the realm of half a step.

This master of the half-step true **** realm was previously cut by Pei Junlin with a sword. , Now bound by the two sisters, he could not help but suffocate his heart, and repeatedly roared, but there was no way to do it.

In addition to these three major battlefields, the fighting of the rest of the people is also fierce. With Ye Tianxing as the core, he has surrounded a dozen masters of the Yin God Realm.

However, Ye Tianxing alone is enough to contain so many masters of the equal strength of the Yin God Realm, or even fall in the wind. The primordial **** of the poor Qi Tianjun showed great power behind him, crushing the masters of the same level.

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